Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Books I've Read Review: This was a great book, one of the best i've read. It was hard to put down, keeping your interest until the very last page. I loved it and look forward to reading Judy Blume's other adult novels.
Rating:  Summary: Quality of a Novel is in the mind of a Reader Review: The Quality of a Novel is in the Mind of the Reader Books and stories have been around for many years. Their purpose in life is to give information and stir up the imagination. Concisely, their sole purpose in life is to be enjoyed. Some books are revered more than others. The formula for a great book is an interesting plot and the literary devices used to strengthen it. Similar to the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", the quality of a novel is in the mind of a reader. Some people may enjoy books simply on whether the plot was to their liking. To others, great books are based on literary devices used such as symbolism and imagery. Literary devices are used to give essence to plot. Without much use of literary devices, a book tends to be more on the lifeless side. In the novel Summer Sisters by Judy Blume, the writing is strengthened by only one literary device used throughout the entire book. Imagery was the only literary device found in Summer Sisters. Throughout the entire book every character, every place, and every piece of clothing was plainly illustrated. The novel had a basic plot. There was no symbolism, and diction was picked at random. Although the plot was excellent, keeping the reader in anticipation, it could have been slightly strengthened by additional usage of literary devices. Literary devices can strengthen any novel, but Summer Sisters did satisfactory with the use of only one. All in all, it was a wonderful book that was well received by most readers.
Rating:  Summary: Opposites Attract Review: Victoria Leonard and Cailin Somers are about as different from one another as they come. Victoria (Vix as Cailin calls her) is shy and aware of all of her surroundings, while Cailin is a risk taker and wild. They become united only in the Summer, when Cailin takes Vix to a breezy island called Martha's Vineyard. There the two become summer sisters. While Caitlin's family is rich and she is priveleged, Vix comes from a broken home, with two other siblings who become reckless once Vix leaves for the summer. As Vix and Caitlin grow older their realtionship starts to fade from white to black. Vix goes away to Harvard and Caitlin leaves to travel the world. Their only communtication for the next three years is the occasional phone call and letter. As their relationship grows hazier, so does the plot of the book, when a sudden twist occurs. Vix's long time summer love turns on her, and soon after that falls in love with Caitlin. This leaves Vix torn and shattered. But nothing could tear the two summer sisters apart, not even a guy that Caitlin loved and Vix had once loved. Through the next couple of years Vix's normal character of being the one that gets stomped all over by Caitlin changes. She becomes stronger, and doesn't fall for Caitlin's games as easily. She knows Caitlin's games all too well. And even though Vix had promised herself that she wouldn't let her heart be shattered again by Caitlin, it does get shattered. When Caitlin suddenly isn't there to shatter it.This is a story of firsts. First friends, first kisses, first loves, and first losts. It shows what friendship is REALLY like. It is a must-read.
Rating:  Summary: Summer Sisters Review: As a childhood lover of Judy Blume books I was happy to discover her more adult novels. Summer Sisters, with a nostalgic tone, follows the actions of two best friend girls with inherently different prospects on life. Growing up together, they deal with the tough issues of relationships and the hurt and betrayal of a best friend. You find yourself laughing out loud at their inside jokes and situations that can be related to most adolescent girls. Blume weaves the story brilliantly and each character is fully developed. With each problematic situation, one can distinguish and predict each character's reaction. The reader develops a liking and has sympathetic sentiment towards both girls and in the end wants both to succeed. A real page turner, I could not find myself to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: All grown up Review: Judy Blume was mandatory reading for young girls while I was growing up. Reading her books (such as the classic, Are You There God, It's Me Margaret) showed us we were not alone. So, I was interested to see what an adult book of hers would offer. I was NOT disappointed. The story in Summer Sisters draws on the lives of two very different but connected girls who grow into their own women. Blume avoids generalities and cliches in the characterizations of the two women. She weaves the story beautifully. A real page turner, I was anxious to see what would happen next and sad to have to close the book at the end. Worth the read!
