Rating:  Summary: Summer of the Swans Review: The boring book I read was "Summer of the Swans." The author is Betsy Byars. It won a newberry award, but it didn't deserve it. It had no detail, when Sara blamed a boy who didn't do something she cried and didn't even say sorry. Sara, the main charecter who complains about everything "My feet are to big, my nose is crooked, and my shoes are ORANGE!!!!! Then there is Charlie who is mentaly handicapped, but he likes the ticking of his watch because he is MENTALY HANDICAPPED!!!They both live with Aunt Wille who is causous about everything "You can't ride on that motorcycle you'll fall and break your neck but it's not even a motorcycle it's a scooter." They live in a nice neighborhood where everybody is nice except 1 person, JOE because Sara thinks he stole her little brother's watch so she puts "fink" on his back through the school day, and it ends up not even being him. The problem in the story is that Charlie likes the swans at the lake and wants to see them at night so he runs away and gets lost. Sara trys to find him and on the way she meets Joe and learns he didn't do it so they both look for him but, I can't tell you the rest of this stupid book. If you have ever read the "Ugly Duckling" you will know how Sara feels at the begging of the story she feels ugly but at the end she feels good about herself because she learned the truth about Joe and had a great summer. If you have a reading comprehenshion of about 3 you could read this book but I wouldn't recommend it. Ë
Rating:  Summary: Summer of the Swans Review: Summer of the Swans, now isn't that an interesting title for a book? Well not only is it an iteresting title, it's an interesting book by Betsy Byars. It's about a 14 year-old girl, her name is Sara, and all summer she was worrying about her hair, the way she looks, and most of all she thinks she has big feet, "I have the biggest feet in my school." She said. What a typical teenager! Sara has an older sister named Wanda, Wanda is perfect in Sara's eyes, but her Aunt Willie, the one who cares for them, is strict, and sometimes mean. Sara has a 10 year-old brother,Charlie, who is mentally challenged. One day Sara took Charlie to see the swans, but Charlie didn't want to go home. The next morning Charlie had disappeared! On sara's frantic search for Charlie, she begins to forget about her so called problems and begins to think about someone other than herself. On her search, the wrong person at the wrong time, Joe Melby, wants to help. She does not like him so much because she thinks he stole Charlie's watch. "Is there anything I can do?" he asked "No." she replied "Do you-" "Anybody who would steal a little boy's watch," she said, cutting off his words, "is somebody's help I can do very well without." Ouch, that hurt! What I think the author is trying to say is that the swans symbolize Sara at the beginning of summer, she felt ugly, unwanted, and unloved, just like in The Ugly Duckling. At the end of summer she feels beautiful, wanted and loved, just like in the end of The Ugly Duckling. I feel this book is for people who feel what Sara is feeling in the beginning, because I truly think that every girl and boy goes through what Sara goes through. This is a delightful book for anyone of all ages.
Rating:  Summary: The Summer of the Swans Review: The Summer of the Swans main character is a girl named Sara. Sara has a brother named Charlie (who is learning disabled)and a sister named Wanda. They enjoy going to a lake to see the swans.When Charlie gets lost in the woods, Sara would do anything to find him. She knows he went to visit the swans again. With a couple of friends, Sara goes out to find him. I thought this book was great. It really made you want to read more and quickly go through all the pages. I liked how the book was not fantasy but realistic ficion. I highly encourage others to read it!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Story!... Review: Having a boring day? You should read Summer of the Swans anyway! Summer of the Swans is a great book about a girl named Sarah who thinks she has the toughest summer of her life. Besides her mean Aunt Willie, Sarah has to look after her mentally challenged brother, Charlie. One day, after Sarah takes Charlie to see the swans, he runs away from home. Will Sarah ever find Charlie? Read this enchanting novel to find out!...
Rating:  Summary: The Summer of the Swans Review: The Summer of the Swans by Betsy Byars is about a Fourteen year old girl named Sara,her younger brother Charlie, their Aunt Willie, Sara and Charlie's older sister Wanda, and Sara's friend Mary.When Sara's younger brother Charlie was about three he had an accident causing him to never talk and never act the same again.One day swans flew down to a lake by Sara's house and Sara took Charlie to see them but when Charlie saw them he didn't want to leave. But trouble happens that night when Charlie decides to go to the lake to see the swans.I really liked how the author expressed the way Sara felt and how her feelings started to change about Charlie. I think The Summer of the Swans is a pretty good book for most kids because they can relate to how the characters feel and what they're thinking.
Rating:  Summary: Sara and Charlie Review: This is a wonderful book for children 9 to 99 years old. I bought it for my son and could not put it down until I read all of it. It made me cry as I could identify with Charlie's oppressive feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Also, I could not help but feel Sara's anguish when she was looking for him after he disappeared in the night. In addition, Sara's struggle - as most teenager's struggle - to fit in the world is very well depicted. I strongly recommend this book. Beware though, those of you who are sensitive, you'll need a box of tissues nearby! Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Summer of the Swans Review: This book is great , it is so amazing how Charlie cannot talk but Betsy Byars makes it sound like he can . I can imagine how Sarah must feel like when Charlie gets lost because he follows the swans because he doesn't get a chance to see them for a long time at the pond. Charlie was so scared I mean who wouldn't be scared if you didn't know how to talk and you didn't know how to get back home it is until Sarah finds Charlies slipper.
Rating:  Summary: A Touching Story Review: I loved this story because it's very touching. I have really thought about my actions around my sister and it really inspired me.
Rating:  Summary: The Summer of the Swans Review Review: Sara's summer was turning out to be the worst time of her life. There was Sara's younger brother, Charlie had a sickness when he was 3years old. Sara loved him in a way that she didn't understand until the night he disappered. Sara tries her best to find him while Aunt Willie, who judges everyone the wrong way was calling the police. Read to find out if she finds Charlie or not. I like this book because it teaches kids not to go anywhere without an adult's permission. I think this book is good for 3 to 5graders.
Rating:  Summary: Siblings Review: How would u feel if you had a mentally challenged brother? Summer of the Swans, Sara the main character has a brother who is just that, a mentally challenged brother. Throughout the book, Sara grows up an learns what true friendship is and the importance of believeing in yourself and your family. If you enjoy family stories this book is for you. The book Summer of the Swans is a fictional story and is told by first person through Sara. The book has pictures that help move the story along. The book is neat and organized, it is written on chronological order. The book Summer of the Swans, would be enjoyed by upper elementary students or lower middle school students. The vocabulary is simple and easy to understand. "She held the dish towel in front of her like a matador taunting a bull." The voice comes from the emotion the writer expresses through the main characters. Betsy Byars writes from the point of view of a young girl who is still learning about herself. The book is about strong family ties and hard to break friendships. It is for elementary students and lower middle school students.