Rating:  Summary: Sing Down the Moon Review: It's a lovely spring day, with the sun beating down on you; you're taking your horses out for a ride in the fields, with your best friend. Well that's what those two fourteen-year-old girls, Bright Morning and Running Bird do. I learned a lot about Bright Morning and Running Bird and all about their culture, family, and friends by reading Sing Down The Moon by Scott O'Dell. My opinion about this book is that I enjoyed reading about Native Americans and about the way they are, like the way they dress, the way they live, and the way they talk. I don't see the problem with the way they are, they are still people even though they might be a little bit different, but there's not that much of a difference between us, and them. So I think they should be treated with respect since they are people just like you and me. Bright Morning's character is adventurous, smart, and she's not afraid about what anybody thinks of her. Bright Morning loves to ride horses with her best friend Running Bird. Running Bird is just like her best friend, Bright Morning. They do the same things. This book tells the story of this culture that struggles. I recommend this book to the ages 9 to 13 Because of all the distractions that happen and because of all the complication's in words. By reading this book Sing Down The moon you can learn about Bright Morning's culture, and about the adventure that Bright Morning and Running Bird go on. You have to read to find out what happens.
Rating:  Summary: "A good short story" Review: Sing Down the Moon is a story written by Scott O'Dell about a Navaho girl named Bright Morning. This is a very interesting book for those people out there that perfer an adventure over sitting on the couch. This story is about when Bright Morning being able to finally take her mother's sheep out during spring with her friend Running Bird. Then, all of a sudden, Spanish slaves appear over the hill to capture children, later to be sold. Of course they capture Bright Morning and Running Bird. They travel to a town where Bright Morning recognized no one and was sold to a lady that was very kind to her, yet Bright Morning was still unhappy. Later she met a girl named Nehana who also wants to escape. Will they escape? You have to read to find out. This book was a little too short for my taste, but nonetheless it was very exciting! The book leaves you wondering: What's going to happen next? Is she going to make it? I normally don't like historical fictions, but for this book I'll make an exception.
Rating:  Summary: anouther great book by Scott O'Dell Review: I would recomend this book to people with indian back round because it gives you a little knoulege on what indians went through in those days. This book is exiting and keeps you on your toes.This Is a great book for everyone I recomend you read it. Sincerly Hillary
Rating:  Summary: What it's like to be a Navaho girl Review: The book I read was called Sing Down the Moon. It is about a Navaho girl named Bright Morning. She tells about all the adventures she has had. She tells about when slave traders captured her and what she does. I learned about Navaho life and how the United States soldiers treated Navaho people. The soldiers forced the Navaho people out of their canyon and forced them to walk to Fort Sumner. I liked the book very much. I liked hearing what life was like for the Navahos in the 1860's from the point of view of a girl close to my age. It was very exciting. There was a lot of action. I especially liked the part where Bright Morning and her husband Tall Boy escape the Long Knives. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in Navaho history and likes an exciting adventure story.
Rating:  Summary: Singing Down the Moon Review: 1.SDM took place over a period of two year, starting in spring and ending in spring. The book starts of in a village called Canyon de Chelly, which is located in Arizona. As Bright Morning was tending her sheep one day a pack of Spaniards came and took Bright Morning and her friend, Running Bird. The Spaniards took her and Running Moon to a village where they were to be slave girls. After being there for a little while Bright Morning and Running Bird run away from the village with help from their friend, Nehana (also a slave girl). Final they return home to their village. Then not soon after they are forced out of their village by the "Long Knives". For a few days they hide in a mesa above their village. Finally they are forced to leave because of the supply of food and water is low. When they come down form they mesa they are captured by the "Long Knives". The Long Knives Force the Navahos to go on a long journey to Bosque Redondo. This journey was 300 miles long and called the "Long Walk". After being in Bosque Redondo and getting married to Tall Boy, Bright Morning and Tall Boy run away and go to Canyon de Chelly where she has her baby boy, but then they have to leave because they saw some Long Knives. Finally they end up in Hidden Canyon were Bright Morning used to tend her sheep. There they find supplies that Bright Morning had put in a cave in case of an emergency a few years back. SDM took place around 1863-1865, over a period of two years. The book started in the spring in the year of the deer. In early 1864, the Navaho tribe was forced on the "Long Walk" to Bosque Redondo. Bright Morning and Tall Boy stay there until 1865, when they decide to run away. Then the book ends in 1865 in the season of spring. 2. Bright Morning is brave, "I had never been afraid before, or only once." (O'Dell 3) She is also obedient, "Tall Boy will marry her only because she is pretty and obedient" (O'Dell 9) Bright Morning is caring. "one girl about my age was caring two young children on her back. They were heavy for her and I asked if I could carry one of them for her" (O'Dell 80) 3.SDM is about a 14 year old girl named, Bright Morning. While tending for her sheep one day she is kidnapped by some Spaniards. Then she ends up running away. Then the Long Knives force her Navaho tribe to flee there land forcing them to live on a run down piece of land along with other tribes, called Bosque Redondo. After being there for a little under two years she gets married to Tall Boy. They decide to run away. They finally end up back at their village with there new born son, but they have to go to a place called Hidden Canyon.
