Rating:  Summary: Four and a half stars... Review: "The Coven" picks up right where book #1 left off. In just a few days Morgan has discovered Wicca, fallen in love and fought with her best friend. Now it seems that everything she has believed about herself and her family for the last sixteen years is about to be exposed as a lie... I've gotta say I liked this book a lot more than I did "Book of Shadows". Initially, I didn't find the characters that interesting (take into account I prefer my heroines full of attitude in the Susannah "The Mediator" Simon style) or the relationships between them that realistic. One thing I do love, however, is the information on Wicca. Since beginning this series I have started reading up about it on the Internet, and while I can't see myself becoming a witch in the foreseeable future (perfectly happy being agnostic thanks very much) this series has helped to change my perceptions of the whole idea. Overall, I would award this book four and a half stars. Definitely recommended to any fans of Wicca and I promise the ending will leave you desperate for the third book in the series. ~Jenna~ (who is now starting to get addicted to these Sweep books and seriously regretting having started reading them)
Rating:  Summary: Even better than the first one! Review: (Please see my review of Cate Tiernan's Book of Shadows.) Morgan cannot ignore the startling evidence of her newfound powers. Unfortunately, members of the coven split off to form their own group. Cal forsees that they may fall under the influence of an evil mentor. Meanwhile, Morgan and her concerned Catholic parents are drawn into a confrontation over her interest in Wicca. She realizes her parents are afraid and trying to protect her from something in the past. She begins researching the Seven Great Clans. This leads her to tantalizing conversations with two clerks in a Wiccan bookstore. One clerk is creepy; one is motherly. They hint at a tragedy involving a war between witch clans. This fascinating series can go in so many different directions. To which clans do Morgan and Cal belong? Does his mysterious mother have her own plans for Morgan? Will Bree and Raven turn evil? Will Bree's old boyfriend cause trouble? Will Robbie declare his secret love? What are the parameters to Morgan's powers? How is Cal going to take it if she ends up more talented than he? Don't miss this great new series.
Rating:  Summary: A Stellar Book Review: *he he* This book is totally awesome. I had to read this after reading the compelling first book. Morgan is a blood witch, which *no pun intended* means that somewhere down the line, she has an ancestor from one the original covens. I personally think it's the one that deals with plants, because she feels such a tie with them. Problems occur between her and her former best friend, because Morgan is the one Cal loves, and her best friend can't handle it, wanting Cal for herself. The whole idea of magick is great with this book, I totally recommend this for anyone interested in Wiccan fiction. Peace out!
Rating:  Summary: Morgan's powers are stronger than she thought Review: After Morgan was announced into the coven everything changed. SHe has a boyfriend, her best friend hates her, and she's seeing everything in a new life. But when she learns a life shattering secret from her past her view on everything is changed. She finds herself getting futhur and futhur into wicca against her parents wishes and she suddenly feels as if she belongs. But will her thirst for knowlege about her real birth mother change everything? Or will it just destory it. Like the last book in the series this book is an amazing book on magical witches. But unlike the last in the series it's much more suspenseful and dark. I loved this book it's better than the last and I can't wait till the next one comes out. I reccomend it to anyone who's read the first book or is a fan of Silver Ravenwolf's Witches Chillers books.
Rating:  Summary: Sweep 2: The Coven Review: Everything in Morgan's life is changing. She now has an incredible boyfriend who loves her and her former best freind hates her guts. To top that off she finds out she's a blood witch only to discover that her parents are not her real parents. She's adopted! Morgan, thanks to Alice at Practical Magick finds out about her mother and father. She finds that she is the daughter of 2 witches, Maeve Riorden and Angus Bramson. She also finds out she is the last descendant of Belwicket, a Woodbane coven that renounced dark magick. Through all of this Bree and Raven split off from Cirrus to join a different coven. And Morgan is worried that their leader is teaching them dark magick. Another great addition to the Sweep series. Also the first appearance of Hunter and Sky!
