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Z for Zachariah

Z for Zachariah

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I hate this book!!
Review: The guy is a control freak and the girl is a self centered brat. I hate both of the characters and there are only 2 in the whole book. I would have given this 0 stars, but the computer wouldn't let me. I hate this book.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Z for Zachariah
Review: Z for Zachariah Book Review Z for Zachariah is an excellent book. I chose this book because of the cover it was catchy. When I started to read it, it was very interesting to see how Ann was able to live on her own. I think this book is excellent because the way it was written in dairy form. It made it feel like if the character were talking to you the reader. One part I liked in this book was when Ann and Mr. Loomis were not living together. This part made it seem thrilling to read because when Mr. Loomis shot Ann I thought she would have gave up and come back to the house. She did not she still was brave and stayed in the forest. The way the Author wrote this book is great. This is what made me want to read this book more. It made me feel like the character was talking to me the reader. This book was written in a dairy format that I believe is great. The author makes it seem so real when it is written in dairy format. I recommend this book for people who like mysteries and thrills. This book is very thrilling once you start reading it. Also it has mysteries because at the end when Ann leaves no one knows where she ended up. So if you're the kind of person who likes thrills and mysteries this book is for you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Z for Zachariah was a interesting book that l read
Review: Z for Zachariah Z for Zachariah was an interesting book that I read. It was suspenseful, and had mystery in it. I never really read books that don't interest me. In this case l had to read it for my English class. The beginning of the book was really boring it had nothing good to read about but later in the book it got interesting and I started to enjoy the book. The book was really well put because it was put into a diary form way. It is better if a book is in a diary form way because then it makes the book look good. It is easier to read and it's not hard to see where the good scenes are and the worst. The book is put in a way that you're not going to know what's going to happen next. It's put in way that it keeps you hanging and you just want to know what happens next. Overall I recommend this book to people who like to read suspense, mystery about what's going to happen next. Also people whom like books which leave them hanging to what's going to happen next. I think that people who like romances I don't think this book is good for you. Therefore if you read this book you will like it and would what to read on. By: Maninder Mundh Date: Friday May 28, 1999 Teacher: Ms. Gluskin

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very unrealistic!!!!
Review: I hated the book. I'm not into science fiction but this was a really bad book. It was creepy and not in a fun and entertaining way! The book did not portray emotions very well at all. I felt like I ws watching "The Haunting" because the girl talked to herself so much. I thought she went crazy. I did not enjoy the book at all. The worst I've ever read.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This was a very suspenseful and interesting book
Review: Z for Zachariah Book Review

I liked this book because there was a lot of suspense. For example, when Mr.Loomis came into Ann's room. It was dark and Mr.Loomis could do anything he wanted because here was nobody there. It was even more suspenseful scene was when Ann tried to sneak into the store. The entrance to the store was open. Ann attempted to sneak into the store but Mr.Loomis was watching. It was a trap. Mr.Loomis started shooting at her. At this point it got very suspenseful. The other suspenseful part in the book was when Ann stole the safe suit. Ann put her self in a lot of trouble by doing this. Ann left a letter telling Mr.Loomis to leave his gun and the tractor. For a while Ann could not see him. It got suspenseful because he could come from any direction. And when Ann turned her back to Mr.Loomis, I was so sure he would shoot her like he did to Edward. Overall, I really enjoyed this book because of the suspense and many other reasons.

The author used many good techniques in this book. One of the techniques he used was the journal entry format. This technique was the best because you would know how many days were going by. When I looked for something in the book it was easier to find because I could look at the dates. Another technique that the author used was how he would tell us about an important event and then he would explain how it happened through three of four chapters. Some of the techniques were very original and new to me. These techniques were very good because they made the book a bit more interesting.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense and a little action. I would recommend this book to my cousin because she loves to read suspense and similar books. My cousin is a little younger than I am but this book wasn't very hard to read. I would even recommend this book to my brother because he would probably like it. This book was really good and I would like to read more books like this.

