Rating:  Summary: Bless Me Ultima...put me to sleep! Review: I would not suggest this book to anyone. I fell asleep reading the first chapter.It is so dry and I hardly had any interest in it from beginning to end.Your eyes begin to hurt because you have to stare at the many pages it has. The story is told from the point of view of a six year old boy named Antonio. Through out the book Antonio is on a journey to find himself and to come to terms with life. The book doesn't really pick up until the end and it still isn't as dramatic and suspensful as one would hope it to be.Before this book I have never heard about Rudolfo Anaya and I dont think I'll be reading any of his other books. If you like suspence and drama this is not the book for you! I enjoy many different kinds of litteriture and this book suprised me as being boring as heck!!!I wish I could have enjoyed the book, but unfortunately I didn't. If you like a sence of spirituality and religion then this is a book for you.That is what the story is mostly about. So if your in the mood for a really great nap buy Bless Me Ultima.
Rating:  Summary: Bless Me, Ultima is a really good book... Review: Bless Me, Ultima was a good book. Rudolfo Anaya really captured the magic of good end evil using Ultima symbolizing good, and Tenorio Trementina and his three daughters as evil. Mr. Anaya did a good job describing the Catholic religion in the book, by describing a few of the stories like how the Virgin Mary became patron of Mexico.Antonio Marez, main character of the book, tells the story. His parents, Maria Luna and Gabriel Marez, both want him to choose a path for his future that is related towards each of their own families. His mother wants him to become a farmer or a priest like her side of her family, but his father wants him to be a vaquero (cowboy). Ultima moves him and teaches Antonio about the magic of good and evil. I am Hispanic, so I understood everything that was said and the magic of the book. By the end of the book he witnessed 4 deaths, Lupito, Narisco, Florence, and Ultima. The main focus of the book is about the powers of good and evil. It talks about evil witchcraft, and the good powers of a curandera (healer). Ultima healed one of Antonio's uncles by breaking a curse the three Trementina Sisters, witches and daughter of Tenorio, put on him. I really recommend the book to those who have descent knowledge of Spanish. I do warn that there's a lot of profanity in Spanish. Disregarding that, I really liked it, so I give it a 5 out of 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOMENESS Review: I thought this book was pretty good and I enjoyed reading it immensely. I could not put it down for a second. I read all night and day until I finished it or atleat I tried too. I really liked how Anaya expressed his feelings through his words. I beleive the book was extremely well written and I really liked the part about the mermaid and the hidden lakes. Yet the story had to many cuss words and I did not enjoy the spanish parts becuuase I had to look them up in a spanish/english dictionary and that took time away from my reading. Some other things that I did not enjoy about this work of art were that the kids acted so much older than real life six and seven year olds, and I did not appreciate how they were constantly fighting and wrestling. I do not agree with violence especially when small children witness the crazed acts of murder, and hate. I also didn't like how the kids knew abtou Rosie's and about the things they did insde of the whore house.
Rating:  Summary: Bless Me, Ultima Review: When my English teacher told me that I had to read a novel for class, I was very upset. I felt that I had something better to do than to read another dumb boring book. I am glad that my teacher decided to have us read this book this year. Bless Me, Ultima was a great tale. It was very involved and full of drama. I liked how Rudalfo Anaya was always combining Spanish with English to give the book a certain aura. I am not a native speaker of Spanish, but I do have Spanish class and I knew some of the phrases and words that he used in the book. He described some of the most important cities and named them in Spanish. The llano is a great example of descriptive writing. A llano is a large flat ground. Mr. Anaya brings the llano and las pasturas to life in one's imagination through the vivid descriptions that he used- both in English and in Spanish. If you read this book, I believe that you will find that it is very enjoyable. I found myself engulfed in it. It is truly a page-turner. If you like stories with drama, action, and witchcraft check out Bless Me, Ultima by Rudalfo Anaya.
