Rating:  Summary: Good pet book Review: I liked this book because it is a very good story about Sounder. Sounder is a brave dog and he is an important part of a poor southern family. I liked reading about how sharecroppers lived and survived with little money. I have not read any other pet book like Sounder. I also read the African American story of "Ruby Bridges Through My Eyes" and "Sounder" is different because it is a book more for boys and "Ruby Bridges" is more for girls. The end of "Sounder" is sad so the book would not be appropriate for very young children or for a reader with a sick pet. H. Gregory Moore IV
Rating:  Summary: Dog is Man's Best Friend Review: A Review by Rickie This a story about a young boy were love and trust come into play with mans best friend. Sounder has never left the side of the boys father, but because of the difficulties of being a colored his father is faced with a very large problem, he is sent to jail. Not only does the boy try to find his father after being taken away by the white police so does Sounder. This creates many obstacles for the dog, and for the boy. Throughout the story the boy searches for his father, trying to find him from what he has heard about where they're keeping the slaves. But he is not the only one looking for his father so is Sounder. Along the way they will get into trouble and even encounter deadly obstacles, but at the end it is a sigh of relief, feeling that Sounders job has been completed.This is a story for people that really enjoy a book that is not very structured. It feels as though as you read it, it goes in sequences, almost as though the events weren't planned, and that's what I mean about not being structured. I myself like books that don't really tell you what am about to happen in the next chapter, page, paragraph etc. This book does the exact opposite it tells you and leads you up to what is going to happen so its not really a surprise. For example, when they took the father away, they just through that part into the book like the readers wouldn't notice. There was no suspense or reason for why they took him and that really made me mad. What I especially like that the author did was; it expressed the saying "Dog is Mans best friend." It shows this by Sounder never giving up, and never looking back home. He always was trying to find his master, and that showed determination. This book expressed that SAYING so well it was unbelievable. It had so much details even though at times it seemed graphic; it still made this book a wonderful read. I would highly recommend this book to any dog lover/owner. It really makes you want to reach down and give your dog a huge just for being you friend and companion. That's how good of a book I thought it was. It was a fairly easy read; you don't get messed up at all or get loosed in the book even though it had numerous settings. It keeps on track fairly well.
Rating:  Summary: Sounder Review: What a loving, touching story! The book sounder, By William H. Armstrong, shares the freindship and love from, a boy to his dog. Tradgety strikes when the boys father is taken away for stealing so his family could have a decent dinner. After that it happens... Sounder is a book about a boys love toward his familys dog. The night when his father is taken away, Sounder dog is shot. The dog doesn't come home after that. The boy does everything to try to find his dog. Sounder might be dead, dieing under the porch, might have wandered off, or might be in the woods. The boy will not give up on trying to get his father back or finding his dog. "He hurt his head and shoulders on the nails sticking down from above." Will this family ever be back together? This book, Sounder, is mostly made for children ages 10-15, although anyone older can read it. Sounder is very graphic and descriptive so no child under 10 should read it, also they might not understand it if they are that young. Some people find enjoyment out of all books so if you are older it is o.k. to read this fictional tale. It is very sad, so be prepared with tissues. This book is perfect for a wide range of ages. The author must have a strong love for dogs. That love is expressed in the main character toward Sounder. For example, when shounder was wounded by the bullet, the author wrote: "The boy wanted to cry, he wanted to run to Sounder." Anyone who loves dogs should read this book. Even if you are not fond of dogs, but love books with hope, read Sounder. This book keeps you on the edge, wondering what will happen. It is apprpriate for anyone over 10 years old, and is most definately written by a dog-lover. If this book sounds interesting, read Sounder, a Newberry Medal Winner, by William H. Armstrong.
