Rating:  Summary: Book #10 in SVH Senior Year Series Review: After losing his college savings at the tracks, Angel Desmond is startled with yet another blow in "Broken Angel" when his father fires him from the family's car shop after finding out about Angel's financial mishap. (What is wrong with that guy's father?) Now Angel isn't even sure he can go to Stanford, no matter how hard he works at his other job at the Riot.Meanwhile, Jeremy Aames breaks up with Jessica Wakefield, thinking it best for them to spend some time apart, especially after he caught Jess on what looked like a date with Will Simmons in the previous book, "The One That Got Away". It's now left up to Jessica to figure out who she wants to be with--Jeremy or Will. And it doesn't look like it'll be an easy decision for her either, especially after reading her "Jeremy vs. Will" comparison list on page 60 and 61--and especially after what happens in the last few pages of this book during the cheerleader-football team "kidnapping". And speaking of writing samples, there are two humorous bits in "Broken Angel": 1) on page 122, the morning announcement Maria Slater has to read to the school about showing school spirit the "responsible and mature" way, and 2) on page 133-6, Andy Marsden's slacker essay for the Oracle on school spirit. There are additional notes and journal entries (which is standard in every SVH Senior Year book), including some e-mails passed between Maria and Ken, who, surprisingly, have not yet gotten together, if they ever will. But at least Ken's still determined to get back on the football team, the one thing (besides the memory of his dead girlfriend) that brings him a great deal of happiness.
Rating:  Summary: Another good SVH Senior Year book Review: I liked this one... although it was kinda boring in the beginning with the whole Angel and his money problem, but after a while, you'll turn page after page wanting more. I can't wait to find out what happens with Jessica and Will. Jeremy was kinda mean in this book. Personally, I would rather have Jess and Will together than Jessica and Jeremy. And PLEASE, let there be a Liz Conner part in the next book!! Or, have Liz date another guy, like Todd. (= Can't wait for the next book! Trust me, having to wait about a month for the next SVH Senior Year book to come out, is worth it! I'm totally hooked!
Rating:  Summary: The ending was great! Review: I loved the ending of this book w\Conner . I can barely wait for the new book to come out. Please make it come out soon. I hate seeing Liz like a dumb doll,because she can't get over Conner. I want to hear more about Andy though don't u?
Rating:  Summary: Speed Up the Liz and Conner story Review: I read this book, and have to say that the Conner and Liz storyline needs to move faster, or at least have Liz forget about Conner, and move on to something else. I don't know how long the author thinks that she can drag this storyline out, but it's getting kind of tiresome. I don't like Jessica and Will together, but it looks like that's where it' s going. Will is going to just end up breaking Jessica's heart anyway.
Rating:  Summary: alright. Review: i think that liz is obessesing about connor to much. she should just get over him. i think that she should hook up with andy. then connor could get his nosed rubbed in everyth9ing that he lost. connor and liz together are just bad. this book though was good. i liked it. it got away from the whole jessica/jeremy/will and liz/connor thing. which by the way what is jessica doing with will! is the girl glutton for punishment. i think the angel and tia should break up.
Rating:  Summary: good book but not really my type Review: i think that this book wasn't really my type of book .. although it was interesting and many ironic turns here and there .. i think that the problems they talk about in this book will be problems i will face when i'm older .. for example .. dating issues .. i think i'll use this book has a real resource when i'm in high school or something. but this book is really interesting and unique in many ways .. and i would recommend it to someone in a older grade like students that are in their highschool years.
Rating:  Summary: this was a really good book Review: i thought this was a really good book even thought it wasnt one of my favorites. i really think the author needs to just get liz and conner together already. they both know they like each other. i thought conner was going way overboard about the whole thing, it wasnt like liz knew that his mother was like that when she and megan went to the club. i thought the ending was really good in this book but i wish jessica would stay with jermey.
Rating:  Summary: Okay Review: In broken angel, Tia and Angel deal with his money loss. Jermey and Jessica back off because Jermey cand see Jess has feelings for Will. Elizabeth is still moping around about Conner. Conner is having troble with his mom and you can tell he still has feelings for Liz. Ken and Maria are getting closer and Andy is sill stuck in the middle of everyones problems.
Rating:  Summary: This book was reeeally good...although I would like to see.. Review: Liz quit being so mopey! Come on everyone! you know Conner will come around with his mom being in...trouble. He'll probably need someone to talk to and BAM! At least I hope! My favorite books BY FAR were the ones with Liz/Conner stuff in them. But Liz is acting really really strange. She's the last person you'd expect to act like this! and I am sooooo glad about the Will and Jess stuff! I think that Melissa deserves to see Will and Jess together and I hope she crys her eyes out! OH! AND ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THIS BOOK E-MAIL ME!
Rating:  Summary: 1 star for the Connor/Liz drama Review: OK! Enough is enough! It has been 10 books now that the Connor/Liz saga keeps dragging on. Either get them together or let them both move on with it. I'm SO sick of this crap with Liz moping around, acting like she doesn't have a life, and Connor wanting her but acting like he doesn't. COME ON AUTHOR, QUIT DRAGGING THIS STORY LINE ON!