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Z for Zachariah

Z for Zachariah

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Z For Zachariah-A Book of Triumph
Review: Z For Zachariah is an exciting book of triumph. It teaches the hardships of being alone, and just how well you can trust someone you just met. Ann Burden is a sixteen year-old girl, living in a small town in the suburbs of Ogdentown. Everything was the usual, until radioactive material is released and the radio's and television's shut down, one by one. Soon enough, Ann is left without her family and fighting to survive. Little did she know, the fighting was about to get a whole lot worse. When a strange man named Mr. Loomis shows up, he bathes in radioactive water and becomes very sick. She is stuck to nurse him and amazingly, he heals. However, Mr. Loomis is not the nice, noble man he had lead her to believe. They end up against eachother, and Ann is soon undergoing an adventure she had never thought would come.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A must not read
Review: Z for Zachariah tells of Ann Burden and her struggle against John Loomis, who are the last people on earth thanks to a nuclear war. In the beginning, when he arrives, he seems nice, but gradually John tries to control everything, including Ann, and a radioactive safe suit. I think it was supposed to be suspenseful, but it was quite boring. The language was uninteresting, and the author rarely used things like foreshadowing, figurative language, etcetera. The book is one giant death rattle ending in rigor mortis for the author (literally and figuratively). A bunch of monkeys typing on a 1922 model typewriter could bang out a better story.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not too good
Review: Z for Zachariah tells of Ann Burden and her struggle against John Loomis which is really quite pathetic. The book is one giant death rattle ending in rigor mortis for the author (literally and figuratively). Wow. A bunch of monkeys typing on a 1922 model typewriter could bang out a better story. Thnak you

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good but not Great
Review: Z for Zachariah is an good but not great book. I found the plot idea very interesting. Ann thinks that she is the lone survivor of a neucler war. The valley that she lives in, for some weird reason, was left untouched by radation. After surviving for years alone she meets a scientist from far away who is able to travel through the deadly fallout because of a radation-proof suit. Shortly after arriving in the valley he mistakes a radioactive river for a safe one and swims in it. After a severe case of radiation poisoning he recovers with the help of Ann. I thought that this was a very good start but it took 3/4 of the book to get through it. It starts out very slowly and I found the beginning of it boring. The books strongest point was the final few chapters which had an interesting twist at the end. This is why I rated Z for Zachariah three out of five stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Book?
Review: I dont't know why, but I truly loved this book. I enjoy reading, and try to keep my head above water with solid pieces of work, but this one, this one really pulled on my strings. I just dont't know why. See if it does the same for you.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Different kind of review than most others
Review: This book did not satisfy my reading requirements for when I read books. I thought the language of this book was very plain and although the events were thrillers when you look back at them, they came out more boring and very undescriptive. The book had a good plot but the characters seemed less real. Ann seemed too mature for being ONLY 15 years old and it seemed like a weird coincidence that Mr. Loomis wasnt a good man and was the only other human being they knew of alive. I believe that the book had a good start but the writing was just not enough and caused me to get very bored of the reading.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good memory from Childhood
Review: Our teacher read this book to us when I was in elementary school, over 30 years ago! And I still remember it. In fact, I have such a fond memory of it that I decided to purchase it for my own child. The book spoke to me as a child as I grew up in my own little secluded valley. A must read for your child!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: z for zachariah
Review: z for zachariah is an exciting story of the future.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must Read for Adults, Too!
Review: I, too, was MADE to read this book back in the 8th/9th grade, and while I initially found it boring, I couldn't put it down half-way through the middle, and esp. at the end. I empathize with teens who haven't enjoyed this as much, but believe me--this is one of those stories that stays with you for many years to come. No spoilers here, so don't look for a plot in this review. But I need to add that re-reading it as an adult has given me an added perspective & much more of an appreciation for the charactarization and simple, yet potent, plot. Okay, so it STILL takes a while to get into the book, but it IS a great read! Not for teens alone--I absolutely recommend this to most adults.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Z for Zachariah" is worth reading
Review: I read this book beacause it was required 8th grade reading. So at first I didn't have an open mind about the book. But I soon found out that this book was VERY good. The book starts out so vague that you really want to keep reading if only to find out what this is about. The book takes place after a neaclure war that for all she knows distroyed the whole world. She is saved in her valley because the walls are tall and the valley has its own weather patterns. Soon into the book you find out that there is a man who is still alive. Ann and the man become friends and soon she starts to feel feelings for him. But this man turns out to be mean, scary, controll freek. Ann soons haveing to start living life from day to day just to save her self.
This book was very well written. It also keeps you invloved untill the very end. Z for Zachariah gives you a new view on life and makes you think what if I were in a stituation like that. I would read this book again and think other people should read it.

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