Rating:  Summary: This book changed my collective lives........ Review: Heinlein comes through with a masterpiece. I'm kinda unstable to begin with, so having this guide me through the rough times was cool. I tried to tell this temporary employee who worked at the TV plant where I work that this book was the best there ever was, but he just wouldn't read it. Oh well - his loss, buddy-boy. He insisted that SATIRE was his bag. I think he mentioned Swift's "Gulliver's Travels." Man, I hardly know what satire is. That smart guy. He thought he knew it all. He just kept talking about how my high school football team was doing and stuff like that. He'd make up stuff and try to fool me alot. You're saying, what does that have to do with this book? I wanted that smart-guy to read "Stranger" so he'd get a better prespecktive and junk along those lines. 'Cuz when you read this book, buddy, you ain't gonna think the same way ever again. This book is just the best and I reccemmende it two everyone who likes good books. I mean, GREAT books. That dude also never did his work. He goofed off alot and didn't get projeckts done on time most of the time. If only heed have listened to me & read this book, he'd have probably got some work done every once in a wile. I hope he reads this. Then the book. If you're reading this, maybe you should, two. I know my spelling ain't so good, buy that don't mean I can't read a good book every once in a while. And this is the best I've ever seen, buddy. Tank that too the tank (or bank, for all you financial types out there). That kid also put sunflower seeds all through my frinds's books. Who stupid!! Just read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Should be tenth-grade required reading! Review: "Stranger in a Strange Land" is one of the best books I've ever read. It really doesn't belong in a specific genre, with parts of sci-fi, romance, fantasy, religion and politics. Any book lover would love it; it really is "the most famous science fiction novel ever written.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Ideas Review: While the ideas communicated in this book are fantastic (far beyond what people expect to find in things like the Celestine Prophesy and 1984, and Stranger combines these into one)RAH is overly preachy at times, and lets himself explain the ideas a little too much. I personally prefer books where the essence comes across through the action and hidden in the diaglogue instead of it being explained (such as Brave New World.) Still, the concepts are good enough that this book deserves a 9.
Rating:  Summary: Love it - or get out'a here. Review: Either you love this book as it is or you shouldn't comment on any of Heinlein's books. This is the ultimate statement of RAH's philosophy, seemingly independent of Lazerus Long's Multiverse, though connected in thought. The Stranger is what Lazerus will never be, conscious of his life and the lore surrounding him. Also he has no evil, just the knowledge of higher wisedom and the power to share it. Heinlein's projected concepts are not really new. Karl Marx and Jesus Christ once had quite similar thoughts. The realization in RAH's Science Fiction, though, is magnificent, so are the redheads he obviously loves writing about.
Rating:  Summary: It is a goodness. Review: When I first purchased this book a few years ago, [The uncut re-edited version], I had no idea whatsoever about it. I've never heard of it, never seen it, et cetera. Since having read it, I must say it is definitely one of THE best books I have ever read. The book metamorphoses from total sci-fi type beginning, to more action/politics, then to a more philosophical and religious area, all while keeping a science fiction overtone apparent. If you actually read it with an open mind, it can make your eyes open up to many things and even alter your outlook on life! A powerful book, you won't even realise it's from 1961 when you read it...
Rating:  Summary: Cheers to Jubal! Review: Bear in mind that is work isn't just a classic of science fiction; it enters circles of literary masterpieces. Heinlein does wonders with characterization. Consider my favorite character: Jubal Harshaw. This man's knowledge covers an incredible scope. You'll find commentaries that range from Rodin sculptures and organized religions to sexual mores and astrology. This book is a definite eye-opener. Remember, Thou Art God....
Rating:  Summary: Just plain incredible Review: Stranger in a Strange Land is a Heinlein novel. Really, its Heinlein doing what he does best: being Heilein. Here, in distilled concentrated form is the philosophy that Heilein brings into all his other novels. The book is not really about the plot or characters at all, but more about the author's personal philosophy and the modern world (as he saw it so many years ago).If you don't like Heinlein, Stranger probably won't make you a believer. If you do like Heinlein, read it. If you haven't read Heinlein yet, don't start with this book. Start with something lighter and funner, like "Cat Who Walks Through Walls" or one of his fun young adult books like "Podkayne of Mars", or if your into longer books "Time Enough for Love" I really liked this book, but its not going to win over people nor is it a good place to start reading Heinlein.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage. Absolute Garbage. I couldn't finish it. Review: I tried reading this a few years ago because it was a "classic". It was the first book by this author that I read, and it ruined me on him forever. (Although I recently read Starship Troopers and found it ok.) His picking and choosing of ideas from many world views to support his 'universal love' and 'whatever feels good to you is right', in what seemed an atheistic world, was annoying. I didn't like any of the characters, and the plot just got more ridiculous the more I read (I finished about 3/4ths of the book). Count me as one the Heinlein unbelievers.
Rating:  Summary: The most important work in modern literature. Review: Despite the fact that this isn't Heinlein's BEST work, it is his most important. The ideas presented here both shock and stimulate, jarring the aware reader to think in ways he or she may have never thought before. I read Heinlein's brain-transplant novel, "I Will Fear No Evil" when I was a pre-teen, and it was an amazing work, and the reading of Stranger while in high school was a life-altering experience. It made me question everything I was ever taught, and emphasized the one thing that makes you free in life: question everything.
Rating:  Summary: misleading title Review: I say that the title is misleading because unfortunatly the world told about in the book is frightenly familiar to the one in which we now live.The supression of sexuality,thinking,and individuality are things that are just as prevelant in todays world as they are in the book. Mass market religion the cares more about looking good that actually being helpful is one of the things that is highlighted and it as well is a problem we have in todays world. I first read this book in high school as part of a report on companionship. What I discovered was a novel about the deepest friendship that could ever be. Heinleins novel was well written,interesting, and a all around fun book. If your looking for a lighthearted look at todays world. Or a book with serious discussion of todays problems, that this is the book for you.