Rating:  Summary: Acacia's Review Review: Though the author started the book somewhat slow, I found myself unable to put it down one I was in the second chapter. John Stienbeck did very well at revealing and recreating the conditions that migrant workers went through. He showed how little money they got from their jobs during the beginning of the book bye describing how the men looked, what they had, and with the fact that they couldn't even afford ketchup. At the bunkhouse he showed us the bottle of pesticide that a past worker had used. He showed how the workers had to deal with being tolerant towards the boss's pugnacious son. Stienbeck also made the statement that they were under respected and only expected to do their work and move on to another job.Stienbeck surprised me in the way that he developed the characters pretty well without going in=depth on any of them. I just read the book and felt like I knew most of them. Never did a character do something that struck me as not them. Stienbeck just placed down the basics of the characters and moved on, slipping in the tidbits of personality here and there. The characters were also very believable to me for being people who were raised without the best education and had worked most of their lives doing jobs like this. Their dialogue was very convincing. I was upset that Curley's wife was cut out of the book, she was a very intriguing character to me. This is a terrific book for young adults because it is a great work of literature, and should create an understanding of most classic novels to them after they read it. It begins the learning process of symbolism in literature and introduces them to stories without perfect happily ever after endings or a perfect world. Most young adults, in my opinion, should be drawn into it and if they try enough they should be able to see the relationships between different things. This book touches onto the subject or discrimination. There was discrimination against these workers, retarded people, and women. George was bugged about being with Lennie, the wife was not allowed to wander, and the boss looked down on his workers. It's definitely a book all middle school students should read.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: I liked Of Mice and Men because the way it was writted it made me have to think while also it being very easy to understand. I would give this book *** stars. I think that John Steinbeck did a relly good job of recreatinjg the 1930's California migrant workers and their conditions. Well, Steinbeck being from the era of the 1930's , but he described it in a way that you knew what he was talking about. For example for the way that Steinbeck told of how the men usually traveled alone with no one person that cared abiou tt them and withe no monew to feed and care for themselves.How worl was for them on the ranches and other placed they would work. Steinbeck developed the characters well. They were very believable. For example curley's wife, just the way she was treated because back in those days women weren't treated very well. John Steinbeck wrote her character as being alone, not taken very seriously, and how nobody listened to what she had to say, much like the women in the past. The way he wrote of how the men on the ranch acted and talked to each other; they would act feircly and protective of their things around each other. This novel is a good bood for young adults to read because they can learn a lot. A lot of the problems that happened in the book are just a few of the things that happen in reall life, not only in the United States, but all over the world; way back when and now days. Some of the lessons that this book can teach people of all ages many different things such as not to discriminate and to be interactive with people and many more. One of the social issues that this book deals with is discrimination. How Crooks, the crippled stable-buck, how he is alone and nobody takes him seriously just because he is a colored man. Just like today and even in the future there will always be discrimination no matter what race. I hope that whoever reads this agrees with my oppinions and liked this book as much as I did. Sincerly, Nichel
Rating:  Summary: Marievic's Master Review Review: I really like this book by John Steinbeck because it creates imagry that most books can't give me. Steinbeck recreates the 1930's California migrant worker conditions very well because while I was reading parts, such as when lennie & Curley's wife were talking, and also the two killing scenes of Curley's wife and Lennie. I could see pictures in head. I pictured the whole book while reading it. It is very believable that they all were from the 1930's because of all the racism, sexism, 7 mental health problems. Steinbeck developed the characters very well. The way they talked & acted gave me a movie of how they looked, walked, & even more. For in stance, if I never looked or seen the front cover, I could still picture him. It is the same with George, Crooks, & Candy. This is an excellent book for young adults all over the world. I could hardly put the book down in the last few sections. He taught me a lot about problems that are still in our world today, such as racism and sexism. Everyone who reads this book will learn a lot from reading this book. It teaches lessons of freindship, loneliness, trust, love, racism, sexism, & living in the 1930's. Of Mice & Men has a lot of descrimination throughout the whole book. With women, blacks, a people who have mental health needs.
