Rating:  Summary: An Extremely Exciting Book Review: "Pleasing the Ghost"was not my favorite book but it was ok.The main characters in "Pleasing the Ghost" are Dennis,Aunt Julia, Uncle Arvie,Dennis's mom,Bo(the dog)and Colin.Thereare lots more but I can't tell you them all.I liked it when Dennis found the box of letters and money in it.I liked that part because Aunt Julia seemed very happy when Dennis found the letters.I didn't like it Colin kept giving Aunt Julia chocolates,because he was wierd .My favorite character was Aunt Julia.She let Dennis have the bicycle.My least favorite character was Colin because he seemed very wierd and a showoff . I think the book could be better if Dennis got to see his Dad.The writing style that the author used is very similar to the book "The B.F.G" because the authors both made up words for some of the characters.The authors be better if Uncle Arvie didn't fly away so soon.The book was pretty exciting .It was exciting because every chapter there would be a new word.For this book you have to have a good imagination,because there isn't any pictures of the charactes. I would like to tell you
Rating:  Summary: A fan of Sharon Creech Review: Have you ever met death? Dennis has. In Sharon Creech's book Pleasing the Ghost, Dennis learns how to over come his father's and uncle's death. Dennis, a nine year old boy, is seeing ghosts and has actually met them, but his mother doesn't believe him. When Uncle Arvie's ghost appears Dennis starts talking to him. Uncle Arvie wants three things, and they all have to do with his wife, Julia, Dennis's aunt, because he misses her so much. Sharon Creech describes how Uncle Arvie moves in very little detail and yet still gets it out to you.. At the end of the book Dennis changes because he knows that he is very thankful for meeting his Uncle's ghost.. You will find out what happens if you read Pleasing the Ghost by Sharon Creech. As you can see the conflict in this book is Dennis vs. death.I give this book a three star rating because it wasn't as descriptive as I thought it would be and I like to really picture what is going on in my head
Rating:  Summary: The second worst book ever Review: I did not especially like "Pleasing The Ghost" because it was so fake and lame. The only thing I liked about it was Uncle Arvie because it was fun trying to find out what he was saying. My favorite character was Bo (the dog) because I like dogs. This book is similar to the "B.F.G." because both use queer words. The "B.F.G." is far better. My least favorite character is Dennis because he is insane because there is no such thing as ghosts! I don't believe in them. My favorite part was when Bo bit Collin because I don 't like Collin he was mean. Iliked the setting because it was not in school. (we are always in school as it is). I liked the author's style of writing because she used funny words, for example, beanie booger. Iwould recommend this to 5,6,7 and 8 year olds who believe in ghosts. I do not like the theme in this book because there is no such thing as ghosts (I think). I think the author ruined the book by drawing the picture of the treasure box on the back of the book. That gave away an important part in the story. Overall, this book was horrible and everyone in it except for Bo and Uncle Arvie were stupid. This was one of the worst books I have ever read, next to "Smashed Potatoes".
Rating:  Summary: The Ghost Of Uncle Arvie Review: I didn`t like the book "Pleasing the Ghost"because it was kind of boring and you couldn't make out the words that Uncle Arvie said. I think "The Witches"is a better book because it`s not as boring and there`s no weird words in it. My least favorite character is Uncle Arvie because he says weird words. I don't think this book "womps" because of the words like:Dunder, nod, wig pasta, Heartfoot, nod middle, Picket, Riggle, Beany booger, good biddle, foomf, oowee, chinkapink. I like the part when Billy throw the stone through the window because he is stupid. I liked the conflict because if Uncle Arvie wouldn't fly then Billy would thro rocks at Dennis's window. I like the author's style because the printing is neat. I think the illustrators artwork for "Pleasing the Ghost"shows tons of detail. The author wreaked the book by drawing the treasure box on chapter 12 and by drawing the painting on Chapter 9. I would recommend the book to people who have imagination because theres ghost it it. If I would rate this book I'd rate it 3 1/2 out of 5 because it was kind of boring. The theme was about a little boy whose father died. I liked the theme because Dennis`s father died. The settings takes place in Uncle Arvie`s house,Dennis`s house,Uncle Arvie`s back yard and in the park.
