Rating:  Summary: this book is.... Review: This book by Avi is about the worst book i have read in my entire life. not only is is completely pointless and unimaginative, but it is a discrace to literature. there is NO moral, NO plot, but hey, its a kids book, so not a whole lot is expected anyway. but even though kids books are given a waver on how stupid they can be, this book abuses the privilage.have a nice day!
Rating:  Summary: The Fighting Ground Review: Travis M The Fighting Ground by Avi. There is a boy named Jonathan. Her is a 13-year-old boy. He wants to be in the American Army. He ends up in the front row. After a little while in the army he realizes that war is not that fun. This book is very interesting. It has a lot of support and detail. There is a lot of violence in some parts. The part that I liked the best was when the Hussies were chasing Jonathan. The author's name is Avi. She is trying to say that you should not do something unless you know its right. Don't do something if you know somebody who's been there and done that and told you not to go there. You should get information on the things that you do and know the purpose before doing it. Jonathan runs away from his home and goes to the battlefield. He is in the front row and is very scared. He gets left behind by his group and gets captured by the enemy. He eventually escapes and goes home. The Author Avi likes to write her chapters in the time of the book. He writes the Hussein language in the back of the book. In the back of the book the language is translated from the Hussein to the American language. I liked this book because of the action. I recommend this book for ages 10-15. There is a lot of hard words and a lot of violence in some parts. The book was great. You should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Another?! Review: another astonding book by Avi. i give it 4 because it was gory ________________________________________________________________ and a little boring, but this book is so great anyway. we read ________________________________________________________________ it in 5th grade and i love it. this book is so so so so so so ________________________________________________________________ neat. ________________________________________________________________
Rating:  Summary: best book ever Review: The Fighting Ground is one of the best books I have ever read. I suggest you read this book. That is why I gave it four stars. If you don't like the civil war you may not like this book as much. I read it and so should you. The reason I liked this book is because I like reading about the civil war.
Rating:  Summary: Boring until the climax Review: A Review by Tyler A boy named peter was adopted into A Quaker family know as the Shinn's when he was 7 years old. When Peter is around 14 him and Mr. Shinn are forced to join in on a hunt for a couple of indentured servants who ran off in the night. When the two take off to look for them they hear shots coming from the south of them. They decide to go check it out, but when they leave Morgan's rock Peter left the gun there and is forced to go get it. When he gets the gun back he finds one of the runaways and he has to make a decision on whether or not to let her and the other runaway be free. What I liked about this book was that Peter decides to go off with the runaway's instead of staying with his Quaker family. It was nice of him to keep his promise to Rebecca about coming back for her when he could have just turned her back to the rightful owner. What I disliked about this book was the event when Peter's boat smashed up into pieces and he had to abandon ship into the Delaware. You also think he would be smart enough the first time to float the boat up water instead of trying to float across to the rock against the current. Another thing I disliked about this book was that Peter shoots Rebecca in the arm when he shouldn't have shot her at all. He could have just let her run off into the night instead of putting led into her arm. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone since it's pretty boring up until you get up to second half of this book. The kind of reader that would like this book would be someone who likes books that are boring up until the climax of the book.
Rating:  Summary: An Outstanding Book Review: Did you ever wonder what it would be liketo be back in 1778during the Rev. War. In the fighting ground by Aviyou do get taken back to 1778. If you like the Rev.war do not miss this exelent novle. The Fighting Ground is about a thirteen year old boy Jonathan, and he loves the war.jonathan wants to go to war ,buthis perents wont let him.the Fighting Ground is a spactacular book. jonathan is a very couragous yong man thourout the novle. Jonathan is also very loyal.Loyalty and courage are the two biggest themes in the book. This is all tking place during the Rev. war. Jonathan , the Corpral, The three hessianns, and the boy are seen te most in the novel. Avi had lots of personification. I like how he made the chapters the time of day This book ranges from 5th grade through 7th grade. I think that because younger kids probabely wouldn't get the moral of the feble
Rating:  Summary: An Amazing War Novel Review: The Fighting Ground by Avi was a heartwarming story to read. This is a very emotional and loving story on how a couple lies can make a big difference ina person's life. Avi put's many realistic emotions to express feelings throughout the story. This is a loving and tender story about war and how a boy was wrong about how the war turned out. Meet Jonathan, he's a thirteen year old boy who joined war and thought it would be fun and exciting. Jonathan was wrong and faced many obsticles. Avi brought out many different emotions by using many details and the change of bfont when describing how Jonathan felt and what the German said. Avi is a talented author and brings the story to life. You will find this an amazing and wonderful story if you like a story about war. Anyone who reads The Fighting Ground will say it's hard to put down. Don't miss this very good experence to learn about war and what people think when they are in war.
Rating:  Summary: An Action packed Novel Review: The Main Character, Johnathon, learns an important lesson in the Fighting Ground. He learns that war isn't fun, exiting, and wanting, The Novel is an intresting and fun novel to read. I like this novel because it took place during the Revolutionary War. I also like this novel because he Sacerficed his life for others. In the Fighting Ground the author, Avi, tries to put an intresting lesson, Never think war is fun and you should Sacerfice your life for others. Also at the beginning he thought that it was fun, exiting, and wanting. And at the end he thought that war is understanding, scared, doesn't want to do anymore Johnathon who is a 13 year old boy who wants to go to war, but after this it changes his life. He thought it was fun exiting but at the end he thought different. He saved a boys life in the end. I like how the author used time insted of chapters because most autors usally use chapters and he did differently than the others. Also he makes you think what is going to happen in the next chapter. I recomend this novel to anyone that likes War and the Revolutionary War.
Rating:  Summary: A Intensive Novel Review: There is a boy named Jonathan. Her is a 13 year old boy. He wants to be in the American Army. He ends up in the front row. After a little while in the army he realizes that war is not that fun. This book is very interesting. It has a lot of support and detail. There is a lot of violnece in some parts. The part that I liked the best was when Jonathan was being chased by the Hessians. The authors name is Avi. She is trying to say that you should not do somthing unless you know its right. Dont do somthing if you know somebody whos been thee and done that and told you not to go there. You should get information on the things that you do and know the purpose before doing it. Jonathan runs away from his home and goes to the battle feild. He is in the front row and is very scared. He gets left behind by his group and gets captured by the enimy. He eventually escapes and goes home. The Author Avi likes to write her chapters in the time of the book. He writes the Hessian language in the back of the book. In the back of the book the language is translated from the hessian to the American language. I liked this book because of the action. I reccomend this book for ages 10-15. There is a lot of hard words and a lot of violence in some parts. The book was great. You should read it.
Rating:  Summary: A Action Packed War Novel Review: Do you like action books? Then you should read the Fighting Ground. This is an action and heart warming story. When people are reading this book they just jump out of their seats. This book sometimes made me feel really sad. The author of this book Avi, had alot of good supporting details in every paragraph. At the begining of this book it was somewhat a little boring, but towards the middle I started really getting into the book. This is a very tender and action book. The major theme is to be informed before making decions. When Jonathan, a 13 year old boy, went to war without realizing what he would go through. Also Jonathan was not well informed to make the decisions to go to war. Jonathen's father was well informed because he went through the same thing. Avi has a great imagination when he rights his books. Haveing a great imagination really brings the reader into the story. Avi is a talented wrighter and convinces the reader to keep on reading. You will find this book irresistable if you love action. Kids of all ages would love this story. Dont miss this opportunity to learn about the war in 1778.