Rating:  Summary: Exciting Adventure Review: A Review by JohnThis book is about a troubled boy who keeps getting into trouble. When this story starts Rick is arrested for throwing 20 rocks at a stop sign because he was frustrated. This I thought was kind of a stupid reason but the book gets a lot better. He has no family, not many friends and he has lived in foster homes for along time since his grandmother's death. Check out this amazing exciting book!!! A few things I liked about this book were the adventures and the risks he takes such as in the ending which you will have to read to find out, he is very independent which is cool because he doesn't have to rely on anybody. Seeing how he is a teen like myself he has a lot more courage than me, because of all the things he has gone through. Another thing is the man who takes him in and helps him hide out, I thought that was pretty cool because the man helped him get away. All around great book check this out for sure!!!
Rating:  Summary: Flying through your problems Review: A review by Kelley A boy of the age of fourteen is faced with further challenges then any other typical young teen. Rick has been passed on from foster family, to foster family all his life. Rick one day takes out all his anger in his life by breaking the law. The judge sentenced him to 6 months in Blue Meadows Detention Center. Three weeks into his long sentence he escapes and travels to Arizona by hitchhiking and stowing away in peoples cars without them knowing. After arriving in the middle of nowhere he finds a man who studies birds them in the wilderness next to the maze in Arizona. This story portrays the thoughts of Rick having nowhere to go and no thoughts of his own. I enjoyed how the author explained in details what Rick was thinking. For example, the author told about the dreams Rick was having and what they meant. It was kind of hard to believe that Lon would take in a boy he doesn't even know that could easily take over him and know that he has escaped from the law. Lon and Rick took chances many people wouldn't take. For instance, Lon tried teaching Rick to fly with a hang glider but turned very unsuccessful the first week or two. I enjoyed how Lon believed in Rick and never doubted him just because he has gotten in trouble. I think the author showed the readers how even thought the world is not perfect people can work together on their differences and succeed in anything they want I enjoyed the characters in this book because the characters varied in all personalities and their actions were predictable. This book is not like books I've ever read before but mad me change my mind about what I think about these kinds of books. I believe I will be reading more of these kinds of books again. The language of the book was easily read without difficulties but still left a sort of edge to the thought and description. The climax of the story doesn't get built up it just sort of came out not to strongly either. I was hoping for more roadblocks in the story that got in the way. I think the length of the story was too long for what was happening in the story each situation was extended more then it should have been. I enjoyed the ending of the story because al though Rick's problems were faced again he had a better understanding and someone to turn back on for support. I would recommend this book to people that enjoy long thought out details in books and not a whole lot of laughs. The book is easy to read but hard to out down. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: The Condor Project Review: A Review by Sam I read the book The Maze which was about a 14 year-old boy named Rick that lived in various foster homes. But that all changes when he went sent to Blue Canyon Youth Detention Center down by Las Vegas for throwing rocks repeatedly at a stop sign. Rick was sent there six months on probation and hated it, Rick hated it so much he decided to escape and run. Rick plans to run as far as he can, even by hitch hiking. He meets a man named Lon that teaches him about life. I like how this book has good pacing. It keeps you in suspense so that you want to keep reading. Also it had some good high points, such as when Rick had escaped from the detention center and when he learned how to hang glide. Rick had always dreamt about flying. When he learned how to hang glide he discovers he was a natural. During Rick's stay at Lon's camp he learns about saving Condors, which are very large birds. What I liked the most is the realism and the descriptions in this book. When the author tells the story he gives details that make you feel what the character is feeling and doing. This story could very well happen in today's place and time. I would give this book a strong four, because of its high points and good pacing. I would recommend this book to anyone that likes adventure, and that likes to have two or more main characters that bond together and learn from each other.
Rating:  Summary: A-maze-ing! Review: From the first page, I was hooked on this book. A few pages later, I laughed at Killian's "literary appetite" and pitied his situation. Soon, you learn about Rick's problems. Because his life was endangered in a juvenile detention center, he embarked on a journey across the Southwest. He met Lon, a bird biologist who became like a father to him. I'm not a "nature girl" who often reads stories with male protagonists, but I immensely enjoyed "Maze". There were beautiful descriptions of the majestic landscape and an engaging plot. I wonder what'll happen to Rick in the future; however, dreaming up the outcome of a character's situation is part of the fun of reading a cliffhanger book. To anyone who loves tales of adventure with edge-of-your-seat suspense, I reccomend this book. My New Year's resolution: read more Will Hobbs books.
Rating:  Summary: The Maze Review: I liked this book because it was also a action packed thriller.The book intresded me beacuse it delt with Condors witch were fisty dangerous birds.I also liked the book because Rick went hand gliding over the maze and it made my stomach drop from the deatails and information they were giving on how scary it was.I hope they come out with a sequel to tyhis action packed book.
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Green's Review For The Maze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I really liked this book because it was packed with action and the main character was a lot like me. I like to have fun but some of the things that I do to have fun get me into trouble. I am not a bad kid though. I really liked the part where Rick the main character stole a car from Ron, an older man who lives out in the desert to get data from the fledgling condors.
Rating:  Summary: The Maze Review: I really liked this book. I liked the details it had. It was very suspenceful, which made me want to keep reading it. I liked the ending it didn't just leave you hanging like most books.
Rating:  Summary: Young Adults will love the adventure and excitement! Review: I'm reading some of Will Hobbs' books for a graduate class I am taking. The Maze is so full of adventure and excitement, I couldn't put it down! Young adults will love the Canyonlands setting which is perfect for the elements of exploration and danger. What I loved most about the book was how 14 yr. old Rick's interests were so similar to Lon's, the bird biologist he befriends. The releasing and tracking of the endangered condors, and the hang-gliding lessons, were a real plus to the storyline. I particularly appreciated the author notes at the end, which included a websight for those who want further information on condors. An excellent read!
Rating:  Summary: Boxes Review: Ii liked this book beacuse it was a action packed thriller.Ii liked the part when the little creatures jumed out of the box and hide in the dark ,that part scared me alot. I also liked the part when when the girl opened the box even though it was seeled shut by metal.This book was so scary and good i never put it down. I hope they make a sequal.
Rating:  Summary: Akhenia from Richview Middle School "The Maze". Review: In this book there are some character first Rick,Lon,Mr.B.This book is pretty much about this boy named Rick Walker.At first he didn't know who his parents were so he was raised by his grandmother who was only 47 when she died,and he was 10.He had to serve six months.he really didn't want to go to Blue Canyon Youth Detention Center because there were murderers and people like that.Later 3 months after in there he decided he didn't want to stay there any longer.One night he was thinking about escaping.He was climbing up the barbed wire he snagged his cheek.So, for nights he had to stay outside for a few days.The conflict of the book is that they were still looking for him.The most exciting part was when while he was traveling he had found a nice dog,and what was cool was that the dog stayed with him most of the time.I loved the book because ,it was funny at some point.If i could convince a friend to read this book I would tell them they would love it.