Rating:  Summary: A Most Poignant Story of Friendship; an American Classic Review: John Steinbeck's 1937 novella OF MICE AND MEN is one of the most poignant stories of friendship between men ever written in American Literature. It is also among the most important illustrations of the desperate feelings shared by those who lived in the Depression-era Dust Bowl regions of California. The story of the protective relationship between small, street-smart George Milton and large, child-like Lennie Small still fascinates us today; it has been made into no less than three feature films, the last one being only a dozen years ago, and it remains one of the five most-read books in Junior High, Intermediate and Middle Schools today around the country.At a spare 107 pages, this book is short on words but high on symbolism and feeling. John Steinbeck was a master of getting his point across simply. He also excelled at creating simple but sharply-drawn characters who lived, walked and talked like those with whom he had come into contact in real life. When one reads a book like OF MICE AND MEN, he or she is transported back to those times, by an author who actually lived the life of many of his protagonists, including the ones in this story. Yes, John Steinbeck did dig wells in his native Salinas during the Dust-Bowl period. He then gave us some of the most compelling and readable pieces of literature in our nation's history, and OF MICE AND MEN is among the most important of his works. MOST RECOMMENDED; ESPECIALLY FOR AGES 12-14
Rating:  Summary: My opinion Review: The book, Of Mice and Men, was a very exciting book to read. George and Lennie were two nomad men that went from job to job trying to make a life's living. Lennie is a kid trapped in a man's body. Lennie is disabled and acts like a four year old kid. George is a "small and quick and dark of face". I liked this novel. It showed how life could be hard in many different ways. How they went from job to job trying to make a life's living. Also how George dealt with Lennies problems. Lennie's wouldn't think and get in trouble. I would recommend this book to kids that love adventure. This had plenty of it. Lennie and George went everywhere to work.
Rating:  Summary: A good easy summer day read. Review: Of mice and men is an awesome book. I thought it would be boring, but even with not much action going on I could hardly put it down. For a book that is only 101 pages long it tells a fantastic story. If you ever want to read this book (which you should)pick a nice summer day, go somewhere where you feel comfortable, and let the book take you to a ranch near Soledad, Ca.
Rating:  Summary: Of MIce and Men Review: The book has great story about how two men with very different personaliltes get along. They travel together trying to earn enough moeny to live out their dream. It shows how no matter what happens they have a friendship which connects them in some way. They have a wonderful frienship and stand by each other. Lennie is not the brightest man and can be a little aggrivating but no matter what George is there to help and protect him.
Rating:  Summary: Of MIce and Men Review: The book has great story about how two men with very different personaliltes get along. They travel together working on a ranch. Their goal is to earn enough moeny to live out their dream. It shows how no matter what happens they have a friendship which connects them in some way. They have a wonderful frienship and stand by each other. Lennie is not the brightest man and can be a little aggrivating but no matter what George is there to help and protect him. This book is a great book that shows how very different personalities can get along. I fully recommend this book by John Steinbeck.
Rating:  Summary: Of Mice and Men Review: John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is definitely now one of my favorite literature novels that I have read in English class. This book was one that I could actually picture in my head and imagine what was really happening in the story. I found myself not wanting to put it down until I finished reading it completely. George and Lenny, otherwise known as John Malkovich and Gary Sinise, were great characters and each perfect for the part that they contributed in the story. These two characters had a remarkable relationship and the way Steinbeck portrayed it told me a lot. They shared good times, bad times, and sad times together, but no matter what, there was still a connection between them. Though I was required to read it I am now very thankful that I did. It was a great novel and I would honestly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good piece of literature.
Rating:  Summary: Post-Depression American Tragedy Review: "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck remains properly on the reading lists of high school students because of the regional imagery through succinct dialogue. Unlike "Grapes of Wrath," Steinbeck brings us swiftly into each moment, never letting us linger too long before walking us to the next place. The American Dream has many variations, but always, it is about independence and the pride of being one's own man. Lennie and George want this independence more than most men, but have less than most men to get there. In their case, it isn't a white picket fence, but a farm where they can raise rabbits. Lennie is not a bright man. He desires to care for someone and to be loved, but is unable to think past his own fear. George tries to protect him, but he too, although smarter than Lennie, is managed by his insecurity and foolishness. The story surrounds Lennie and George's efforts to get and retain work on ranch near Soledad, and more so, toward their American Dream. The big picture is always with them, but it is the day-by-day difficulties they have with being outsiders. Their intrinsic inability to be free is sheer tragedy, as they both fail again and again to make the right decision. It's a lonely story about two men who hope more than they can think, who are destined by their misery never to enjoy true companionship and happiness. Few books are as thematically pure as "Of Mice and Men," which follows Man's search for self and meaning carefully. It is harsh in language and image, and the abstract ideas might be too much for younger readers to comprehend, but any intelligent teen will gain from it where John Knowles' "A Separate Peace" and J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" leave off. I fully recommend "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. Anthony Trendl
Rating:  Summary: "Let's do it now. Le's get that place now." Review: George Milton and Lennie Small, two migrant workers find work from a farm and start saving money for their future. A book about shattered dreams, loneliness, and the relationship between people. Usually I don't enjoy books I have to read as an assignment in school, but this one was an exception. This book was John Steinbeck's first big success and I can really see why. He's a great writer that, like my teacher says doesn't write stories that go from rags to riches. One of my new favorite books. Really got me thinking.
Rating:  Summary: Three books Review: Three books I could not live without: Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Bark of the Dogwood" by McCrae, and this book: "Of Mice and Men." If I had to pick my favorite, it would be "Of Mice and Men." The writing is simple and eloquent, and the story of how man treats his fellow man is at once anger provoking and at the same time inspiring. Inspiring in that, while some of human nature is horrible, there is also that element that makes up for the bad ways we treat each other. Do yourself a favor and read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Of mice and men, by John Steinbeck Review: Of mice and men is written by the nobel prize winner John Steinbeck. It's basicliy about two guys George and Lennie. We neet them in California together on their way to a new job at a ranch. George is the small one and the quick whitted of them, he has promised Lennies aunt to look after him. Lennie is the a big guy, strong as a bull but he is mentally retartded, he's like a kid's head in an adult body. Together they have a dream to own a place where they can live fatta the lan as said in the book and they will have rabbits. Lennie likes animals, espesially small one like rabbits. But he has a strengt he cannot handle, so he ends of killing them. George and Lennie gets a job at the ranch where they meet Slim, Curley, his wife and some ohters. Slim is the "group leader" he lokks after everone, Curley is the bosses son, his wife likes boys a lot, Thats what kills George and Lennies dream in the end.