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Z for Zachariah

Z for Zachariah

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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Z for Zachariah was a ok book but it was confusing
Review: I didn't really care for the book but I think it was fun to try and read it by the end of the summer. I think it was ok. I thought it was confusing because they skip the subject around alot

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful exciting book
Review: This is a great book to read for people that have'nt read it yet. It is a scary and sad story about a 16 year old and an adult.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This is one of the dumbest books I've red. This book was also very creepy not the good creepy it was the bad creepy. I think the book has turned me off from reading on my own. Now I only read if I have to. The book was also boring it only had two charcters and Ann is the only one really talking. I only red this book because I had to that's how I know how horrible this book is. For you who like to read, this book is not for you. It will turn you off to reading for good or for a while. Trust me don't buy this book 'cause if you do you will waste good money on a horrible book. Don't even read this book unless you have to. (remember: you don't have to listen to this advice, but remember I warned you ahead of time.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great
Review: This was on the 8th grade summer reading list, and I read it, deciding it was probably better than Wuthering Heights or A Tale Of Two Cities. I was right! The plot, albeit unrealistic ( one valley survives a nuclear war), was gripping and suspenceful. The author unknowlingly leads us into a cliff-hanger ending- does Ann find any more people? Z for Zachariah is a good book, although some people may find it's dark plot depressing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: torture to be made to read it.
Review: i was made to read this book over the summer. i think that if they wont't let us see pg13 movies in school then we shouldn't be able to read this book. it contains adult information and an y\unsuccesful rape.. it was bad.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not what it lives up to be
Review: When I read the first chapter of this book, I had a feeling that it would be filed with surprise, susupense, and intrigue. But what I really found out was that the pages contained a dull, repetitive storyline, boring charaters, and a atmosphere of pain. I guess the saying "you can't judge a book by it's cover" is in good use here.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A truly captivating story of a fascinating, hopeful survival
Review: Z for Zachariah by Robert O'Brien is an excellent story for adolescent readers as well as anyone who grew up in the '80's with the fear of nuclear war. The story is set in a unique valley that remains unharmed after a nuclear war. A lone survivor, an adolescent girl, lives with a few remaining animals. She comprehends her situation, but fears leaving the valley due to the fact that other survivors who left, her family, did not return. She has hope, however, because enough remains for her to perpetuate her life; but what about the human race? A visitor comes wearing a special suit. Although cautious, our heroine befriends this man only to find out he is troubled and controling. A neat exploration of frontierism, survival, nuclear holocaust, utopian themes, and science-fiction. Students are captivated by her situation and the past threat of nuclear war.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Depressing, even disturbing.
Review: Z for Zachariah is a depressing novel, even a disturbing one. Ann is forced into a life of solitude by circumstances. Even when the man, Mr. Loomis, entered the valley, she received little companionship, just pain and suffering for the most part. One interpretation might be that Mr. Loomis forced her out of the valley so she would seek others and procreate her species because he believed there were others after seeing the birds. But even with the protagonist professing hope at the end, there is no guarantee of finding other life. Even an optomistic reader must agree that hardship is certain and survival uncertain.The title Z for Zachariah would not indicate hope if it refers to her Bible alphabet and her belief that Z for Zachariah stood for the last man.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best books I have ever read!
Review: I love to read, so when I say a book is good, I really mean it! I read this on a 12 hour airplane flight, and I finished it WAY before the trip was over. It was exciting, suspensful, and very interesting. Overall, it is a great book.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I thought this book was full of suspense and emotions,
Review: The author really makes you keep the book in your hands at all times. The story is based on a girl that is the only person left in a nuclear war. So she thinks. Then one day she notices a camp fire getting closer and closer. Who is it? What do they want? Are they friendly? All of these questions make the book very suspensful. The things that happen make you angry and sad. You really feel your a part of the story and that is enough for me to promote Z for Zachariah!

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