Rating:  Summary: Senior Year is Here! Review: Jessica and Liz are entering their senior year and though the earthquake is over their school is about to be shooken up by the arrival of the new students from El Carro High who's school was demolished by the quake. We have Melissa over here looking at Will with an adoring eye while the other watches Jessica with a snake like venom. Jessica is oblivious though to the girl's obsessive glare. She's to busy stalking handsome El Carro student Will out as her prey. Elizabeth meanwhile is obsessing over a guy in her Creative writing class. Surly Conner dresses like he got his clothes out of a garbage can-and his attitude reeks like one. What girl couldn't resist a boy who spits and snarls like a caged animal (swoon-not!) How Elizabeth could be physically attracted to this jerk is beyond me. Stephen King couldn't have created a scarier character! In this book Jessica and Elizabeth get themselves in jams that can't be fixed by having perfectly glossed lips and a perfect smile-can they survive Senior Year? Find out what happens when J&E's school gets turned upside down by the newcomer's!This series isn't my favorite. I prefer SVU but too pass time I might read a few more then the five I've read but there are many books ahead on that list and this series seems to get too bogged down in situations that take forever to get resolved. It may be more realistic but I prefer the sugar frosting world of Sweet Valley High Junior year where there's a lot more action and it's not so grim as this series.
Rating:  Summary: This book was good, but once you start, you just can't stop! Review: I bought this book one day at barnes and noble, and i have to say i thought it was excellent! But, once I read it, I have to say, that I just couldn't wait for the next one. I then read 13 in 5 days, and I am not what would be called anywhere near a reader. I then finished the last two, and have the read the series twice. I think the way that Jessica loses everything is sad, but adds a lot of....flavor to the story. I mean, she has always been Ms. Popularity, but does that last? And then Elizabeth, with the whole I am in love with Conner, but he is a total jerk thing. Man, that is totally true. For those of yall that have totally fallen or had a crush on a guy, most of the time they are the guys that are obnoxious. Anyway, so that added like tons of fun into the story. So, then, Conner knows he likes Elizabeth, but, he doesn't want to become the b-word (boyfriend) You know the total guys can not commit thing. But, can he help himself. That added so much energy into the story, that I had to finish it in less that half a day. I couldn't put it down, and neither will you. It is a total knockout book. So, read it!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: Okay here it is in a nutshell. El Carro High got smashed in the quake so they join SVH. Liz meets an obnoxious jerk and starts to crush on him. Meanwhile Jessica meets this "awesome" guy Will Simmons and they seeem perfect for eachother. To bad he has the worst girlfriend in the history of ever. Melissa finds out about the two of them and goes into psychotic-frenzy mode. Overall an awesome book.
Rating:  Summary: It's Like A Reality Check For Teens..... Review: Like As was said in a few of the other reviews this book is real to teenages and how they feel about romance,friends,high school and the whole teenage scene. I started reading this book and was unable to put it down. It was sort a different twist then the other sweet valley i have read. This series really hit home. In a way it lets you know that all high school students have the same thoughts,feelings, and fears that we had while in high school. As one of the other readers said some of the old characters are gone and some are back but not as important to the story and then there are some new faces at sweet valley high as well which i think makes the story more interesting. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. I have only one question. Can anybody tell me how and in what book olivia died? Or at least give me some details about it so i'm not so confused please? thanks i would appreciate it very much. I was sad to read that she had died in a former sweet valley book as I just read the book sweet valley super romance mystery date where she and ken fall in love. she seemed like a great character and i really connected with her personality and feelings of not really fitting in in her home town as i often feel the same way. anyway great book if your looking for a book thats true to high school life this is the perfect read.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Stay Away...From this New Series! Review: Okay! First off, I prefer this series so much better. I mean, I was never quite a fan of Liz, but she's a lot more interesting in here! And finally, I'm sorry but Todd and her was getting kinda old...I am so glad she found someone better like Conner. I've reread all the books like 5 times and i can't wait for the number 6 book! I TOTALLY reccomend this book! It's also more realistic, and not just like oh no what will todd think when i thought this guy was cute kinda based on a whole book thing...However, I LOVE ALL Sweet Valley High books, I mean i've been reading em since like 2nd grade when they were like Little Sweet Valley or whatever, but this is by far my fave series!
Rating:  Summary: An Improvement In The Sweet Valley Series Review: After the earthquake that destroyed many homes, buildings, and lives in southern California, the El Carro High School is regrouping at Sweet Valley High--just until their school can be rebuilt. Many students from both schools are less than enthusiastic about this arrangement, particularly Conner McDermott, an El Carro senior. He thinks everything (and everyone) at Sweet Valley is fake and shallow, especially the "Barbie twins": Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield. Since he has a creative writing class with Elizabeth, Conner sinks his barbs into her the most, and soon the two of them are constant enemies. Yet neither wants to admit their animosity might simply be a mask of their attraction. Jessica, on the other hand, has fewer problems snagging a man: Will Simmons, El Carro's all-star quarterback. Although he's already taken by Melissa Fox (Jess's cheerleading competition), Will continues to see Jessica, but not for long once his girlfriend finds out. Then she's out for blood--Jessica's. "Can't Stay Away" is the first book in yet another Sweet Valley spin-off: SVH: Senior Year. It's also the first book I've read in this new series--and, I must say, I'm impressed. Although I've enjoyed Sweet Valley Twins/High/Kids (after all, I grew up on those books), I think this series will probably surpass Francine Pascal's earlier Sweet Valleys. The writing is an improvement, especially with the interspersed "journal entries". It definitely makes the story more engaging. For those who are unfamiliar with Sweet Valley and just started Senior Year, I'd strongly recommend reading anything in the Sweet Valley High series. It might help clarify who the leading characters are and their relationships to each other. It's not absolutely necessary, though; some of the back stories are touched on briefly in this book, i.e., Todd and Elizabeth, Ken and Olivia, Lila and her snotty clique.