Rating:  Summary: I'm not crazy about it!!! Review: The book Bless Me Ultima was not a book I willingly chose to read. I've never heard or read any of Rudolfo Anaya's books. The book is told by a child by the name of Antonio. Ultima and her owl come to live with the family. Antonio startes his first year of school and feels lonely because he doesn't speak English. After a little while, his three brothers return home from World War II. Two of his brothers leave and one stays. Antonio did so well during first grade, his teacher skipped him to third grade. Antonio through out the book has many internal conflicts about religion and Ultima. Antonio's mother wants him to grow up to become a priest and his father wants him to become a farmer. It seems that Antonio doesn't do anything he wants to do, his parents pick everything out for him. It seems through the whole book, he spends all his time pleasing his parents. Towards the ending of the book, Antonio loses his innocence witnessing deaths and the actions of those closest to him. I'm not going to reveal anymore about the book, but I don't really recommend this book. The beginning of the book is extremely boring and doesn't get the slightest bit interesting until the 14th chapter.
Rating:  Summary: The waste of trees, "Bless Me Ultima" Review: I read this book for school, and it totally (...). The plot was boring, and the book was full of death and despair. From the way that the author wrote the book, it sounded like he hated children. He gave them too complicated lives, and thoughts too profound for children. Although, this book did have some funny parts, they were very inapproiate. I would not recommend this book to anyone. The book involves Antonio's life from when Ultima comes to live with them, and ends when she dies. In this, approxmately a year and a half, he witness 5 deaths, including that of a murder and one of his closest friends.
Rating:  Summary: Good Enough Too Read!!! Review: I finished reading this book a few days ago, and I think that the book was worth reading. Rudofo Anaya does a great job describing scenes from the story. Because it is a little mouthy at times, I would not reccommend this book for youger readers. Bless Me, Ultima is a story about a youg boy named Antonio who is growing up and having many dillemmas in the way. Antonio wants to obey both his mother and father even though his mother wants him to become either a farmer or a priest, and his father wants him to become a wanderer. Antonio's non-catholic friend, Florence, tries to talk Antonio out of his religion while Antonio tries to talk the same kid into becoming a Catholic like him. Antonio struggles to live a normal life with the help from his most dearest friend, who lives with the family, Ultima. She is Antonios "rock" he learns a lot about the land and his family from her. She is a curandera, one who cures by magic. (...) This exciting and thrilling book will keep you on the edge of your seat. I was not expecting much from a Spanish novel , but it was more than I expected. The authors great look into growing up, makes this a good book for you to read.
Rating:  Summary: A review on Bless Me Ultima Review: We just finished reading Bless Me Ultima in our English II class, and I can honestly say that glad. Rudolfo Anaya's portrayal of a young boy trying to choose the right path in life is quite amusing. I can honestly say that there are not many seven year old boys who are seriously thinking about choosing to be what their mother wants them to be, or choosing to be what their father wants them to be. Children think about playing in trees or in the dirt; not becoming a priest or a vaquero. The dreams that young Antonio experiences are closer to visions of the future, than real dreams. He sees himself and his brothers near the river. He also sees himself going with his brothers to a whore house. The boring and meaningless dreams get longer and longer as the book progresses. The action actually picks up in the book about fifteen pages from the end. This pointless book carries on for chapters at a time and I do not suggest reading it.
Rating:  Summary: I considered this an odd novel. Review: Recently I was required to pick 2 novels off the college bound list to read for the summer. I picked Bless Me,Ultima for one. I was upset with the constant skipping around. I didn't care for the vomiting of the green bile. I also didn't take to kindly to the voodo dolls. kinda odd! Otherwise, I was decently entertained with the skippy story line. Many people have different views though and my review is my review so read it yourself and find out is the best way to tell! thanks so much for reading this. nicole honors 11 student
Rating:  Summary: One Ultimate Book Review: As a teacher in a rural high school with a student population that is over 98% Latino most years and the author of a mystery series featuring a Latino private investigator, I have always been most impressed by Rudolfo Anaya, his work, and particularly his BLESS ME ULTIMA. Anaya is an amazing writer. His prose is beautiful. His story is fascinating, telling the tale of a Latino boy growing up in the American Southwest over a half-century ago. BLESS ME ULTIMA survives the test of time, and it speaks to the youth of today--not just Latino youth in the Southwest. Its reach is universal, and BLESS ME ULTIMA is Anaya's masterwork.