Rating:  Summary: ghost review Review: I disliked the book "Pleasing the ghost" because Dennis said he dreamed that Uncle Arvie told him to dig around Aunt Julia's favorite rose bush but people usually forget their dreams. Therefore this sounds unrealistic. I also did not like Uncle Arvie's stupid way of speaking for example, dunder, heartfoot. I liked Billy the best because he threw a rock trough the window of Dennis's room. I disliked Colin because I think he was queer. He acted wierd when he brought Aunt Julia the chocolates. I am glad that Uncle Arvie smashed them because I don't like Colin at all. Colin was stupid for leaving a nother batch of chocolates on Aunt Julia's porch when the first ones got smashed. Colin is not very intelligent because there was no wasps when he could not see them! If Uncle Arvie flew with the wind he would get blowen away. Because early on in the book the auther said that he flew with the wind. I recommend this book to ages 50 and up because if they have a death wish they would feel O.K. if they died. I rate this book 1 because I didn't like Uncle Arvie's stupid way of speaking and the way that Colin thought there were wasps.
Rating:  Summary: An Exciting Book Review Review: I like Pleasing the Ghost because of Uncle Arvie's language, because his language was funny. For example: dunder - which means dig. I disliked the book because if a ghost can pick up light things, why can't they pick up heavy things? This made the book confusing. I think that on the whole the book was okay. My favourite part was when Dennis and Billy met in the park to see if Uncle Arvie could fly. My second best part was the three wishes. For this book you need a good imagination to picture all the ghosts in this story. At the end the book was very interesting. I wonder how Uncle Arvie got the stroke, and where did he land? In this book the theme was all about ghosts, and I like ghost stories and horror stories. These are some of the words that Uncle Arvie said: dunder, dinosour, pepperonni, mailer, chinkapink, heartfoot, trampolink, macaronni, waggle, wriggle, fraggle, pasta, nod, yin and pin. Those words are some of the most important words in the whole book. I recommend this book to those who have a good imagination, otherwise you would probably enjoy something else.
Rating:  Summary: Heaven Review: I like the book it was very funny,silly,and goofy. It's simeler to Six Cents. My favorite charater is Uncle Arvie because he makes up funny words. My favorite part is when Uncle Arvie tried to paint but nothing happend. I like the illustrator's drawings I think they are funny. I think others should read this because it is funny. I recomend this book to my mom. The theme is about a ghost that comes to visit his nephew Dennis. I think Pleasing the ghost is a really cool book.
Rating:  Summary: Anthony`s book review! Review: I liked the beginning of "Pleasing The Ghost" but as we read the book it started to get lame there wasn`t very much action.One thing that I didn`t like was that the illustrator showed pictures of what was going to happen next so it gave it away.I liked when Uncle Arvie crushed the chocolates and pinched Colin.This was hilarious.A book that is similar was "The B.f.G."I think it was similar because the B.F.G. talked his own language and so did Uncle Arvie.Another thing that is common is that the beginning of the book is good but at the end it is boring.My least favorite charactor is Uncle Arvie because if I were him i would go around kicking people in the shins.I don`t like him because he`s dumb and he never does anything bad. My favorite charactor is Dennis because he is weird.He is weird because he has an imagination bigger than the solar system.Another thing thaty I don`t like is that they don`t say what city they are in.I like to know this.Over all I give this book 2.Compared to the Witches this book is 0.I recomend this book to younger children because they have bigger imaginations.
Rating:  Summary: Pleasing The Ghost Review: I liked the book because of Uncle Arvie, because he could fly.I also liked Dennis because he could see ghosts.I did not like the book when Billy called Uncle Arvie a geezer.This novel was not as good as The Twits. It could have been better. I recommend that other kids read this novel even though I would not like to read it again.The book could have had pictures but there were none.At the ending,they could have brought Uncle Arvie back, they could have let Dennis see his dad as a ghost and they they could have bought new windows. And bo was pretty cool too. I liked it because bo would bite Billy's leg and then Billy would call bo a stinking dog and then Dennis would call bo back beside him.And then later that day billy throw rocks at the house and it hit the window when Uncle Arvie was sleeping on Dennis's desk and diden't wake up.
Rating:  Summary: The ghost strick's back Review: I liked the book. It was very funny, silly and goofy. A similer book the Six sense. My favorite character is Uncle Arvie. I liked him because he talk's funny. My favorite part is when Dennis dug up the money and when Aunt Julia said to dennis that he could have anything in the world. i liked the conflick in the book because it was interesting and like a puzzel. I also liked the setting which took place during the day and in the fall. The book took place in Dennis's and Arvies's houses. i liked the book also because the author made up funny words like "beany booger". The theme of the book is based on dennis who can see ghosts and Uncle arvie who died . i liked this theme. If I rated the book between 1-5, i would give it a 5. i think the book would be a fairy tale for children and grown-ups. My friend thinks the book is good. i think i should buy it for Christmas. it would be a very good book for my sister and myself. i hope I get it!