Rating:  Summary: Former SVH fans will become SVH Senior Year Fans! Review: If you are a former reader of SVH, you are definitely going to love Senior Year! This book is great for anyone 12 to 20! It is clever and witty and full of humorous sarcasm. The characters think things and say things I (a sixteen year old girl) would think and say. This book series is better than the old SVH. No more crazy, never-could-of-happened story lines. This series is SO real. The characters have such depth and are so dynamic. Any teen could relate. Not only do you get a story, but you get journal entries, poems, stories, song lyrics, personal notes, and even homework essays from all the characters! And it's not just about the girls...there's tons of stuff about great guys too. And they write the journal entries too. This particular book is very entertaining. I promise you, you will be so engrossed in this book, you will absolutely not be able to put it down. It's one of those rare series that you get so involved in that you can't help but wonder what will happen next...and when you can go to the store or library to pick up the next one. You will not be sorry for buying this book. The only regret you might have is your immediate obsession with the SVHSY. But that's kind of the fun part. I really recommend this book to ANY teenager, girl or guy. You will thoroughly enjoy this book. If you have any questions about the series or this particular book, feel free to e-mail me and I will answer your questions and can even refer you (if you're as big of fan as I am, you'll want these) to SVH Senior Year sites. If I had to pick one word to describe this series, it would be WOW! I would also recommend all of the SVHSY books (#1-14). But if you are looking for more reassurance about how great these books are, here are my personal faves: #3 So Cool, #6 Your Basic Nightmare, #10 Broken Angel, #12 Bad Girl, and #13 All About Love. Happy Reading!
Rating:  Summary: The start of an addiction... Review: Okay, when I first picked up this book four years ago I wasn't sure what to expect. I was an avid Sweet Valley High fan - still am, of course! - but this book seemed so different from its predecessor. The cover was different, the blurb was different, the model was different... the entire feel of Sweet Valley High had changed. And I wasn't totally sure how I felt about that. However, I bought it and decided to give it a go; and now I am SO glad I did. Certainly, the Sweet Valley High we once knew and still love is gone; replaced by a more realistic version. Elizabeth and Jessica are no longer the Blonde Wonder Twins, but twin sisters with real teenage problems. Liz can't get used to her new life at the Fowler's, and Jess has fallen hard for one of the new El Carro students, who is almost too perfect to be true. Along the way we are introduced to some new faces, such as Tia, Andy, Conner, Angel and Evan... but at the same time we lose some of the favorites, such as Winston, Enid, Robin and Maria Santelli. Of course, this only shows us just how much Sweet Valley High has changed - and, after reading this book, in my opinion it's a change for the better. The old SVH was great, but "Can't Stay Away" is a book in which its readers can actually relate to. I reccommend it to any Sweet Valley fan or hater; it's definitely worth a read.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Stay Away Review: My favorite book is Can't Stay Away by Francine Pascals. First of all, I like it because of the problems this teenage girl is going through. I like them because every kid can relate to them. Choosing friends can be tough! Another reason I like the book is how the author puts crazy details in it. For example, My friend Jessica seems to have put her brain on ice. Now so far I don't know about you, but this book is groovy. Finally I like it because of the style of the book. Kids sometimes read books and think this is boring and ancient, but these books relate to kids Both physically and emotionally. To end the story, you can see the book is great.
Rating:  Summary: Humor, reality, teen drama and new loves- AWESOME! Review: This book has to be one of the best Sweet Valley books that I have read. Jessica is back to her old flirty ways trying to snag Will Simmons, who incidently has a girlfriend, Melissa Fox. Lila and Amy show their true colors in this series, ditching Jess for Melissa and her friends. Melissa is mad at Jessica for supposedly trying to steal Will from her. Elizabeth is infatuated with Conner Mcdermott and Enid and Elizabeth and slowly not becoming friends anymore. Poor Ken is dealing with Olivia still and Maria and Conner get together in the first two books. Elizabeth, Lila, Amy, Ken, Maria and Jessica change a lot in this series. They don't really mention Winston, Todd, Maria Santelli, Devon Whitelaw (from the Prom series and Earthquake books). if you ever read Party Weekend! you'll see that Tia Ramirez was mentioned being on the team that sabotaged the SVH team. If you are a fan of Sweet Valley High at all this is a book I would truly recommend!