Rating:  Summary: Little Fellows Review: I would recommend this book to kids, Elementary kids for the most part because it might be too childish for grown ups, yet to hard to understand for someone whos just too young. I found this book to be interesting; it kept me reading it and turning the pages. I thought the ending could have been alittle better because it was just too simple for the complexity of the book. Smog seemed to be a big force with a huge wrath but he was killed easily do to the lack of diamonds over the one part of his body that is the most vulnerable, his heart. I think there should have been a big war lasting days, carrying the drama out longer. This book was a bit slow in the middle and beginning but picked up at latter until the disappointing end. Overall it wasn't that bad of a book to read for school but I personally like something a little more realistic.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit Review: If your reading this then you are obviously interested in "The Hobbit". It's an exciting adventure story with a bit of fantasy and magic all mixed into one. I think it is a most excellent story and would recomend it to anyone looking for a good Sunday sitting in the park doing nothing story. You may wonder why I gave it a 4 instead of 5 well to tell you the truth I thought the ending definatly could have been better. The entire story is based on a quest to rid an ancient dwarve fortress from SMAUG an evil dragon well it turns out that the adventures dont kill smaug and he plays a minor part in the long run. But aside from that I recommend it to fantasy/adventure lovers alike.
Rating:  Summary: The small people Review: The book is about 13 dwarves and one hobbit called Bilbo. The Hobbit is a good book to read. The book is mostly about adventer. If you like adventer this is a good book to read. I think that the book is very good to read in a camping place. I think that the book is very good book.
Rating:  Summary: I've seen better Review: "The Hobit" is about a Hobbit(named Bilbo Baggins) who is manipulated into helping a pack of dwarves. They play on his "Took" side which is his mothers side. The Tooks were adventure seekers, they liked going on journeys. Other Hobbits found the Tooks less respectable than the other side of Blibo's family. The ohter hobbits loathe going on adventures, in fact they hate going anywhere very far from home.(Adventures make Hobbits late for dinner). One thing you should know about Hobbits is that they really like to eat and sleep. They have about six meals a day. I only gave this two stars because it seemed like the author was in a hurry so he ended the book. Like he really had to go to the bathroom, so he ended the book as fast as possible. It also seemed like the author got really into the story and when he came to the end(Last four chapters) he didn't know how to end it. I am hopeful for the other books in the seires. I want to know the rest of the story and hope the author did a better job.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit in Review Review: The Hobbit is a book about and hobbit named Bilbo and 13 dwarves. The dwarves take Bilbo on an adventure to regain their treasure that was stolen by a talking dragon. On the way Bilbo and the dwarves run into goblins, trolls and elves. All three of these creatures capture them but they end up escaping. They meet a man who can change into a bear and the Lord of the Eagles. They finally make it to the mountain where the dragon lives. The dragon is killed by a guy from lake town and the dwarves with Bilbo reclaim the treasure. A couple of days later every person who knew about the treasure was there to take the treasure. They a have the Battle of Five Armies and the dwarves keep their gold. Bilbo goes home and lives the rest of his days in his hole.
