Rating:  Summary: A Negative Downfall Review: As an assignment to my 11th grade American Literature class, one of the requirements has been to read Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I found this novel to be strange and extremely obnoxious. One is introduced to two characters, George and Lennie, right off the bat. As a reader I found myself placing my body and mind into the characters positions. You easily fall in love with the relationship between the two of them. George has this dream and a life that he is able to incorperate Lennie into. Lennie is a sweat, compassionate man with a mental disability. This novel sets you up for Lennie's repeated downfall. Therefore, I find myself to be disgusted with the book.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT BOOK FOR STUDENTS Review: George and lennie are good friends and they travel together. After death of lennie's aunt lennie become very close to George. Lennie is a mentally sick person even he doesn't understand some one had a played on him. He is a huge man, shapeless of face with large, pale eyes with wide and sloping shoulders. He likes to pet pups specially rabbits. George is opposite to lennie. George is small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp. Other corrector is slim. He is tall skinner. Slim is person who knows everything about farming than anyone. Next corrector is Curley. He is son of the boss. He is very hot temper man. Other corrector is Purty. Purty is Curley's wife but she is very... easy going. Other corrector is whit. He is also young farmer working with them. Other corrector is Crooks. He is a Negro and he is living with same place with everybody but in separate room. He maintains his room very clean and he reads book. He keeps himself away from others because he is others are racist on him. UNBELIVEBLEEND,
Rating:  Summary: micey men Review: Of Mice and Men could possibly be the most extrordinary piece of literature that I have ever read. John Steinbeck chooses perfectly fitting words when he is describing actions and settings. He paints a a very detailed picture that successfully informs the reader of all the events pertaining to the story. Steinbeck's writing pulls emotions out of his characters. By doing this, he provokes strong feelings from the reader. **note** Some events in this book may be considered emotionally disturbing and I would strongly recommend anyone with any kind of emotional controversy not to read this book!
Rating:  Summary: Very good book Review: I believe that this book is one of the best books I've read so far. I find John Steinbeck's style of writing to be interesting and enjoyable to read. I love the way he makes every chapter seem like a scene in a play. He uses wonderful detail about everything he mentions. The story in itself is excellent, also. Within only a few pages, a deep and intriguing story between two companions develops and shows the reader the power of friendship. As an added plus, it's short enough to read in a couple of hours, which is wonderful if you're a busy person. It is truly and excellent book and I recommend it to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: A Big Guy With a Big Heart Review: "Of Mice and Men" was an assignment for my eleventh grade American Literature class. I loved the way that Steinbeck captured Lennie's emotions and inner struggles. The vivid confrontations between George and Lennie were fabulously detailed. George's patience with his companion is a prominent theme that grasps the reader by the heart. Steinbeck's technique of scattering reoccurring themes throughout his novel help to draw the story into a circle. "Of Mice and Men" is very straightforward, easy to read and it's short length kept my attention. Steinbeck depicted a detailed, symbolic story in a short amount of time and I think that this skill should be applauded! I loved this book and I recommend it to anyone with a compassionate and caring heart!
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Book Review Review: My name is Mandy Hedgepeth and I am a junior at Saint Mary's School in Raleigh, NC. My english class just completed "Of Mice and Men", by John Steinbeck. I thouroughly enjoyed this fascinating book. It shows a relationship between two very different people. Their adventures kept me on the edge of my seat at all times. The love these two men have for each other is remarkable. George and Lennie go through alot together and because of this their friendship becomes greater. In the end George is forced to decide how much he really loves Lennie. His choice, in my opinion, shows his love more than anything.
Rating:  Summary: English Project Review Review: My name is Anna Avera, and I am writing this review for my eleventh grade english class. I thought that the book Of Mice and Men was a thrilling, two thumbs up work of art. I couldn't put it down. I learned alot from the companionship of Lennie and George, and realized how important my friends and family are to me. Lennie was the cutest thing, he made me laugh through the whole book, I just wanted to squeeze him and give him a huge hug. And the poor thing never got to tend to his rabbits. I did think that the ending was sad and I hated that Lennie had to die, but the way that the author demonstrated George's purpose for doing what he did showed how much he really did love Lennie. He wouldn't let anyone else hurt him. This book is a book that should be read by everyone. I think it can teach all people something about life and how fortunate some people are more than others. This is a spectacular book, and Steinbeck has shown a great strength through his work. It was very easy to understand and follow along. THe sentence structure and detail made everything happen. I felt as if I was actually there in some parts of the book. I almost want to think that Steinbeck had some experience in what he wrote, because he seems to know alot about what he writes. I loved this book alot more than any other book I have ever read and I will be sure to put this book on the top of my request list.
Rating:  Summary: What a Great Novel Review: As a junior at Saint Mary's School in North Carolina, my class was assigned to read Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. This novel was very touching, as you become attached to the childish Lennie, and the patient George. George, who takes care of Lennie, must always keep an eye on his companion for he is not certain what kind of trouble Lennie may get himself into next. The two of them travel from ranch to ranch looking for laboring jobs on the farms, in hopes that one day they will have a place of their own. That is all part of their plan. George and Lennie imagine having a ranch of their own with land and rabbitts that Lennie can tend to. While at their latest job, Lennie is tested with many temptations that may lead him away from what George has taught him. Opposite in every way, George and Lennie are companions who thrive on each other and work for each other's dream. No matter what they get into, they do it together and always have a picture of their own ranch in mind. This was an excellent novel with a surprising ending. This book appeals to numerous audiences and is an American classic. I enjoyed every minute of it and found myself reading faster and faster each time to get to the next part.
Rating:  Summary: This is what I think! Review: My name is Scarlett Slaughter and I am a student at Saint Mary's School. After reading Of Mice and Men, I was overwhelmed at it's greatness. Steinbeck knew what he wanted his point to be, and didn't let the reader wonder or have to guess. I think that this tale of true love for a friend and the willingness to do anything to save them should be read by everyone. I recommend this novel to anyone ages 12 to 100. It made me feel good to know that there are true friends out there, and gives me hope that we will all be so lucky as to find one. Although it was required reading, it has been the only novel I've read in school that I didn't mind reading. I'm glad our teacher made us read it!
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Book Review Review: After reading John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, assigned by my eleventh grade English teacher, I got that feeling that I had just read a really 'good book.' When I entered into George and Lennie's world I was not only moved, but actually grew a bit attached to Lennie's childlike ways. Every chapter grabed my attention and I could not put the book down. Of Mice and Men targets readers of all ages. It is a fairly short novel, and full of adventures, keeping the attention of even the youngest audiences. Of Mice and Men ranks high on the list of American Literature that my class has been assigned to read this year. Even though Of Mice and Men was an assignment, I would love to read it on my spare time as well.