Rating:  Summary: SuperTroopers (and good citizens too) Review: I originally read Troopers when I was in eighth grade. Ihaven't looked back. I am now on my third (or forth?) paperback copy,after 20 years and just as many reads. The story of Jonny Rico and other young men (and women) coming of age in a terrible war is a classic yarn. The story opens with Johnny participating in a combat landing on a heavily defended planet. He has been given more responsibility than he has ever held before and he does his level best. Everything doesn't go as planned... The next scene finds him as a young man, trying to decide whether or not to enlist in the Federation armed forces. He could stay home, accepting his rich father's generosity, and lead a comfortable, if not politically active, life. He could, however, join up, risk his life, and earn the right to vote. The balance of the book places Johnny and his comrades in situations which are increasingly more demanding, both physically and emotionally. Johnny learns the price of the freedom, the reality of war, and the necessity for leaders to act responsibly. This book has been labeled fascist, sexist, political drivel. It is, in fact, a first class study of leadership, personal resposibility, and the value of the individual as a force for change in society. The U.S. Marine Corps knew what it was doing when it placed this book on its reading list for young leaders.
Rating:  Summary: Unexpected Depths in a Good Read Review: This is yet another in the long string of solid reading broughtto us by Robert Heinlien. This book has enough battle scene thrillsto keep the most action loving reader happy, with enough depth and humanness to the characters to let the rest of us enjoy the book as well. Heinlien was adept at making you think about why the people were doing the things they do. There are always small commentaries about why these people are out there. He also manages to include some fair jabs of social commentary as well. His ideas about child rearing and democracy in particular seem to come out here. I really enjoyed this book, and I think that anyone from 12 to 200 will find something in there to like.
Rating:  Summary: Let's be realistic here. . . . Review: This is not one of the classics of English or Americanliterature. This is not a book for the ages. It isn't even the bestbook Heinlein even wrote, fergoshsakes! However. . . . it isn't absolute dreck. It isn't fascistic. It won't cause you to beat your children. Robert A. Heinlein graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy during the years between the World Wars, and served for a number of years as a naval officer. He probably would have had a fairly distinguished career, and retired at least a Rear Admiral, except for the unfortunate fact that he contracted tuberculosis, and was forced to accept a medical retirement from the Navy. The Navy's loss was science fiction's gain. I mention RAH's military career deliberately; indeed, I think it's impossible to understand _Starship Troopers_ without knowing that Heinlein was a professional military man long before he became a writer. Read the book reflecting on this background. _Starship Troopers_ is the extended meditation of a professional military officer on the meaning of citizenship, and of what obligations should be required of citizens in return for the benefits of citizenship. Once one realizes this, this novel can be appreciated properly, in all its depth and richness.
Rating:  Summary: On of the first! Review: I had Starship Troopers on reserve prior to publication andread it the day it arrived in the mail directly from thepublisher. Guess that shows how much I enjoyed Heinlien's books, having read all publihed titles up to that point, from about the age of twelve, starting with Red Planet. The fact that over 35 years later I'm still interested enough in the book to be typing this shows that I believ Heinlein is the best of all Sci-fi writers and that Starship Troopers is one of his best.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not great Review: Having just read Starship Troopers, I feel that this book waswritten well, and the characterization was structured well; howeverthe book was more like a political theory text book diguised as a science fiction novel. I see some of Bob's points concerning citizen responsiblity and harsher punishment towards criminals, but when I read a science fiction book, I like to read more action and a fast-paced adventure. Overall, the book wasn't totally dull like 2061 and The Hidden War, but I have definitely read better. In letter grade form, this book gets a C+.
Rating:  Summary: ST is as relevant today as the first time I read it. Review: My father read this book in 1960 as a brand new Airborneinfantry 2nd Lt. He introduced the book to me as a 12 yr old, and Ihave owned a copy of it ever since. During the interim, I have carried a copy of ST through army basic training, ROTC, airborne, air assault, and training as an officer. I have it with me now (very dog eared and 100mph taped) as a Major of Armor in B-H. Why? Simply put, this book has served me well,(with a choice few other texts), and has formed the basis for many discussions of values, philosophy, and citizenship among the soldiers with whom I serve. There is no perfect book, but ST causes one to think, reason, and even argue. Plus, anyone who has ever been a soldier can relate to the situations and characters Heinlein presents. I guess the best recommendation I can make for this novel is that wherever I am, I can pull it out, open it to any page, begin reading, and still feel drawn into the world he has created.
Rating:  Summary: Starship Troopers Review: This book is excellent and is very easily in the top three ofmy favrotie Sci-Fi book's. Heinlein did a marvelous job the charicterdescriptions. It start's off good, and get's better by the chapter, page, and more. I love the charicter's and they are they are described very good. The action is the best I have seen in a long time, and the alien's were the best. I recommend this book to any one who A. Is a sci-fi fan B. Love's cool alien C. Love's space battles D. Just wants a good book to read.
Rating:  Summary: Read it and make your own decision Review: I found this book to be one of the most interesting I have everread. I am amazed at the review your store has given. Specifically,child beating. Your reviewer could have read the book instead of write about it. RAH pointed out the stupidity of suddenly treating a child as an adult once it turns the age of majority. The majority of the book takes place in boot camp, where Rico must deal with a number of crises, both physical and mental, in order to make it through alive. It climaxes in a military tribunal (NJP) where he is flogged for risking the lives of his mates. Once "combat" is faced, Rico realizes it is not fun, adventurous, or glorious. It is a duty, and an honor to be able to protect his planet. I think maybe a little more emphasis should have been made by RAH that war, up close and personal, is horrid. The philosophy of the book is a major factor. I must say, as a vet, I tend to agree with a system in which those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the system are the ones who vote. Regardless of a person's political persuasion, if you have an open mind, READ THIS BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: Hook, line & Stinker! Review: Starship Troopers & War of the Worlds were the hooks thatgot me into reading. ST dazzles with its' tale of technology &self-reliance. It's Heinleins' emphasis on personal responsibility and self-determination that so angers the liberals who cry FASCISM! while at the same time pushing ever-more federal Mommy & Daddy laws on the rest of us. Read Troopers. Take an amazing journey, cross swords with the Bug, and even learn some things about your own beliefs! :)
Rating:  Summary: Good, but unrealistic Review: Good,readable book,but it is too unrealistic - it is too old.Itis vision of impossible future.At present we have better computersthen in the book. No use of virtual reality, aiming computers annd so on...