Rating:  Summary: The Incredible Journey Book Report Review: (...)This is a very good book. That is one reason I would recommend this book. I would also recommend this book, if you like adventure book. Another reason is if you like animal fiction books. If you don't like these kinds of books I wouldn't recommend it to you.
Rating:  Summary: The incredibe journy Review: The incredible journey is one of the four books I have read over the summer and is one of the best books I have ever read. the things that make this book so great are the deatailed explanations that Sheila Burnford puts into some of the exciletty written senteces that spider web through the book. the tention building straiges that grows to a climax and then falls and then grows once again ,makes the story very exciting. One of the best parts in this book is when longbrige and peter talking and sundenly......... hope you read the incredible journy!!!
Rating:  Summary: pets Review: the incredibul juner was a vary tuching book but to me the ending was to easy. the best thing about this book was the way the writing made it stick in your mind. the book is to sapy for its own good. the land scape was bilevibul.the chaling levl is 3/5 they culd have made it a little harder but it's vary good story.
Rating:  Summary: really good Review: if you love adventure survival and pets, this is the book for you. i read it in school and most of us (kids) loved it. i even saw homeward bound the movie associated with it.
Rating:  Summary: The Incredible Journey Review: When I was looking through my Library I found a book called the Incredible Journey. What first caught my eyes was that there was the cat on the cover. I decided to read the first chapter of the book and I thought this book was okay, then I read the next chapter. I also thought this book might be interesting because my brother read this book and he said it was good.
The book was about two dogs and one cat getting lost in the vast wilderness of Canada. They were dropped off at a farm to be taken care of when their master was gone. They wanted to go back home so they escaped from the farm and left to go out on an adventurous journey home. They had to go up against nature and wild animals. My favorite part of the book was when the two dogs and the cat found their selves home once again. One of the dogs almost didn't make it because he thought he was too old. The cat made sure that the old dog came home. They found their master and they lived happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: The Incredible Journey Review: This story is about two dogs and a cat whose master goes away on a hunting trip. He leaves them with his friend who doesn't get home in time and the animals leave to find their master. The trio get into a lot of adventures throught out their journey. They get seperated, hurt, and even help a little girl get rescued. Overall it was a great book. I recomend it for people ages 10 and up.
Rating:  Summary: The Incredible Journey a review by Shelly Review: Did you ever have pets that try to go to their own home. In the book The Incredible Journey John Longridge's two dogs and one cat try to go to their home. When John went on a fishing trip he left them out because he thought they wouldn't run away. First, when he left the red-gold Labrador, the animals' leader, headed down the road. Next, he had a feeling that he was heading the right way. These animals just started an incredible journey. The old English bull terrier was very weak, hungry and tired. Then on the way he fell and wouldn't get up. The wheat-colored Siamese and Labrador tried to get him up but he wouldn't move. When' a bear cub attacked him the Siamese and Labrador attacked the cub. After a few days he got up and moved on. Later the cat fell down a waterfall but is okay that was a sad part. I liked it when the Labrador tried to save the Siamese because he cared about him. When he left a girl who found him he was okay. The cat's fur was as silky as a silk blanket. Another sad part is when the Labrador goes after a porcine and has needles in the side of his face. A great part is when the animals get back together and rejoin.
Rating:  Summary: The Incredible Journey Review: Sheila Burnfords classic tale of a daring trio of pets, that embark on the greatest adventure of their lives, going home. With the young corageous labrador retreiver leading the way, they set forth, heading west by instinct. With the bull terrier falling behind, his old freind, a Siamesse cat stayed by his side, urging him on. "The Incredible Journey" takes place in the Canadian wilderness, where the animals face horrific beasts to survive their trip to their destanation. I would reccomend "the Incredible Journey" to young readers of all ages and to some young adults. The fighting scenes were especially written thouroughly well, they were so exciting I almost couldn't put it down, almost.
Rating:  Summary: The Incredible Journey Review: Well it started out with a man sitting in his living room with 2 dogs and a cat on the floor. And the author told us that the animals didn't belong to him and he was keeping them for a family that had to go away. He was going to go away on a hunting trip and was leaving the animals with the house keeper. He wrote her a note and part of it blew away and bruned in the fire. He went away and the animals ran away tring to go home. The house keeper came and found part of the note and figured the guy had taken the animals with him. And that's the last thing I remember because I got bored and stopped reading. I don't like books that don't interest me. I didn't like how she didn't say the animals names and just refered to them as the old dog, the cat, the young dog. Some other people may like it, but I didn't. I like this book it was really good and I enjoy this book too.
Rating:  Summary: Smart Animals Find Way Home Review: There were two dogs, and one cat. One dog was a bullterer, the other dog was a gold red lab, and the cat was a siamese. The cat had a close encounter with a links. In the book they fight three animals: a bear, a porqupine, and a links. In the end, I recommend that you go to your loacal library and check out this book and find out.