Rating:  Summary: Great Arthurian Romance Review: I had to read this book in 11th grade english class. I had never read anything on the Arthurian legend before, and this book turned on an interest I never knew was there. White is an incredibly gifted writer that makes this ancient story come to life. It's good for children and adults alike!
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece! Review: I first read this book in my high school English class about 10 years ago, and it remains one of my all-time favorite books! The story itself is fascinating, but it is White's writing that is absolutely exquisite... True, it is a very dense book and it will take a while to read through it, but it is worth it. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about the King Arthur legend...
Rating:  Summary: The Once and Future King: T.H. White Review: Overall a good book but follows Malory too closely. Basicall not a medieval fiction novel I think it would be better classified as a medieval fantasy novel. I've read many a review saying that this is a wonderfully accurate representation of King Arthur's life and downfall. I have knews for you people. If you're looking for historical accuracy look elsewhere. This is a fairy tale. One version of the Arthurian legend that I found to be much more historically accurate is Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles. Much of the storyline is invented but the basic idea is so much more along the lines of accuracy. Personally Cornwell's version is the best I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: The Bible of Modern King Arthur Tales Review: This book is a masterpiece. I guess I'm biased, being a little bit of a King Arthur buff, but if you only read one King Arthur book, it should be this one. (Now if you're reading two King Arthur books, read The Mists Of Avalon!) It isn't the fastest-moving book, or most exciting, but it really is wonderful, especially in the later parts of the book when White gets into more of the psychological and ethical issues underlying.
Rating:  Summary: Praise to "The Once and Future King" Review: The Once and Future King is an excellent representation of King Arthur's life. Starting from when King Arthur was young to when he received the sword Excalibur all the way to the old age of King Arthur. The book also talks about the relationship between Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenever that led to the frightening events that happened between them. Another subject the book describes in extreme detail is the search or quest for the Holy Grail, depicted as a cup or bowl that Jesus used in the Last Supper. The book told individual stories about each knight that came in and with all the stories put together, form a spectacular image of what happened during the search or quest. I think that this is a good book, even though it was a bit too long for my liking. The book describes King Arthur's life very well and in vivid detail. At the beginning of almost every chapter, there is a one to two page description of the scene that chapter is set in. For those who don't understand all this vocabulary of middle ages, there's also a plus in this book. The book often makes references to the twentieth century that makes it a lot easier to understand. For example, the book contrasts a dim candle to the Thomas Edison electric light bulb. I recommend the book a lot. Almost every time I started reading a section, I would forget about time and eventually my mom has to cut into my reading so that I would not finish the book in one sitting.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Book, Awesome review Review: The book "Once and Future King" tells a story that takes place in the Middls Ages around Camelot when mythological creatures flourished and magic thrived. It's the story of King Arthurs life from when he is a boy going on adventures with his magical teacher Merlyn the magician, to when he became the king. Arthur is being turned into animals and even saving people as he meets up with well known myths such as Robin Hood and Little John, unicorns and griffens. This 4-in-1 book (four stories of Arthur under one title) is loaded with information of King Arthur's life and people close to him. However, I did not enjoy this book because it was too slow moving to keep me intresyed and too many unnecessary details were included. The beginning took a while to get going because whole pages were devoted to small things such a describing a field, when that field is completly irrelevent to the story line. Some of the words were just from that time period and hard to comprehend. I was also turned off by an untasteful scene of witchcraft and animal cruelty. Some of the descriptions were very poetic, but I didn't want to know that much about something that had so little impact on the story. Although the charcters were amusing, I would have liked to see more magic and action, less scence and adjectives. I think that if you have a lot of time to absorb all the words you would enjoy this book more. I would not recommend this book to anyone because whatever you are looking to read, htere is going to be a better book out there for you.
Rating:  Summary: The View Review: The book I read was The Once and Future King. It is made up of four huge chapters more like small stories with the same characters and settings. The main idea of the book is that there is a young Squire named Wart who lives at the castle of Sir Ector. Wart's tutor is Merlyan the Magician who is with him for most of the story and sends him on wild crazy adventures while he is a child. Wart finds out he is really King Aurthor of England. While he is King, he makes the round table and, fights in manny battles and conquests. In the end, something huge happens , but I don't want to spoil the story. Alough the beginning was a little slow, it was exciting and funny like when he fought fairies with Robin Hood and, little John, or when he was a fish in the moat of a castle. There were so many details about the Middle Ages like the halking hems and when they go hog hunting that it makes it hard to set the book down! I loved this book and hope you can enjoy it as much as I did
Rating:  Summary: I thought it was bad, bad, bad! :o) Review: In the first of the four stories in The Once and Future King young Arthur, or "the Wart", gose hawking with his stepbrother, Kay. When the hawk refuses to return to the Castle with them, Arthur stays behind and waits for the bird to come down from a limb high above. On this quest Arthur meets Merlin, a wizard who lives time backwards. Merlin helps teach and prepare Arthur for his destination in life, High King of England. The rest of the book will share in detail Arthur's schooling and life as king. It also includes many stories about other medieval characters shuch as Lancelot, one of the best knights in Arthur's court, and Guenever, King Arthur's wife. I didn't care for this book. I didn't like it because the stories weren't any too great and the book had a slow start. The stories were very original, but I was hoping they would be a little more imaginative and unreal. Parts of the book were wonderful- like the journey to the fairies castle that was made intirly out of food- I just wish more of the book were like this. The first section of the book is mainly about Arthur's education and it seems to last for ever! The first few yers slowly drag by, and then the last couple rushed by so fast you hardly relized they'd past. It seemed to me like the author just ran out of ideas on Arthur's schooling. After that the story finally picked up a little (but not much). I wouldn't suggest reading The Once and Future King; it just wasn't worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: The Once and Forever OK book! Review: The Once and Future King is a book with 4 different plots in 4 different sections of the book. There are stories about how King Arthur pulled the sword out of the stone, The story of Sir Lancelot, The love between Sir Lancelot and Guenevier, and finally, the quest for the holy grail. Althogh there are 4 different plots, there are 3 main charcters, Arthur, Sir Lancelot, and Gunivier. There are also big characters like Merlyn, the magaician of Camelot and Archemedes the talking owl. I liked this book because it talks about the Arthurian Legends. I also enjoyed this book because it was desciptive in many ways. For example, Sir Lancelot was in a tree and the author told every detail like he was sitting in Sir Lancelots place. Of course no book is perfect, because the 4 plots confused me and knocked it to 3 stars. If you enjoy a good midevil story, you'll LOVE this book.
Rating:  Summary: BadBook-The Once and Future King Review: The Sword in the Stone(which is the first of 4 stories in this book)is the book I will be reviewing. The book's plot was about a young boy named the Wart( the future King Arthur ) and his quest to find a tutor, but when he finds his teacher he also finds out he is a little out of the ordinary. Merlin, the Wart's new tutor, is a magician that does a variety of things to the Wart for his education. This story might sound exciting but is extremely long, boring, and pointless. Although the story did have some action, mainly when the Wart and Kay find Robin Wood and Little John on a journey into the forest Savauge and rescue FriarTuck, Cavall, the Dogboy and Wat from the clutches of an evil queen who cannot be touched by iron. This story had absolutely no point in the book, it just took up space. What also made no sense in the book was the Wart being turned into three different animals. The book was also boring. The action didn't even start until the 10th or 11th chapter when the Wart was turned into his first animal,a pike, which was the king of the moat that they were in, and almost got eaten. After that the action was few and far in between. In conclusion I really disliked the book, even though it did have some good action, because it was long boring and pointless.