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Women's Fiction
Z for Zachariah

Z for Zachariah

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Z for Zachariah is a must for all science fiction lovers
Review: I've read this book countless times. It's definitly one of the best 'end of the human race' books in existance. This book makes you feel as if you're there. It's written in the form of the diary of the last (?) female on earth, and tells about how she handles her predicament

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A radiated world filled with one clean valley.
Review: The author clearly states what life would be like thinking your the last person on earth. Thinking your all alone and wondering how much longer will I be able to survive? Then one day theres smoke. Watching, wondering whats happening? You see a stranger in a green suit. A stranger who withstanded all the radiation in the world. Then lets say the stranger took off his suit and seeing your valley, free of radiation, swims in the one radiated river? Do you help? As you help the stranger has nightmares, remembering when there was only one suit and two people. Remembering how he shot the other man with the suit, patched it and traveled across the world. What do you do? Do you run, do you take the suit? What would you do

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This book is suitable for readers from young adults on up.
Review: This book is one that you will not regret reading. I found that once I picked it up I couldn't put it down. I read it in highschool and again in an adolescent literature class at the University of Central Florida. I was excited to read it again. The strength that is shown by Ann, the heroine, is unreal. I reccommend this book for everyone! Michael P. Novell

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This book changed my outlook on life as a whole...
Review: This vivid recount of the life of a woman, the last one on earth, is very moving and should be read by anyone interested in nuceur holocosts.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Thought provoking.
Review: I remember reading this story in high-school years ago, and Ifound it again at the used bookstore. I found it more thought provoking and touching when I reread it as an adult. I am stillamazed at the strength of the heroine. The story holds up even aftertwenty years, and would entertain young adult readers today. Kelly Macsisak

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Second reading was a flop!
Review: I don't know what happened. I read this book about 3 years ago, and thought it was one of the best, most exciting books I'd ever read. So, a few days ago, I went to the library and checked it out to read it again. I started reading ... and fell asleep! What a snooze-fest! The descriptions were tedious, and in some instances, hard to visualize. I really didn't like Ann Burden at all, in fact. I didn't even finish it. I just got fed up with the way-off-base characters and boring farm description. In conclusion, read it if you're in the 9-12 age group, but beware, it doesn't hold up in a second reading.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Z for Zachariah by Robert O'Brien was one of the few novels I read in my reading class, and I have to admit at first I was skeptical as would any teenager when given homework. But that night I found my self buried in the book and what would happen next. I put myself in Ann's shoes and read as if I were her. Being around the same age as her I was very intrigued with the intelligence that O'Brien instilled in her. Since I have read this book I have been realizing that the importance of being able to care for myself and live on my own is crucial. I would recommend this book to anyone my age. Robert O'Brien is a brilliant author.

~Allie Weese~

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: good book!
Review: There are some parts in the story where you just have to turn the page and read on, the story line is differen't. But other than that it blabs on a bit about crops, gardens, a water-wheel, etc etc for about 4 whole pages for each which gets frustrating. I still recommend it for young people and adults though. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Eh..I wouldn't read it AGAIN
Review: Z for Zachariah was a very well written book, I found it boring most times but it was well written. The author described living conditions quite well and showed us exactly what it was like to live and survive completely alone...I liked how it went into detail about Ann and what she has survived. But the one thing I could not undertstand was how she could be defeated so easily by Loomis, when she had gone through so much already. I liked the book, but the reason I wouldn't read it again would be because I don't like sad endings...and yeah, she says she has hope but I still think it is sad.

I also would've shot Loomis straight in the head if I were Ann...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Couldn't put it down!!!!
Review: OK, to be fair, I *had* to read this, and I cannot say I was thrilled at the premise of a sci-fi read, but I chugged through it. Barely.

I was forced to write an assignment on character development. Please, if I missed Ann's 'change', do notify me. I laughed originally when I got the assignment, this book makes cardboard look meaty. Ann is confusing, and there is no real punch in her voice. There isn't even mild angst. There was no description save a few, brief sentences about the war, which is disappointing to say the least, and shows just how shallow the author's depth was on the subject. I'm not sure how O'Brien wanted to portray the antagonist, but I am fairly sure not as one-sidedly evil as it came out. He also tries to rape the main character. Nice. Yup, this is the crap they are forcing us to read in Middle School. And you thought Harry Potter deserved the ax off library shelves...

Ann should've shot Loomis off the bat. Then herself, and ended this monstrosity.

Substandard and BORING.

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