Rating:  Summary: My Hobbit Review Review: This is a story about a Hobbit whose name is Bilbo Baggins. One morning thirteen Dwarfs and Gandalf The Wandering Wizard appeared at Bilbo's door. The Dwarfs wanted Bilbo to help them conquer a dragon named Smaug, who had taken over their land. When Bilbo woke up the next morning, they started out on a journey towards Lonely Mountain. Then, a thunderstorm came upon them and they found a dry cave and slept there for the night. Bilbo was awakened by a scraping sound, then he saw the stone wall open. The group was captured by Goblins. They found themselves in a large cavern in the mountain. The Goblin scowled at them. Then Thorin stepped forward and explained to him that they did not mean to trespass. Gandolf appeared at the door and freed the group from the goblins. The group ran ahead and Bilbo was lost behind them. Bilbo found an underwater lake and a ring on an island in the lake. He found out that the ring made him invisible. In the lake also lived a creature named Gollum. Gollum was a creature that ate other people. Gollum approached Bilbo and Bilbo told him he desired to find a way out. They then played a riddle game and if Bilbo won, he lived and if he lost, he would die. Bilbo won the riddle game but Gollum still wanted to eat him, But then Bilbo accidentally slipped the ring on his finger and became invisible, so he escaped. He met with the group again and walked with them for a few days. Gandolf left the group a few days later. The ring Bilbo had helped the group through two more circumstances along the journey. The group made it to the base of Lonely Mountain. They then climbed the mountain and found a secret entrance to the inside, where Smaug was. Thorin and the Dwarfs stayed outside. Bilbo went down a hallway and came upon Smaug. He then slipped on the ring he had found earlier and became invisible. Smaug awoke when Bilbo tried to steal a gold cup. Smaug knew that the Hobbit was there because he heard him. Smaug told Bilbo that nothing could pierce his scales. But when Bilbo searched Smaug's body he found a scale was missing in one spot. So Bilbo grabbed the cup and ran out of the mountain. Smaug followed Bilbo and started burning the city. Meanwhile, Bilbo had told a bird to find a hunter named Bard the Hunter and to tell him that Smaug had a weak spot below the neck. Bard the Hunter came and saw the spot and plunged an arrow into Smaug, Smaug fell down and died.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit Review Review: The hobbit is a book about a simple little hobbit named bilbo who likes to live in his cozy little hobbit hole. One day thirteen dwarves and a wizard come to his house for an adventure. They go through many small adventures while seeking their final destination, a very large treasure under a mountain. On their way there, they meet many new people, some nice and others not so nice. The end up being involved in a great war, and recover the treasure. Finally Bilbo gets to go home to his little hobbit hole. I think this is a mediocre book. He puts a lot of details in that you don't really care about. It kind of starts out slow, but gets better as you read it. I think that it has an abrupt climax that comes out of nowhere.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as I had hoped Review: It took me a while to actually read this book. I had started it when I was in junior high, but became too swamped with school reading to finish it. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more then. It's not that it's bad... it's just sort of plain. I guess you have to take into account that it was written in 1937, which I didn't realize until I finished it. I had always assumed that "the Hobbit" and its earthy themes was a product of the sixties. Apparently not. So this means that the world was a very different place when this book was written. I also tried to keep in mind that the whole fantasy genre grew out of "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy; so these progenitors may seem tired because a lot of what I have already read has drawn quite liberally from these sources. Or maybe I'm biased against the whole adventure story thing. The risk of the adventure story is that the adventure *is* the story and that each part of the adventure is an isolated incident with no bearing on the next. In the case of "The Hobbit", there's the orcs, then the goblins, then Gollum, and so on. And, yes, Bilbo grows with each incident. But the story is so consumed with the incidents that it includes precious little else. The characters are flat and predictable -- and I think I'm supposed to like Bilbo, but I don't. I know he's supposed to be the anti-hero, the everyman rising to the occassion. But I just find him annoying. I have another issue with the narrator. Yes, I know it's the whole bard thing, I get it. It still doesn't stop me from thinking that there is a better way of telling this story. It's a little more aimed at kids than I remember when I attempted it a long time ago. Which may account for the lack of description, which, when included, is very vague in this novel. I want to know more than cusory details. When Bilbo gets lost in the mountain and stumbles upon Gollum, I never got the cloying sensation of twisting, dark tunnels. Instead, we are treated to something that is more akin to directions. Left. Right. Down, down, down. It cuts right to the action, so there's no tension and release. Things just happen and go away. And that, friends, is the whole problem in a nutshell: Things happen and go away. I am told that Tolkien wrote this as a bedtime story. I don't know if that's true, but it does have that sort of quality to it. I feel bad saying this, because I know it's a classic, but I think I like the animated movie better... Good for kids, adults will be disappointed....Unless, of course, you're a fan. In which case, you hate me.
Rating:  Summary: The worlds greatest book Review: I first read The Hobbit in Elementry school. Ever since then it has been my favorite book. It is a tale of fantastic adventure and is told exceptionally well by the author J.R.R. Tolkien. This book is for young and old. It is a magnificent piece of work and it shall be cherished for ever.
Rating:  Summary: THE BOOK THAT CAN'T BE MATCHED Review: The Hobbit is one of the best books (or actually the best book I have ever read)I love the way TOLKIEN expresses himself so openly in his writing.I would recommend this book to anybody who loves fantasy fiction books.This is a once in a lifetime book that cannot be matched by anyone... ever A very unique book. IT'S A MASTERPIECE. Great work of art.