Rating: Summary: Crazy for A Rose For Melinda Review: I've read this book about 5 times. Its BY FAR. My favorite Lurlene McDaniel book. I would definatly reccomend this book to anyone who feels like reading.The story of Melinda touched my heart more than any other of her books. Each time I read this book I learn something new.
Rating: Summary: Inspirational... Review: If you are interested in reading a real tear breaker or an inspirtational book then you should most definaly read this one. A Rose for Melinda by Lurlene McDaniel was incredible. The way the book was writting was outstanding and creative, allowing your mind to wander and picture the events that were happening. Melinda was an inspiring to me. Not once did she give in or give up. No matter what happened or how hard life got, she didnt give into her problems. When she found out that she was sick, it didnt stop her from following her dreams or her heart. Jesse was her best friend and that friendship eventually blossomed into something more, something great. Jesse was there for her through every step that she took. He was the rose that kept Melinda's life sweet. If you are someone who is fighting a problem and have a dream to live then find the time to read this book. I highly recomend it. From this book i have realized to follow my heart and my dreams and never give in...mayve it will help you as well. Have a wonderful day!
Rating: Summary: The usual plotline written in a new way Review: It's a familiar McDaniel storyline: talented, friendly, cheerful, pretty girl develops cancer, experiences all the painful side effects (both physical and social) that go along with it, falls in love, dies. What saves this book is the innovative way it's written. There is almost no third-person narration, as in other McDaniel books; instead, A Rose For Melinda is told through e-mails, letters, notes, transcripts of online conversations, memos, any other piece of information that could be found in a "memory box."The success of this book lies in the fact that the reader gets to see everyone's viewpoints - Jesse, Melinda, her friend Bailey, her mother - because the e-mails, or journals, or whatever are from that particular person. It opens up the story for more reactions than just the person with cancer, which is good because it reminds the reader that cancer affects everyone. Not one of her best stories (the same situations and emotions have been articulated much better in other novels), but certainly gets points for trying - and succeeding with - a new way or writing.
Rating: Summary: An involving, dramatic story of friendships and illness Review: Melinda dreams of being a great ballerina and her talents take her well on the way to her goals - until leukemia steps in. Now she's battling for her life, and her story appears here in the form of letters between 3 friends affected by her struggles. A Rose For Melinda is a strongly recommended as an involving, dramatic story of friendships and illness.
Rating: Summary: OK, not the best Review: Melinda, a ballet dancer, thinks she has it all. A great friendship with a boy, (which she secretly hopes will turn into something more) a loyal best friend, and real hope she'll make it as a ballerina. Yet it's all shattered after she collapses at summer camp and is diagnosed with leukemia. Told through journal entries, e-mails, letters, and doctor's reports, this story was a tear-jerker/romance, but poorly written and already done a hundred times before. Good read if you're board and not looking for five star material, but don't go out and buy a brand-new copy.
Rating: Summary: ABSOLUTELY HEAT WRENCHING! YET THE BEST BOOK EVER! Review: This amazing story follows a girl named Melinda Skye and A boy name Jesse Rose. When you first meet them, they are samall children in first grade. The notes they passed in thier childhood days will surely make you smile. But things don't stay happy forever. When Melinda collapses in dance class, and is rushed to the hospital they discover devastating news. Melinda has leukemia. It is completly unfair! Melinda is only 13! But illness doesn't care what is fair and what is not. Lurlene Mcdaniel is a truly gifted writer. I assure you, you will never forget this story and it will change your view on life forever.
Rating: Summary: Not the best.... Review: This book did not hold up to McDaniel best, i read the first to pages then just skipped to the back to see if she died or not, but when i started to read the last chapter i relized that i haven't missed anything. Not one of her better books. IF you want a really good book(s) get the Dawn Rochelle novels i love those!
Rating: Summary: Best Lurlene McDaniel Book Ever! Review: This book follows the story of Melinda Skye, an avid dancer, and Jesse Rose, her boyfriend, from kindergarten to age sixteen. It is written in letters, diary entries and the like. Jesse moved away in middle school, but that hasn't stopped them from keeping in touch. Then Melinda is diagonsed with cancer. This book is sad and touching as most of McDaniel's books are. I cried at the end.
Rating: Summary: One of the best books written... Review: This book has touched my heart in so many ways, that I can't possibly describe them all. This book is about a girl named Melinda who dreams of being a prima ballerina, and is doing a great job of getting there, until she is told she has leukemia. Her best friend Jesse, who lives in California and has been her best friend from the first grade even through his move, helps her through it. Twoards the end, they fall in love. This book had me crying at the end it was so GOOD. Actually, it was GREAT. I would reccomend it to ANYONE!
Rating: Summary: reading someones emails... Review: this book is great. It gets into the characters lives as the fact that you are reading theire emails and mail... It makes you feal like a voyar *sp?* its great becouse you get to know the characters a bit more. You always seem to say more in a email as you arnt there and they arnt there to look all ashamed with what you said...