Rating:  Summary: Where do Morgan's true loyalities lie? Review: Everything Morgan Rowlands has known and believed for the sixteen years of her life is a lie. The people who raised her are not her parents. She is related to them and to their daughter, the girl Morgan knows as a sister, only in love, not in blood. Morgan's true ancestry lies with a coven of Irish witches that were brutally massacred one dark night in 1982, leaving only two survivors - Maeve and Angus, the young couple that are Morgan's birth parents. Morgan finds joy in her newfound magical powers and in her heritage of witchcraft. However, her adoptive parents refuse to accept it, insisting that Morgan's upbringing makes her as Catholic as they are and that witchcraft is the work of the devil. How can Morgan reconcile her love for the family that has always cared for her with her desire to pursue her newfound heritage? This was an entertaining fantasy with a realistic backdrop of teenage life and a touch of mystery.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks for all the good reviews! Review: Hi. I'm the author of Sweep, Cate Tiernan, and I wanted to thank everyone who's been reading the books and reviewing them for Amazon. I love getting the feedback, and it's very exciting for me to get firsthand reports of what people liked and didn't like about the series. It's been a really fun series to work on, and I appreciate everyone's kind words. I can't wait till you can read Sweep #3 and #4--you won't believe what's going to happen! Right now I'm working on #6, Spellbound, and even I'm surprised by some of the things these characters do. Thanks again, and keep reading! Best, Cate Tiernan
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first Review: Imagine, you're a regular teenage girl who isn't really noticed at school. Then one day a stranger named Cal transfers to your high school. From first sight your in love w/ him, but so is your best friend Bree the girl who's used to gettin any guy she wants, so you are forced2keep your feelings quiet while she plans on how shes gonna make him hers. The 2 of you find out he's Wiccan, and he invites you to come to some of his circles. For sum reason, during the circles, you seem to be feeling more power than any1 else. Your strict Catholic parents find out about what your doin, and tell you to stop, but u keep doing it anyway. Then you find out your a blood witch. OK, This is where Sweep 1 left off. Now, lets talk about Sweep 2. After you find out your a blood witch, that means your parents have 2 be to, right? And if they are, why are the so against you practicing Wicca? After your ex-best friend dumps all of the Wicca books that you were keeping at her house on your front lawn cuz you got the guy she wanted, your parents yell at you because they already told you they didnt want you practicing Wicca. You tell them u are a blood witch, but they dont believe you, so you say, "What am I, adopted?" Their reply, silence, the worst answer. You leave your house angry, at your "parents". You then decide to find out about your real mother. The next day at school Bree and the local goth girl, Raven, say they're leaving your coven. Cal is worried because he doesnt know who they are working w/. You continue to look for info about your mother. Then, one day while you are at Practical Magic, the local occult store, Alice, a person who works there, tells you that she knows about your mother. She tells you that she and Agnus (your birth father) were killed in a burning barn by Ciaran, your mothers muirn beatha dan. Then you find out that Bree and Raven are working w/ a witch that practices dark magic. You try to warn Bree, but she doesnt believe you. Ok, Im gonna end it here, read Sweep 2, the coven to find out what happens. (PS~I left alot of important stuff out on purpose)
Rating:  Summary: Morgan returns and the mysteries continue Review: In the first book of the series we saw Morgan become exposed to Wicca and learn that she has strong powers and is a blood witch (witch by heredity). In this book, Morgan must learn more about herself. During an argument with her parents who want her to stop her Wicca studies, she confronts them with the blood witch idea. They deny it and she finally learns that she was adopted. The rest of the book has Morgan trying to come to terms with her adoption, the fact she wasn't told about it, her relationship with Cal Blaire and possibly ex-friend Bree. All this while also learning about her powers and that not everyone in the world of magic is friendly. A very nice book that really surprised me in how well it was written, how the characters act, and some of the subjects brought up. All in all, a very nice book.