Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: I like the story Of Mice and Men. The story starts out in a field of weed. They get kicked out of weed cause of Lennie (a big strong working man that is slow) he touched a girl with a red dress. George is a guy that is short and takes care of Lennie. Lennie is a guy that likes to pet dead rats. George gets Lennie out of trouble or else he would probably be dead.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: I thought Of Mice and Men was a very, very good book. Sometimes I even had to stop myself from reading it. I really got into it. I didn't like the language very much though. It uses curse words a little bit too much. I still think it's a very good book. At first it seemed a little bit weird at first, but after I really started reading it I liked it. I thought the ending was sad though. I would tell anyone looking for a good book to read to read this one. I really liked Of Mice and Men.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice And Men Review: The story is about two guys who go to a ranch to find jobs. George is a small guy who is smart. Lennie is a big guy who is very slow. Lennie gets in lots of trouble with wanting to pet soft things like mice and velvet. When they get the job Lennie gets in lots of trouble with other workers at the ranch. There is a girl on the ranch, which gets Lennie in lots of trouble at the end of the story. I think it is a good book to read.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: OF MICE AND MENOf Mice and Men is an interesting story. Many people think that it is boring just by looking at the title. But you can't judge a book by its cover. Of Mice and Men is a different book then any other book that I have read. It has many characters with different personalities that you have never seen. Of Mice and Men is about two guys, Lennie and George. Lennie is a big guy but he is not smart. George is a guy who travels with Lennie and takes care of him. When they go to a ranch to find work many twists take place. I would recommend this book. You won't put it down!
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice & Men Review: Of Mice & Men This is a story about two guys, Lennie and George. They are very close friends, and trust each other well. The story begins at a river near a small pond. Lennie likes to pet things that are really soft, because his aunt use to give him mice to pet when he was little. They get a job on a farm to raise money to get their own piece of land. But a few days after they get the job all heck breaks lose and Lennie runs away. George finds him and the rest you have to read yourself.
Rating:  Summary: "Of Mice and Men" Review: The story, Of Mice & Men was a laid back but humorous. I thought it was a great book. The characters all were individual. They all had their own distinct personalities. Lennie was my favorite character. He was a big guy that wasn't to bright. Actually I felt bad for him. I also felt bad for the mice he killed. Well the story is mostly about two guys working on a ranch, but dream of having a place of their own. Lennie who was strong but had a mind of his own, wanted rabbits. He couldn't get off the subject bout those rabbits. I really liked the book but the one thing I didn't like was how it ended. I was hoping that they would get Lennie's dream about having a place of their own and livin off the fat of the lan.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men was a good book, I recommend it to anyone who likes a good short book. It's full of fun and adventure. But it had its ups and downs. It is not a bad book, I think that I would read it again, but not for a while, I would like to watch the movie first so I can compare if it is even close to how the book goes. I only like one character and that's Lennie, he is very funny at some points, and sad at other points in the book. Over all it was a good book to read if you like to read books.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: The book Of mice and Men was a good book. It keeps you wanting to know more the whole way through. The characters are described very well, but the two main characters are opposite. One, named Lennie, is big tall and stupid, he acts like a five-year-old as they put it in the book. The other one, George, is short and kind of smart compared to Lennie. Unlike most of the other ranch hands the two are traveling together from ranch to ranch, and even more than others are because Lennie is always getting into trouble. Lennie loves soft things, which gets him into a lot of trouble. At this last ranch they think they will finally fulfill their dream and earn enough money to buy a piece of land, Lennie gets into the biggest mess of all.
Rating:  Summary: Why i didnt like Of Mice and Men. Review: Of Mice and Men I didn't like the book at all. The only thing that I actually liked about the book was the character Lennie. I thought that they described his characteristics very well. The author described the way Lennie acted so well, that when u were reading the book it was like u could hear his voice. I didn't like the way the story was written, because that isn't really my type of book. I think the reason I didn't really like the book is because I don't really like reading that much, so that probably had an effect on the way I looked at the book after I was done reading it. I wouldn't really recommend this book to someone.
Rating:  Summary: THE REPORT Review: My report Travelling across America in search of who are now they do it on cycles, in cars, by bus or in time honored tradition of foot and thumb. The wanderers of today may wear the long and speak a different jargon, but their trip is one that men and woman have taken for as long as this country has been pushing at its frontier.