Rating:  Summary: Of mice and men Review: In this novel. Steinbeck creates the 1930's CA migrant worker conditions very welll. "Everyone that works on the ranch lives in a bunk house. Steinbecks developed his characters very well. Everyone in the book uses correct dialog. and for the most part they were beleivable. I think that this book is a very good novel for mature young adults. It willl give them a glimspe of what life was like gack in the 1930's. there is some raceisim in the bgook as well as some mild language. Branden
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: Of Mice and Men is a good novel to teach to young adults because it tells alot about life. For example it tells how sometimes you are going to be alone or only have a few people you can count on then all of a sudden you are all on you're own.One of the social issues that this book includes is discrimanation. This social issues is brought into they book by they way they treat crooks the black stable buck and how he is set apart from the rest of the workers. Also by Curley's wife and how she doesn't ever get a name in the book. I think that Steinbeck did a pretty good job with developing the charaters in this book. The way he had them speak and what they wore really broght the charaters to life and made me imagine life at that time and what it was like. also the way he described every thing from their cloths to what they were hearing or saying really helped in making this book come alive. Steinbeck recreated a 1930's migrant workers condition pretty well. He did a good job telling how lonely their jobs were because you were always on the move going from job to job never having time for family and having no house to go home to.
Rating:  Summary: Fight the power Review: it was a good book but i think lennie should have lived beacuse if lennie would have lived then he would have got to tend the rabits
Rating:  Summary: Review for "Of Mice and Men" Review: This is a great book. Steinbeck has created a se\cenario that can easily detail how these migrant workers lived in the 1930s. The character's thoughts and actions illustrated them very easily. You can almost personally feel what they're going through. This book is great literacture for yount adult readers, and I would highly suggest it. It includes many types of different people, all unique with their own personal problems. Lennie and George have a special friendship which is well explained in this book. I think that for people who enjoy classic literature would highly be interested in this book. Sincerely, Xander
Rating:  Summary: OF mice and Men Review: I liked this book because it's the only book that I had feeling on it and I wanted to read it, it's not one of those books when you have to read it for an assignment, it's one of those books when you want to read the book every second that you have free time to read. Steinback recrete this book pritty good because it was a really long time ago and he had to memorize the story but he could have put more information in the story and it could have been more exciting. I believd in all of the charecters because in the book it proves all of the guys and girls are really part of the story and why they are they in the book. This book takes it serious and dramatic and sadily so that why it's a good book to read and when you start reading this book you can't stop because it such a good book to read. This book teaches about feelings and how you should treet mental people. by: Derik
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: I liked this book because it changed my opinion on what I thought of people like Curley's wife and Lennie. Steinbeck recreated the 1930's CA migrant worker conditions very well. It seemed like he new exactly what it was like, I mean the whole racism and sexism consepts and everything. I believe that some people did have dreams that did get some obstacles like someone dying in the way. He made me see that some other places in this United States were not any worse than what happend here in Alaska. Steinbeck developed the characters very well. He brought them out like real life characters and he put them in a real life scenario. They were believable because, like I said,they were put in a real life scenario and they acted like a person in those areas would. This novel is a good book to read for young adults because it recreates what is possible in the United States today. I think it should stay taught in the 8th month of the 8th grade by Ms.Farvour because it really brings alot of meaning to the lesson it teaches. It teaches that the world has it's problems, just like everyone you know. I mean it may not have the exact same problems, but they relate to real people. It speaks for the Social Issue of retardation, prostitution, racism, sexism, and people judging people because of who they are, where they're from, what they look like, and why they are the way they are.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK Review: Steinbeck did a great job of recreating CA in the 1930's. He showed what kind of clothes they wore, how they talked, and how they did things with less technology. The characters were also well created. All of the characters had great personality's and their own unique ways of doing things. Each character was belivable, because there are people in the world like that right now. This is a good book to teach to young adults, because its address's lots of social issues. Some of the social issues are: Sexisam, Racisam, Violence and retardation awareness. I recomend this book to people of any age. THANK YOU