Rating:  Summary: The Contender Review: Afred is a typical Harlem boy. He lives with his Aunt Pearl and her three daughters. Alred goes through many obsticles in his life and thinks he can handle anything until his best friend begins getting involved with the cops and donig illegal things. When that starts to happen, Alred all of a sudden has no where to go, then when he finds Donatelli's Gym, the neighborhood boxing gym, he begins to wonder what it would be like if he could finally do something with his life. Read this story to find out if Alred decides to become a Contender and succeed in life, or stay an average New Yorker.
Rating:  Summary: Review of The Contender Review: I think The Contender is a good book for future readers. I think that th characters are realistic and are realy well described. I think that the contents of the fights were reaching a limit on length, and the character content could have been better, it could also use some more content when you are reading about Alfreds every-day life. I think that some of the quotes were very well set and the lifestyle of the characters were also very realistic. My overall take on this book was evry good. I think that this is a very good book.
Rating:  Summary: The Contender Review: First thing I want to say: Excellent book! I think Lipsyte did a wondrous job portraying a young, scared boy growing into a determined, mature man. Alfred Brooks is scared. He is a high school dropout with a job at a grocery store that is going nowhere, and fast. His best friend is sinking more and more into drugs. The neighborhood thugs want him, to either beat him up or to join them. After one of these beatings, Alfred decides to start going to Donatelli's Gym, a boxing club in Harlem that is notorious for champions. While training, he learns from Donatelli that it's the effort, not the win, that makes the man. It's if you can be hit and hurt, but still struggle to stand on your feet when everyone thought you were done. I loved the book. I think it would make an excellent movie and should be done so soon. While reading this book I was inspired to start working out and feel better about myself. After reading this book I understood the importance of determination, discipline, and dedication when trying for your goals. I learned that if you have what it takes to become a contender, then you can do anything you want to.
Rating:  Summary: 4 star book Review: Alfred Brooks is a dropout of high school. He lives in Harlem, with his Aunt Pearl and cousins. Alfred is trying to make it straight, and do something with his life. He has to choose between his friends or doing the right thing. So, Alfred goes down to a boxing place called Donatelli's. When he meets Mr. Donatelli, Alfred tells him he wants to do boxing so he can become a champion. Mr. Donatelli told him he would have to be a contender before he could be a champion and that boxing was a lot of work. In "The Contender," Robert Lipstyle (the author) gave a good description of how Alfred felt while he was boxing, and what he was saying to himself to keep him going. Example, Page 104. "Stick and run, Alfred, don't slug..." Jab, jab hook, right... left... Rivera tried to bring his arms up... jab-jab. When you read this book it's like you're there. You're moving with the words! I highly recommend this book, because it shows you with work and commitment things do work out for good.
Rating:  Summary: The Contender Review Review: The Contender was a very good and innovative book by one of my new favorite authors, Robert Lipsyte. It's about a black teenager living in hard times. Alfred lives in a tough black neighborhood. His friends and himself usually hang out together, but not anymore. Not after what happened. Alfred works for a Jewish owned grocery store near his home. When his friends and him decide that they need some cash for the movies, Alfred remembers that on Fridays his boss doesn't touch money for religious reasons. When his best friend James enters the store to rob it, only then does Alfred remember about the silent alarm placed in it. Later that night, after everyone scattered when the police came, Alfred is jumped by his other friends that escaped from the scene of the crime. And that is when he decided he didn't want to be pushed around anymore. I liked this book because of it's action packed parts, and how I could relate to the character. I also enjoyed the progression that Alfred's character goes through during the entire book. I would suggest this book to anyone who can enjoy boxing and plenty of action.
Rating:  Summary: "A True Friend" Review: I read the book, "The Contender." Throughtout your reading, you could learn alot, especially how to become a true friend. If you don't think of yourself as a contender, this is the right book for you to read. After you have finished reading this book, you will think of yourself as a CONTENDER! Throughout the book, Alfred had to be a contender for himself. Alfred was getting beat up all the time, and after awhile he got tired of it. After that, he became a boxer to protect himself. Alfred had a friend name James, and he would do all the wrong things. He would do drugs and follow the things that the wrong people would tell him to do. Alfred knew that James did the wrong things, but he still was there for him. So, if you are interested in "The Contender," believe me when I say, this is the book for you!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent novel, READ IT! Review: The Contender is written by Robert Lipsyte. The story is about a teenager named Alfred Brooks who lives in a bad section of Harlem. He has to go through a litany of ordeals like being bullied by a gang leader named Major and his best friend addicted to drugs. To face this, he becomes an ametur boxer. I thought this story was compelling and something a lot of people can relate to. I really suggest reading it.
Rating:  Summary: The Contender Review: I really enjoyed this book because it shows how you should believe in yourself. It also shows how you can become something when you think you are not.
Rating:  Summary: The Brave Contender Review: I like The Contender because it shows how Alfred found his own way. His best friend wanted him to do drugs but instead he fought his fears and released his anger by becoming a boxer.
Rating:  Summary: The Boxer Review: The author of the Contender is Robert Lipstye. The book the Contender is about a male boxer named Alfred. The book also talk about a guy who was influenced by his friends. And the book talks about the way the guy lead himself to victory as a boxer. The book talks about when he dropped out of high school and what he did when he dropped out of high school.The book mainly talks about Alfred's life as a boxer. I recommend the ages 12 year and up should read this book because this book uses big vocabulary that kids under 12 will not know understand.