Rating:  Summary: Skellig,David Almond Review: I thought Skellig was a very well thought out and planned book.The way everything mentioned in the book fit in with the story I thought was very clever.The book always kept you in question about something and this way kept you reading it.It was very mysterious in the way that most things in it were not of the ordinary.I was dissapointed at the end because I was expecting more to go on with the main character,Skellig,and it was really just telling the story of Micheal's (the main boy) problems in life when he meets Skellig.This type of book I am not really fond of. Still I found 'Skellig' an interesting and certainly unique book.
Rating:  Summary: Skellig by David Almond Review: I thought Skellig was a very emotional book by David Almond. It tells the story of Michaels struggle to cope with the pressures in his life. Michael trys to cope when he moves house, his sister is born prematurely and he finds a strange creature in his garage called Skellig. This book is brillantly written and once you start reading it you will be hooked. The characters are very involving and you to will be sucked into Michaels struggle to cope. I would recommend this book for people aged 12-16.
Rating:  Summary: Dark and mysterious Review: My 12 yr old daughter had recently read Skellig in school and was refering it to others, so I picked it up and read it in a day. Being English myself, I loved the language and flavor of Skellig, the mystery of who he was and why he was there. I loved the side plots of the girl next door and Michael's sick baby sister and even whisper, the cat. It is a beautifully written story suitable for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: Skellig Review: Skellig was an interesting but not a very exciting book.I wouldn't say it was exciting because nothing really happened after they found Skellig.It was like a diary entry after that.I enjoyed the book because it was very imaginative and kept me wondering what would happen at the end.I would have given the book five star if was more exciting.
Rating:  Summary: A Good, but overrated book Review: I think that skellig is a reasnable book. I liked it but I do think that it was too overrated. It is about a boy called Michael who moves to a new house. In the garage of his new house he finds a strange & mystical creature called Skelig. Micheal soon makes friends with a girl called Mina and they look after Skellig. Michael's baby sister is ill and might die. Could Skellig be linked with all this?....... I think that the story 'evolves' well and the ending is not predictable but after what I had heard I was expecting a bit more. It was good because it was myterious and unpredictable. If I saw any more books by David Almond then I would be tempted to read them.
Rating:  Summary: Skellig by David Almond Review: Skellig was a good book for me to read. It involves fact and fiction. A human that have wings and William Blake, the poet. A boy finds a man in his garage who has lived there a long time. He tries to help him but the man just keeps ignoring him. The boy's siter was born premature but the man ends up helping her get better. I liked this story because it was so easy for me to get involved and I wanted to read from start to finish at once. I really enjoyed the story and I learnt something from it too. I enjoyed it as well as learning about William Blake and his poems. It was a I would like to read other books from David Almond's collection. It was a weird book because I couldn't imagine a human with wings living in a garage. Also, I would like to congratulate David Almond on creating and writing a fascinating story.
Rating:  Summary: Skellig-The Book Review: I think that Skellig is a wierd book because really I couldn't imagine seeing a creature with wings. I did however quite like it because where we stopped reading it kind of kept you hanging on in suspense before you started reading it again. I liked how David Almond brought a poets work into the story too. If I had one critism then it would be that it didn't tell you what kind of creature Skellig was. My favourite charactor was Skellig because it was a wierd creature and not a normal person just like all of the other charactors were like Michael and his Mum were. I really enjoyed reading it and I may consider reading some David Almonds Other books that he has written.
Rating:  Summary: Very boring book Review: This book was extremely boring. Skelling was a very strange character and I thought it was pretty nasty how he lived. What was he anyway? And what the freak was 57 and 43 or what ever that Chinese restaraunt was. This book was very confusing, slow, and boring I strongly do not reccomend this book. (Sorry if anybody is insulted but this is my opinion)
Rating:  Summary: A quiet flash in the dark Review: I found this story to be quietly dark and yet somehow comforting. I loved the quirky vagueness of reality because this is frequently how life is; vague and uncertain. I think that this mysteriousness of life is also well represented in this story. I was never quite sure where it was going to go next. Somehow this book makes some of the darkness in which we all live a bit more familiar and I found that I developed an odd sense of security about living with uncertainty. I liked the way that the story remained on the child's perspective of this exploration of uncertainty.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book Except... Review: I LOVED this book it was great. When you read this book you just have to keep reading. I couldn't put it down after they have found "him." I read almost the whole book in 5 hours after that. At the beginning of the book it's boring. Just keep reading you will start to enjoy it soon. The only thing I didn't like about this book was that the ending was sort of cut off and you don't really know what happened to Micheal, Mina, or his sister. I would most likely recommend this to people who like mystries and have to want to keep reading even if some parts are boring. If you like to try to solve things that they don't tell you then this is the book for you.