Rating:  Summary: A lot of cussing! Review: This book had an interesting plot, but it was to full of cussing. It was also a bit depressing. But the actual story was good enough. It was about five teenagers who aresucked into the world of everworld. They all want to go back to Earth (exept perhaps Senna), but they can't.
Rating:  Summary: The search for Senna begins. Review: David, Christopher, April, and Jalil -- four teenagers with absolutely no idea that their lives would forever be turned upside down, defying all the knowlege they had always believed. It was all because of Senna, the mysterious girl David took a liking in, a mistake he wishes he could never have done. But everyone wishes they could never do a mistake. But this mistake will forever change the four teenagers' lives, thrusting them into a fantastic, mythical world that only existed in dreams -- and nightmares. Senna was swallowd up into the Earth in front of David's eyes, and in a split second, she was gone. David tried to save her -- but not without somehow getting his other three friends into the mess, and now the world they had grown up in for sixteen years is a distant memory. As they desperately search for Senna, they will meet creatures and beings they could have never fathomed of seeing, like Fenrir and Loki and Vikings. Nothing will prepare them for Everworld, a worldthat will always be more of a horror then a fascination in the kids' minds. K.A. Applegate, author of the enormously popular Animorphs series, and the soon to be futuristicly dark new series Remnants, takes the reader into a whole new breathtaking fantasy world that begins with the heart stopping first book: Everworld #1: Search For Senna. The suspense and action never waver, and the mystery is so intense Everworld won't ever leave the mind of the reader.
Rating:  Summary: Search for Senna Review: This book is great, it has enchantments, huge wolfs, aliens, and a witch named Senna. this book is about four people that are all related to Senna in some way. There is David, Chris, April, and Jalil. There is a serise of books and this is the first. This book is great.
Rating:  Summary: freaky tale of adventure Review: I felt like I was back in high school as I read this book. Yes, I was one of those dorky kids who played D&D and read much science fiction. I enjoyed reading about David and his friends as they begin this story in the present day, but then get caught up in some sort of magical "pull" and are dragged into another dimension. The fact that the characters are just normal everyday kids who must dig deep within themselves to overcome many difficult, bizarre situations makes this story that much more compelling. I couldn't imagine finding myself hanging by my wrists several hundred feet in the air, facing a tremendous drop onto some nasty rocks below, but that is exactly where David and his friends find themselves when they awake in Ever World. From here the characters must do battle with an evil demi-god, big dumb-witted trolls and then win over an entire village of Vikings--all this is accomplished by relying solely on their wits. I think that the greatest spin on this series is the fact that they are aware of living in two different dimensions. When the characters fall asleep in Ever World they find themselves living life back home/in their "normal" reality, but they are cognizant that they are also living in a different dimension. I couldn't help but think of some of Piers Anthony's stories where characters are able to jump from dimension to dimension. I was tempted to read some other stories in this series, but found out that there are at least twelve or so more to go.
Rating:  Summary: Everworld #1: Search for Senna Review: Hey! Everworld #1 is the best. I have read the whole series including the new #12 one called "Entertain the End." I love the Everworld series and I hope you do too. It is a fantasy/fiction book.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK Review: I enjoyed this book because it something new and it's one of the first fantasy books I actually have read. I studied a little bit of the Greek gods last year and that was very interesting. So reading Everworld has been GREAT! I wouldn't recommend this to anyone 12 and under, mostly do to the constant swearing and bloody violence. It's been a very interesting book and I look forward to the rest.
Rating:  Summary: I would recommend this book to anyone that likes fantasy. Review: This series keeps you on the edge of your seat every time you read one of the books. It is basically about 5 teenagers that get sucked into a world where reality is a figure of speech. Where the rule of the world as we know it, do not apply. One of the teens is a witch, and a gateway, between each world. The other 4 are involuntarily split in both world. They are living two different lives. One is in the safe and mostly sane world as you know it. And the other in a crazy world full of Gods and Goddess that acted like spoiled 5 year-olds.
Rating:  Summary: for Harry Potter Readers!! Review: If you liked harry potter and read them this book is just as good and maybe better. it is hardcore harry potter and has more characters and adventure. you should really read because once you get into the first one pretty soon your on the 11th one!
Rating:  Summary: Where am I? Review: Where am I? Ever World is by K.A.Applegate. This book is a series, each one with a new adventure. Search for Senna is one that makes a thrilling chill go up and down your spin. Ever World is a place that you get to in a time warp. Five friends went through this portal to a place they think of as "hell", Ever World! One of the friends went through, but was lost and was dumped somewhere else. Now the four friends that are still together have to work together to find the lost friend in order to get back home, in one piece. Will they ever get out of Ever World, or if that, get out alive?!? I thought this book was really good because it was a big adventure and a great story. The four kids that are in this place find the real meaning of a strong non-breakable friendship. They find that they have to stick together in order to get home safely. Eventually they form a friendship. Also I liked how they went through a lot of obstacles to get home. They had to go through the all mighty Loki and his soliders. The author described every detail so vividly that you just have the entire book run through your mind like a movie! When reading this book I was thinking to myself go go go...jump...duck...oh no hes behind you! This book was good, but there are a few down sides about it. One would be about how it went on and on. Once I thought they were finally going to get home safe, someone else comes along and ruins it for them, making it harder for them to get home. While reading the book I was thinking to myself when are they going to get home, like they never were going to get there. I had a few doughts for a while. In this book I learned a valuable lesson about friendship. I learned that you and your friends will go through a lot in your friendship, but always stick together because you never know when you will need each other to talk to. So no matter how many tough times you go through with your friends never let that get in between yawls friendship! I would recommend this book to teenagers because I feel that they can relate to it the most. I related to it because the main characters were teenagers doing things that teens would do.
Rating:  Summary: A strange cross between teen horror and epic fantasy Review: Well, let's see, I guess the first thing I should say is that while this book was good, it was almost too exciting. While the discriptions were breathtaking and the action scenes highly intense, the characters, while well fleshed out, seemed rather unapealing. Just a bunch of selfish slobs who hate each other and happen to be stuck in a strange universe together. Actually, I found myself liking April after a while because she seemed like a strong female and because she is a ... and Jalil was also somewhat interesting, but I had no interest in David or Christopher whatsoever. Also, the dialogue in this book is a bit strong, with lots of swearing, which I found annoying. One thing that was great about this book was the actual premise, all the ancient gods leaving regular Earth and building a new universe. Since I am well versed in mythology of all kinds, I understood many of the references to mythology quite early in the story. This book's interpretation of the Norse gods was interesting, and I hope to see the Greek gods also later in the series. It would be interesting to see this series' interpretation of them. I also hope that these kids get 'better' and come to be better friends eventually.