Rating:  Summary: Trevor Review: I did not enjoy reading this book. It was really slow and wasn't that enjoyable, I was forced to read this book because of homework. I do however believe that he did recreate the 1930's very well, his characters however where a little outrageous, they weren't believable. There was george always angry or suspicious. Then Slim as smooth as butter, to smooth he had really no emotions. The Stable Buck was to menacing, he was upset by Lennie's dream them planted all of these bad thoughts into Lennie's head. Candy didn't have a will of his own, he could be talked into anything. Carlson was the only believable person, he had emotions, but tried to hide them like a ranch hand would. This book isn't that good of a book, it was a little to out there for me. It does teach us a little about the hardships migrant worker may have but it was much else. I didn't think this book pertained to any social issues. I can completly justify them banning this book and I might of even gone far enough to say that this book is a menace to society.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Sean Review: Steinback did a great job of giving you a feel of the 1930's but with the migrant workers,but he could of made it more noticable that Lennie and George were migrant workers. He made it seem that they kind of werent that they were just running away from a long time job. He explained the caracters really well they were all different and unique. The best caracter is Lennie, Stienback made him stupid but loyal to his friends but also a little crazy. This plugged into the book very well "it was like the heart of the book." This is a ok, book for young teenagers to read it gives them an understanding of this time period and how people lived in that time. And it explains racism really good with his characters and it show how bad it makes people feel. This was a good book but it wasn't my style.
Rating:  Summary: Lael Review: I think that John Steinbeck did a pretty good job of representing the 1930's in Of Mice and Men. A few reasons why I think that he did a good job is: he made the characters dialect sound like it would if we were in the 1930's. Also,in the book there was the poor or the rich, and there was some discrimination in the book as well. They had to buy tickets to work on the farms for certain times. Lastly it showed that retarted people weren't to be put to work or trusted, but in a mental institute. Steinbeck developed the character really well because there will always be some kind understandin people, some rude, some quite, and also some pushy people. There attitudes where also beleivable. I think that this novel shows that people like Lennie in the book shouldn't be given alot of chances because somebody will just end up hurt of dead. It also shows that not everybody's depest desire/dream will come to be there reality.
Rating:  Summary: Caite Review: Stienbeck did a very good job in recreating the 1930's. He especially did a good job with the migrant workers. When Lennie and George had only two cans of beans, they carried bindles and work tickets, and how they were traveling to get to a new job really gave the reader a good example of how poor the migrant workers in this time really were, and how their lives were. Steinbeck had very good characters in the book, and they were characters that the readers could relate to. When Candy let Carlson kill his dog because it was old, he was giving up something he loved very much. That is something that readers can easily relate too. This is a very good book for younger adults to read because it addresses many different social issues. Discrimination is one of the very big issues in this book, and it is addressed extremely well by the author.
Rating:  Summary: jack jophef Review: ilike this book alot if i was the author of this book i would give myself a pat on the back. this book told me who it is to be a person that has a problem. i thing that this is a realy realy good
Rating:  Summary: Desiree's Review Review: This was one of the best books I have ever read. I think Steinbeck did a good job recreating the 1930's migrant workers. I liked the way that he made the characters have a southern accent and they used words that we wouldn't usually use today. I think the characters were very believeable. It was very realistic the way they talked. They had realistic personalities and the author did a very good job describing the charachters feelings. I think that this book is a good book for young adults even though it had alot of language in it. But it was realistic. If the reader can be mature about this book then it would be good. It is just showing you what things were like back then for migrant workers. This book also had many social issues in it, such as racism. There was alot of racism in this book. For example Crooks had to stay in his own house because he was black and no one was allowed to visit him. This book also taught many lessons. One lesson it taught was that it is always good to have a friend to depend on and you can talk to someone no matter what their race is.
Rating:  Summary: Ellen's Of Mice and Men Review Review: Of Mice and Men was the first real novel I've ever read. It had awesome charaters, that I believe fit into the time period well. I thiknk Steinbeck recreated the life, and living condiotions of migrant workers very well. He paints the picture of the average man going from job to job without anyone permanent in his life well. Not to mention that he makes the main charaters not fit into this average sterio-type. That makes the book even more complex and proves yet again how well it's written. Steinbeck shows with words how hard being a migrant worker really is. Such as when George and Lennie first come to the ranch all the guys think it's really awesome that they travel together, and always have a friend. Being a migrant worker doesn't really sound like it would be that hard until you really think about it. Steinbeck brings out all the small details that makes being a migrant worker hard. The charaters in the book Of Mice and Men were made perfectly. Making complex charaters such as Curley's wife and Silm would be hard enough, but then making them all fit together like a perfectly created jigsaw puzzle is almost impossible. I would say it's impossible but Steinbeck managed to make it work flawlessly. The best part about Steinbeck's charaters were that they were totally believable. Curley's wife for instance its 100% true. Girls still marry just to get away from their family or to have more money instead of love. She seems like the perfect person to be married to a guy like Curley. The dialect also helped push the books factually. I mean the only reading material was an old magazine that an old worker had left. They only kept it because it had a letter to the editor that someone they knew had written. This book is important for young adults to read because of it's lesson. It's also important to read because it shows that racism is still alive, but has gone down a lot. Some of the things they do to Crooks is definitely acceptable today. What I took as the lesson of the book was that you need to stop things happily, but sooner. Such as in the end of the book when George painted the picture of the farm and the rabbits for Lennie before killing him. It's better that way because Lennie would have been scared and not died peacfully if the other guys killed him.
Rating:  Summary: Amy Review: I enjoyed reading the book Of Mice and Men. I really liked the book except the bad words involved in the book. The conditions of the migrant workers was very harsh. This is why I am writing this review. Candy realizes that he should have beem the one to of shot his dog that he every sense he was a puppy. He tells alot about each character. That is why his way of developing the character is so that you really understanding. What the reader is writing about and why he choose those characters for the book. He teaches that the worked on the farm.
Rating:  Summary: adam Review: I had to read this book for a school assignment.I thought it was an ok book. I do not know what it was like in the 1930's so I do not know how well he recreated that era. I know that then most people were not that really schooled, so they had bad grammer so that part of it was right. I think that Steinbeck really did a good job creating the characters.I think he got deep when he was creating the book. I think that he took along time to think of the character. The reason why I think that This book is a good Book for yound adults is because it teaches the types of discrimination there is in the world. The types of social issues it has in it are raceism, and discrimination on the handicapt.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: In the book Of Mice and Men i thought he did a real good job about explaing the time period then. I could tell because a lot of people were praticly going around the workd looking for a job on a ranch. And when they did not have any cars back then, they had horses. Most of all, I liked how Steinbeck created his characters, how they were all different from each other. I think this could be a believable story, he made the characters have a converstation with someone you would normalie have. He described the characters really well, how there personality was, how the react to things, and what they want to become. I think this book would be good for young adults to read because you could learn a little more about friendship in this book. You could see how lucky we are that we have new creations. I think one of the lessons you learn in this book is friendship. You need to know how much a friend means to you. One of the Social Issues comes in place is racism, they use a lot of words that isn't really nice, and it could hurt someones feelings. THANX AMY ST