Rating:  Summary: An Inspiring and Touching Book! Review: This book is amazing! It is historical-fiction. It is about the Navajo Indians. Bright Morning and her family live in Canyon de Chelly. The "Long Knives" force them to move. They go on the Trail of Tears. It describes how so many people died and starved. How Indians were forced to move because of GREED! Many people starved to death and some people just wanted to die. Many of the babies that are born at Bosque Redondo (which is where they ended up) died because they got sick. Bright Morning was getting ready to have a baby and she wasn't going to let it be born there! To find out if she makes it safely back to her HOME, Canyon de Chelly, read this book! It is wonderful. You will feel there pain and tears. It is a geart book!
Rating:  Summary: Some of the truth about the long walk. Review: When I read this book I thought that the book was interesting and at the sametime a little sad. I thought it was sad because my ancestors were the one that had to suffer the hard times through the Long walk. The Soldiers were the one that had no repect for the Navajos. They were the one that would shoot any one that would stop, just because an eldery person had to stop to take a break or a Navajo lady was about to have a baby. I think if some of the Soldiers ever regret what they did to the Navajo's. Even thought they may have just rode the horses along side of the Navajo's that were walking for more then 300 miles. To different places and showing them to they people at Santa Fe. Kit Carson was a mean and hateful guy to the Navajo's that is all i have to say about the Long Walk. I hope that it never happen agian, and that the Navajo's fought for us to keep this wonderful and beautful place full of adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Singing Down the Moon Review: 1. SDM took place over a period of two year, starting in spring and ending in spring. The book starts of in a village called Canyon de Chelly, which is located in Arizona. As Bright Morning was tending her sheep one day a pack of Spaniards came and took Bright Morning and her friend, Running Bird. The Spaniards took her and Running Moon to a village where they were to be slave girls. After being there for a little while Bright Morning and Running Bird run away from the village with help from their friend, Nehana (also a slave girl). Final they return home to their village. Then not soon after they are forced out of their village by the "Long Knives". For a few days they hide in a mesa above their village. Finally they are forced to leave because of the supply of food and water is low. When they come down form they mesa they are captured by the "Long Knives". The Long Knives Force the Navahos to go on a long journey to Bosque Redondo. This journey was 300 miles long and called the "Long Walk". After being in Bosque Redondo and getting married to Tall Boy, Bright Morning and Tall Boy run away and go to Canyon de Chelly where she has her baby boy, but then they have to leave because they saw some Long Knives. Finally they end up in Hidden Canyon were Bright Morning used to tend her sheep. There they find supplies that Bright Morning had put in a cave in case of an emergency a few years back. SDM took place around 1863-1865, over a period of two years. The book started in the spring in the year of the deer. In early 1864, the Navaho tribe was forced on the "Long Walk" to Bosque Redondo. Bright Morning and Tall Boy stay there until 1865, when they decide to run away. Then the book ends in 1865 in the season of spring. 2. Bright Morning is brave, "I had never been afraid before, or only once." (O'Dell 3) She is also obedient, "Tall Boy will marry her only because she is pretty and obedient" (O'Dell 9) Bright Morning is caring. "one girl about my age was caring two young children on her back. They were heavy for her and I asked if I could carry one of them for her" (O'Dell 80) 3. SDM is about a 14 year old girl named, Bright Morning. While tending for her sheep one day she is kidnapped by some Spaniards. Then she ends up running away. Then the Long Knives force her Navaho tribe to flee there land forcing them to live on a run down piece of land along with other tribes, called Bosque Redondo. After being there for a little under two years she gets married to Tall Boy. They decide to run away. They finally end up back at their village with there new born son, but they have to go to a place called Hidden Canyon.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Book Review: I had forgotten about this books until tonight when I came across it during a search. I read it when I was either in the 4th or 5th grade. I remember how much I loved it. I'm now studying to teach middle school social studies and language arts. I'll probably use "Sing Down the Moon" in my classroom once I am teaching.
Rating:  Summary: Sing Down the moon Review: I think that this book is horrible! It is lacking so much character description! For instance, when Bright Morning gets captured by the Spaniards, she shows no emotion at all! She isn't even sad! Scot O'Dell's other books, like Island of the blue dolphins, are much better.