Rating:  Summary: Book Review on the Realms of the Gods Review: The Realms of the Gods is a fantasy book starring two main characters , Numair and Daine. This book is the final volume in a four part series, unfortunately I only realized that after finishing the book so I don't understand some of the books as I have not read the first 3 volumes before this one. This book about a magical barrier, which separates the Realms of the Gods from the Mortal Realms, has evaporated, just vanished. When Daine and Numair had found out, they were depressed but also worried because the immortals would definitely would be on them like a ton of bricks. Plus, Daine, Numair and the rest of the people living in Tortall are still fighting against their enemy - the ex-emperor Ozorne. They have to go to small village to fight Skinner who work for Ozorne. They kill everything that they touch which is deadly. When they reach there and begin to fight with Daine using her growing magic , they are accidentally swept into the Realms of the Gods. Daine wakes up in the Realm of the Gods, feeling very weasy to find her dead mother waiting for her. Daine discovers that her dear mother had died but turned into the Green Lady whom looks after the northern forests in Divine Realms. (Which is in the Realm of the Gods) She also finally meets her father who is also a very powerful God. The problem is that Numair and her are needed back in Tortall because there is a war but Uusoae, the Queen of Chaos is causing havoc in the immortal world. Numair and Daine journey back to the mortal world but crossing many difficulties which are deeply described in the book which is fun to read. The author of this fantasy book wrote it extremely well and is pleasurable to read though it does have some loves scenes which not a lot of people will enjoy. Realm of the Gods has a basic story line but is very detailed so even if you haven't read the 3 volumes of this series you can follow what the book and series is all about. The only really down side of this book is that there are no twists but overall this book is fantastic and everyone should find it impressive!
Rating:  Summary: Done in a day! Review: And that says something. Everyone's alreay described what this is about, so I won't. I really enjoyed this book. I personally felt it wrapped everything up pretty well. You hear from almost everybody, (Except Maura and the Long Lake Pack, unfortunatly) and any development that needed to be done was done. I knew that Daine and Numair would be the only couple that worked, but I was wondering after Emperor Mage how it would work - that was quite an age difference to work around. Personally, I thought it was pulled off well - the character's brought the age problem up themselves! Whoo! And I thought it was also done remaining true to the character's personalities. That was important, too. All in all, it was a well done ending to the story. I highly recommend it - it is a great fantasy for animal lovers, and for people who like romance. (You won't find so much in the other Immortal books. I think that's why THIS one had so much. :P)
Rating:  Summary: Good but not the best Review: In this book of the immortals series, Daine and Numair get sucked into the Divine Realms and have to make the long journey home to fight a battle raging in the Mortal Realms. This is a good book but there are a few things I dont like about it. For one there is alot of blood and a few swear words, Daine and Numair do get together and I'm totally fine with that but there is alot of kissing and at one part where Daine must not be thinking straight but Numair is awesome and sets her straight. I did write a review before but that was before I finished the book.(I was really mad.) I thought they did something other than kiss and they don't.(to my great relief!) Also one thing that makes me happy is that Numair does propose!! This is not the best book in the series but it is still good, as long as you skip a few parts. Although I do not suggest this book to anyone in a grade lower than 7th this book is awesome if you skip over a few parts. THE REST OF THE SERIES IS AWESOME!!!
Rating:  Summary: Bad ending to great series Review: In this book, Daine and Numair get pulled to the divine realms. Although Daine thinks it is wonderful seeing her mom and dad, she has to get back to her Tortallian home to help fight a war. The first part of this book is awesome but Numair and Daine fall in love and Daine acts stupid and is willing to do a little more then kiss. They don't do anything because Numair is to honorable but it is a real disapointment. I haven't finished the book yet but my friend has and she told me not to read the epilogue because its worse. Tamora Pierce also gives you a sickining detals to the deaths of the stormwings, hurrocks, and flying apes. It just makes you sick when you read how they die. I think the rest of the series is wonderful but on the last book is horrible in that it is a YOUNG adult book. I'm almost 13 and read alot of books in the young adult section, to me this is just not right to suck a kid into a book and make them deal with gore and young girls letting themselfs be taken advantage of. I'm not saying the rest of Tamora Pierce's book are this way but this was a disapointing ending to a great series.I do recemend the first three books but this one just isn't the same.
Rating:  Summary: Another great story! Review: If you like magic and adventure, you'll love this book and the rest of the series. Warning!! If you read this book, you will enjoy it so much, you'll have to buy the entire series, "Alanna series, The Immortals series and Protector of the small series--which are all part of a continuing story. Excellent author.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: All right, to all the people who think otherwise, Numair isn't THAT old. There's a 14 year age difference. My BF's mom is 21 years younger than her husband! The book itself was amazing, even though it was sad, and I felt sorry for Rikash. I loved all the dragons, and also the bridge scene, but I thought that Pierce should've at least tied up a few loose strings, in the Divine Realms... Thanx 4 listening BOD Ciao
Rating:  Summary: A startling, but amazing ending to a great series Review: I found this book to be one of the best of TPs. It was sorta stange when Daine and Numair became `lovers`. But i kinda saw it coming. It was very intersting to find out more about the great gods and daines parents. If you have already gone this far in the series you should defiently read this book.
Rating:  Summary: One of the BEST books I've ever read! Review: This book was GREAT! My favorite part was the romance between Daine and Numair but hey the whole thing was perfect. Wish it could of gone on longer though. This in my opinion is just a good as Harry Potter!! Yes folks believe it or not it is humanly possible. Its got everything a fantasy book should dragons, magic, dragons, romance, oh yeah did I mention DRAGONS!? I recommend this book to everyone who loves Harry Potter and J.R.R. Tolken.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite! Review: Yes, yes, yes! This is by far my favorite book in The Immortals Quarter. The imagery is amazing and the plot is exciting. This is a definite must-read for any dragon fans!
Rating:  Summary: Oh wow, this is the best one yet! :) Review: I must say, this is the best book of the Immortals series. It turned out very nice in the end...kind of sad though. I find this better than the Song of the Lioness quartet. If you have read the other Immortals books, you will definately want to read this one as well. Other books by Tamora Pierce I strongly reccomend: the Circle of Magic quartet, and the first two books of the Circle Opens quartet.