Rating:  Summary: This is one of my absolute favorite books-and I love to read Review: Song in the Silence is one of my all-time favorite books, and to me it comes just short of Anne McCaffery(my favorite author!). I have loaned this book out to all my friends at school because I loved it so much! And they all loved it as well. I am a very picky reader and this book was just amazing! I just found out recently that the second book came out and I had to beg my dad for his credit card so I could get it. I can't wait to read the second one and then for the third to come out!
Rating:  Summary: Song in the Silence Review: "Song in the Silence," by Elizabeth Kerner, is a captivating fantasy novel that truly won over my heart. I highly recommend this book to those that can take a story that is obviously not real and create it inside themselves. Many times the story made me laugh, although it eventually made me cry. If this is not the best book I have ever read then it is one of the best. However, I warn you: As soon as you pick it up, you will not be able to set it down until it is done.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful start to a great series Review: "Song in the Silence" is a great read! Its worth it both in reading time and the cost of the book. This is one of those books that you read, and then re-read your favorite parts. Its also one of those books that you keep once you are done reading, its that good! Ms. Kerner has a talent for clear and creative writing and undoubtedly has a great imagination! This story is full of rich textures, characters, and a great story line. It definately has a place in any good fantasy collection!!
Rating:  Summary: Love and lyricism- if only... Review: It's not that bad a book.Of course, it's not that good a book either. First of all, the good parts (because, after all, quite a few people like this sort of thing, and for all I know someone would like the book for this): The description of the dragons is fairly interesting. For some reason, the book's opening captured me, perhaps because the romantic in me likes to think of a character looking back on her adventures after all's said and done. Wonderful lyricism when she spoke of dreams of dragons. Night scenes in the book that were simply wonderfully described. And then there are the Unfortunate Diseases it suffers from: TLAFSS (True Love at First Sight Syndrome): There are people who don't fall in love at first sight. I find them much more realistic than Lanen and Akhor. Yes, she has a grand destiny, we know that. Does she _have_ to have a true love in a few days? While I enjoyed the unusual aspect of an interspecies romance, it didn't last all that long, and was severely undercut by the TLAFSS part. UFS (Unfortunate Feminist Syndrome): It's yet another spunky heroine! See her prove she's just as good as the boys! See her get underestimated. See her have a perfect love affair with a male who just adores her. I probably wouldn't mind this story if I hadn't seen it a hundred other times, and if it wasn't for the genre. It's _fantasy_. Authors can create their own gender-equal (or gender-free- even more fun) societies if they want to, and move past the tired old tropes. Getting banged over the head with a message is getting tiresome. UDS (Unfortunate Demon Syndrome): Why do there have to be demons? Why? Make up something new! Please! This author has proven she can describe dragons breathintakingly; make up a new race and describe them breathtakingly. CJS (Character-Jumping Syndrome): It was insane. It's the reason I quit reading Robert Jordan. The story might have gotten three stars if not for that. So: Light, lyrical, romantic reading. Heroine unfortunately is spunky, falls in love at first sight, is pursued by demons, and doesn't step out of 'destiny-ridden-heroine' mode. Too bad.
Rating:  Summary: Dragons, adventure, what more could you ask for? Review: This first volume in the tale of Lanen Kaelar was absolutely wonderful! Lanen is a strong female character, with a mind and will of her own. She is sensible, but not afraid to follow her dreams. From the very beginning your sympathy goes out to her, as her life has not been that good so far, and you can understand her perfectly. As she begins her adventure, you can almost feel her relief and excitement. Once she reaches the isle, and meets her very first dragon, things get even much more interesting. I loved Akor as a character! So different from us, and yet so similar as well. And what better color for this incredible dragon than silver? (my favorite for a dragon) The writing style was a little unusual, but I enjoyed it. The different perspectives were an interesting addition, and I, for one, did not mind the switches at all. And the way the Dragons express their emotions with different Attitudes was a great twist on the average dragon tale. All in all, these are not your typical dragons, and this is not your typical fantasy adventure. It was a moving story, with a wonderful cast of characters. It shouldn't be long at all before we list Kerner up there with the great fantasy authors of our time. I'm eager to read the next. May it be as good as the first!
Rating:  Summary: Sooooo good... Review: Song in the Silence is one of the best books I have read in a long time. It is very romantice, and full of great character development. If you love any type of fantasy or just dragons, you have to read this book! I have read the sequel as well, and I can say that it is just as good as the first. I can't wait for the third!!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book! Review: My friend Melody first lent me this book. I swear on all the books I have ever read (quite a few!) this is definately one of the best. It's right up there (in my veiws) with Harry Potter 4, Squire (Tamora Pierce), any random Xanth (Piers Anthony) book... anything! This is a wonderful and very realistic story, even if it is filled with dragons! Any dragon/fantasy enthusiast should read this!
Rating:  Summary: A lovely knew story that i will cherish forever Review: At first when i started this new series and knew author i was doubtful. But the cover eniced me to read it. Yes i know the saying, "Never judge a book by its cover." But i couldnt help it. A picture like that just called out to me, saying, "Read me!" And so i did. The beginning was alittle dull but thats to be expected when just starting out. You have to learn the lay of the land and how it works. The people and its relationships with other species like the Kantri. The first part about the Kantri, Trelli, Raksha, and Gedri choosing totally threw me off. But i have become accustomed to it. This book was long but worth it. Recommended to any fantasy reader who loves dragons.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous story - a must for all dragon lovers Review: Thank you Elizabeth Kerner! I am so tired of dragons being portrayed as angry, blood-thirsty killer beasts with no concious thought. Dragons are noble, wise, ancient, and fantastic creatures and here Elizabeth Kerner has captured these aspects with a new resounding flare. When I began this book, the story was understandable and well thought through. The scenes and descriptions were vivid and thouroughly enjoyable. However, first person POV can be difficult for many people,(mainly because few authors write in it) and this book has many first persons - but I recomend patience and persistance. For thos who don't have patience, try to find some (you will be well rewarded), soon after the POV shifting began and I had accepted it, it no longer became a struggle to read, but actually brought a new depth to the story. I recommend this tale (and *The Lesser Kindred*) to all women. Lanen is a Phenomonal and strong woman, to whom all women can relate and see something of themselves (past, present, and future) in her.
Rating:  Summary: A really different dragon story Review: Unusual plotline which is interesting. Good reading. Strong female characters.