Rating:  Summary: Summers at the vineyard Review: Author bio: Ever since she was a child Judy Blume made up stories in her head. When her children started preschool was when she first began writing, and she started out writing only children's books. Now she writes both novels and children's books and is widely recognized for both. Judy Blume doesn't like to have her books set in places she is unfamiliar with. That is why many of her books take place in New Mexico, New Jersey, and Maine. Parts of Summer Sisters take place in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Many women that grew up reading Judy Blume's earlier books are now responding to her more recent ones. She loves the fan mail she is receiving, and she responds back to as many letters as she can. Evaluation: Vix and Caitlin first go the vineyard together when they are twelve years old. As they return there every summer they experience new things such as sex, love, and learning. The girls are total opposites, but that may very well be what actually brings them together. Vix is a shy and reserved girl, while Caitlin loves to be the center of attention, and she is extravagantly beautiful. Each summer they return to the vineyard they grow closer and closer together, and they eventually call themselves "summer sisters." The first real conflict between them comes up the summer when they are seventeen. They are both at the beach with their boyfriend's having a great time, but a great time takes a turn for the worse when something very unexpected happens. The friendship gets mended with time, but it is not until they are adults that their friendship is really tested. After not talking to Vix for a long time, Caitlin calls her with astonishing news and a huge favor to ask of her. This is one thing that Vix doesn't know if she can do for Caitlin. When reading this story there is no limit to what type of emotion you will feel. At times it will make you laugh hysterically, but at other times it will make you cry. Judy Blume does a great job in explaining how complicated an adolescent friendship can, and she always makes it clear that the past is not easily forgotten. Summer Sisters is one of those books that you're never going to want to put down. The reading is enjoyable and never boring. I think that it could touch the hearts of both adults and teenagers because both can relate to the book. The ending of the book is very unpredictable, and the reader will be totally taken by surprise. In addition to the surprise ending, the reader will be able to interpret the ending as they see fit.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful!! Review: Well, there was never a dull moment in this book! I thought it was great...Vix and Caitlin were wonderful entertainment! I'm not sure I believe that Vix would continue to be friends with Caitlin after all the awful things she does to her...but who knows. It made for good reading. I was a little annoyed with the ending, (which is why there are only 4 stars here) I like to know exactly what's going on, and have a solid ending to the books I read, I didn't like the big question mark hanging over the end of this book. Overall though it was a really enjoyable read, I couldn't put it down!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Review: I love this book, it was worth the reading. Never a dull moment
Rating:  Summary: Really Disappointed Review: There is nothing better than reading a well-written story of friendship...this is not it. Caitlin is a brash and free-spirited girl, and when she is twelve, she begins a friendship with quieter, shyer Victoria. Each summer, the girls go to Caitlin's father's house in Martha's Vineyard, and their experiences on these summer travels shape the rest of their lives. Events, often selfish and immature ones, strain the frienship at times, yet no matter what, the bond between the "summer sisters" endures. After you read that description, you are probably thinking how warm and fuzzy this book would be to read. But it's not. First of all, it's hard to really LIKE the characters. Caitlin, especially, is very, very selfish and never works to improve herself. Yes, she's exciting and spirited, yet the fact that she never grows up and seems to mainly "dump" on Victoria isn't remotely appealing. Victoria ("Vix") isn't much better. She just doesn't seem to have any personality. One could say that's she's loyal to Caitlin, but it often seemed that she just didn't have the self-esteem or courage to get out of such a nutty relationship. With its selfishness and strained moments, this "frienship" seemed more like dysfunction. Also, there was way too much sex in this novel. It's almost deceptive to say that this is a story about friendship; each girl, especially Caitlin, seems unhealthily focused on SEX. And lots of it! I am puzzled as to why Blume chose to portray two girls who so casually had sex with so many people. Yes, I know teenagers and adults DO have sex, yet why focus so much on such twisted sex lives? Especially in the latter half of the novel, a sex scene was in nearly every chapter...not for the sake of making any point, I think, but just to add some supposedly juicy parts. The only thing that remotely redeems this book are the interesting viewpoints from secondary characters present throughout the novel. I kept reading simply because I thought at some point someone would become a mature, interesting, and inspiring character, but unfortunately that never really happened.
Rating:  Summary: It's Great Review: "Summer Sisters" By Judy Blume The book Summer Sisters, by Judy Blume is a nonfiction book about friendship, love, and the realities of life. This book was very interesting to me; a teenage girl, because the characters in the book at one point were my age and faced the same issues I face in life. This book was about two best friends who face many problems through life, but are always there for eachother. The help eachother through problems, like drugs, first relationships, marriage, children, and life. Victoria Leonard and Caitlin Somers are best friends. Even though they have problems through the years they stick together like true summer sisters do. Caitlin and Victoria come from very different worlds. Caitlin comes from a very wealthy and well-known family. Victoria comes from a hard work family that is more on the average side. Every summer since the age of twelve, Caitlin has invited Victoria to her summerhouse on Martha's Vineyard. On the wind-blown Island they find friendship, drama, love, and teamwork. This book affected me in many ways. It showed me that other teens are going through the same problems I am. It also taught me a great life lesson. It taught me that at some point you should forgive and forget, because there are bigger problems going on in the world. This book was excellent; I recommend it to teens and young adults. It teaches great life lessons, and puts things into perspectives. I give it five stars! by:A.S.