David Childerhose

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I think it was magnificent
Review: I think this book was magnificent. The reason for that is, a book has to be very good in order for me to read it and I read 3 books in my entire life, I really am not a reader, I never thought that I could finish it but I did and it was great. I really liked the fact of a man coming into the valley who was very troubled and no one could have helped him he was crazy! I also liked the fact that the dog , her old friend came back she had to kill him by making him go into Burden Creek so that the dog into Burden Creek so that the dog wouldn't follow her around making Mr. Loomis catch her. I really liked Ann's diary format. The reason for that is because she tells you a bad thing happened in the beginning of a chapter and takes 20 pages to tell you how it happened to keep you reading. For example in chapter 24 she says that she was shot at the beginning and takes 15 or so pages to tell you how it happened. The suspence is what makes me keep on reading. This book is really good I really recommend it for everyone to read it. Z for Zechariah is really good, it's about things that boys and girls like. I liked it and I really am not a book person so if you are a book person you will love it. By: Rafia Aden

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This book is really boring

Z for Zachariah wasn't a great book for me, but it wasn't that bad also. What I didn't like about this book was that it was too dramatic at some parts in the story. An example of this is how Ann had to play the piano to Mr.Loomis. What I did liked about the book is how the U.S. government/Pentagon was added to the story and about underground airforce bases. One good part was that the U.S. Government wanted to build safe-suits for the whole U.S. army, unfortunately there were no more talks about these things throughout the book. This book would've been better of if there were more talks about government and the war.

The technique the author uses to keep the audience reading is the diary format, which I don't really like. I didn't like the diary format because all she talked about was about herself. An example is when she kept talking about how lonely she was, I don't care if she is lonely or not. The diary format also wasn't good because it was unusually long, there never seen a one day diary this long in my life. Especially the first few chapters into the story, each diary entry she had was about ten pages long or more. There was only one good thing about the diary format that I liked; it was how each chapter the author gave what date it is in the story.

My impression towards the book was that it wasn't very interesting and I had a hard time trying to read this book because it bored me. I would probably recommend this book to people who like suspenseful stories and who would like a dash of science added to it. Maybe young students who are a bit interested in science might like this. Overall, I wouldn't recommend people to read this book unless they liked the suspense and the little bit of science added to it.

BY: Hak Bou

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was an excellent book.
Review: Z for Zachariah Z for Zachariah is written by Robert C.O'Brien. This is an excellent book for reading. The beginning of the book was very interesting but in the end I don't have expect that Ann going to left Mr. Loomis alone in the valley. They separate in the end but they suppose to be stay together. I don't like Ann when she killed her dog. But still I like this book because they told you every thing that happened in the valley. For example, they told you what they eat for their dinner and what they did all day. I think this was necessary to tell all this because they were in that kind of situation that we need to describe that entire scene. I really like the diary format. It is really difficult to write a diary. The way he described the story that was an excellent. He told us that John Loomis was sick and Ann helped him from his fever. She helped him every minute but Loomis had broken her all believe. They had a brilliant dog like Faro. I don't like the part when we can't find out what's going to happen to Ann after she left the valley because has no one talk or see. Because as they described in the book that their no one left in the world alive. I think teenagers and adults should read this book. Teenagers should read this book because they would get ready to fight with the problems. I think they should brave and intelligent like Ann Burden. This book would be good for book report. This is not like other books but it has his own kind of story that every one likes to read this book.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I think this book was very interesting
Review: Z for Zachariah Book Review

I like the book Z for Zachariah because it had many scenes with suspense and it was very fun to read. For example, the scene with Mr.Loomis and Ann, where Mr.Loomis tried to shoot Ann when she tried to sneak in the neighbours store for food and supplies. In the book I like the scene where Mr.Loomis shot Edward, Mr.Loomis shot in the chest in the underground base, because he thought that he was going to steal his safe-suit. I think is sad when Faro died, I liked this scene because it had a lot of suspense. My impression towards the book was good. I found it very interesting because there was a lot of suspense and mysterious.

The technique the author used to keep the audience interested so they would finish the book was Ann's diary format. I didn't like the diary format because the only she mentioned was her survival to live. Some of the words were really complicated and didn't made any real sense. Another one is how the author made Ann left the house and had to go live in the cave. In conclusion, the author couldn't keep the audience interested for more than a few minutes.

I would recommend this book to someone who likes action and suspense I would recommend to people who like these two things, because this book has lots of action and suspense when Mr.Loomis want to shoot Ann so she doesn't leave.

BY: Santino Tomaselli

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: pointless reading
Review: This book is the boringest book in the world and should not be forst apon young adults by cruel teachers in high schools around australia. It is about a girl that knew she was the last woman in the world and the only chance of the suvival of the human race depends on her having children with a man old enough to be her father. I feel the book would have been better if she had blown her brains out with her .22 and made us all happy.

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