Rating:  Summary: Page turner Review: I liked the because it is a book for all ages and it is an enjoyment to read . I also liked the book because you never know what will happen next. This takes place when there was prejudice folk. My favorite character was the boy because he did what his mother told him to and his father. I also liked the dog sounder because he is very neat dog. My favorite part was when he went to see his dad in jail. The ending was sad but you will just have to find out for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Sounder Review Review: This is a story that deals with the race prejudices of the time. The father gets caught stealing a ham for his family and is put in jail. The young boy of the father is now faced with the role of holding his family together. I would be very careful as to who read this book. If young children are very sensitive to animals this book will touch them. Sounder, the young boy's dog, dies in this scene is very heartwrenching and will touch you in a very personal way. This book used great descriptive words and really makes you feel apart of the scenes.Our entire group enjoyed this easy reading book.
Rating:  Summary: Sounder by Willian H, Armstrong Review: I read the book Sounder by William H. Armstrong. This novel is about a poor dad who has to steal to feed his family and he gets caught and sent to jail. It is also the story of the coon dog named Sounder who loves his master. This book takes place in the South a long time ago. It is about a poor family of farmers. The main theme is that the family must go on without the father and they are very poor. The father is sent to do hard labor and they don't know where he has been sent. The boy tries to find his dad for many years. The boy is sad that his dad is in jail. He goes to town to bring him a cake. The jailers squish the cake. The dad says, "tell her not to send you no more". He doesn't want his boy to come and see him in jail because he doesn't want his son to see him in this environment. The main characters are Sounder, a young boy, his mother and his father. Sounder is a dog. He is white with brown dots, and he is a coon dog. He is good at hunting. The boy is black. He is about11, and he likes to hunt with his dad. The dad is a farmer, until he goes to jail. The family is very poor. The dad works very hard to get food so that the family does not starve to death. This book is a great book. The characters were very neat. It is a sad book. It is an adventure book. The part I like the best was when the boy and the dad go off hunting. It was funny when the dog was chasing the animals around. I also like when the boy brought the cake to his when it the cake to his dad when it was his birthday. The police smashed up the cake and the dad got only a little piece. The part did not like was when they were shooting the animals. The ending was kind of sad. The dad has wanted to have a happy life when he was young. I think he should have tried to have a little fun before he died.
Rating:  Summary: Sounder Review: This book can be enjoyed by children and adults. We highly recommend this book for classroom reading. It is a story about an African American sharecropper family and their dog. Sounder, the family dog, is known for his loyalty and devotion to his master. The boy's father is taken to jail for stealing food for his family. During the event Sounder is shot and disappears, which leaves the reader wondering about the fate of the dog (dead or alive). In the mean time the boy resumes the role of head of the household. Throughout the story the boy searches for his father during non-harvest times. This book leaves you wondering to the very end - Will the dad and Sounder be reunited at last!!
Rating:  Summary: A Sound only Sounder knew. Review: When I first started reading Sounder, I felt like this was going to be the most boring book I have ever read, but I was wrong. This book took place in times where slaves were free, but only by law. The style of writing in the book was in the first person (the boy)and broken English (as far as dialogue)was used alot by the boy, and his family. This book involves a medium size family and their dog named Sounder. The beginning chapters keep you enticed and wanting to read more. I would incorperate this book in a lesson intergrating Lanuage Arts and the Social Studies. I would have the children pick out (at least) three sentences (using broken English) from the story and write the sentence correctly and dicuss the diversity of language throughout different cities, states, and countries to show the children how peolpe can have different dialect(s) all over the world.
Rating:  Summary: Sounder Review: I think that Sounder is a ok book but I did not like the form of the narrarator of the story. I did not like the way the main character was "THE BOY" but other than that I liked the book very much. :)
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book! Review: Sounder is about a boy and his family that are poor and cant support them selves.One day the boy`s Pa goes out and steals a pig. The Police come later to find the boy`s Pa.When they arrest them Sounder tries to help , but he only gets shot.The boy who has no name in the story goes to the jail to see his Pa,after visiting hours were over the boys goes back home.Then he looks for Sounder and never finds him eaither. The boy was told never to go back to the jail. So later on the boy goes walking to try to find his Pa.He never finds him. Does his pa ever come home? Do they ever find Sounder? Find out by buying the bok Sounder!