Rating:  Summary: Amateur Review: I wanted to like this book. I'm a huge fan of intelligent animals as viewpoint characters, and the setting was pleasantly atmospheric. Nice cover, nice feel to the book. Of course one can't judge by externals, but this one gave me nothing but positive expectations. Unfortunately, it's a clunker. The prose is clumsy and amateurish. I'd have written this book in high school. The plot points are not merely belabored, but beaten bloody. And when the wolves speak, the verb used nine times out of ten is "growled." Okay, they're wolves. They may well verbalize in growls. But it's an annoying verb, it calls attention to itself, and it lends an inflection to the words that's often at odds with their content. If you like intelligent wolves, you may be able to get through these flaws and still enjoy the story, though it runs aground with its heavy-handed morality at the end. There are no surprises here.
Rating:  Summary: The best book i have ever read Review: This book was possibly the best book i have ever read. I was crying so hard at the end. I really love David Clement-Davies and I think the way he uses metaphors with animals in some parts to write about things in our lives is great! If you don't like animal books, or really long books, OR books that make you cry hysterically at the end, i don't recommend this book. To everyone else, read it right now!!
Rating:  Summary: He's is the best writer in the world! (Apart from JKRowling) Review: I read it when I was eleven, and I'm reading it again, its just soo GREAT! The suspense in this book is fabulous, its a REAL page-turner!! I read David Clement-Davies' first novel, Fire Bringer, it was just as good as this one!!! I am a real wolf-lover and really like The Sight, hes just a really awesome writer! About The Sight: Its about a pack of wolves fleeing from the evil wolf Seer, Morgra, which just so happens to be Palla's, mother of the main characters, Larka and Fell, half-sister. When she gets rejected twice from the pack, Morgra curses the pack and soon this evil curse gets to the packs' head until finnally, Palla and her mate, Huttser, get into a fight and Larka leaves the pack when.... oh I'll just leave it at that for you to figure out how that happened. Happy reading!
Rating:  Summary: Larka & Fell Review: Looking over the other reviews I saw a lot of great things...people saying how great the book was and how amazingly it drew them into the forest that the wolves hunted in. Though I saw some people bragging about how mature they were and how they dont' think small childern of normal intellegence could understand the book. Let me tell them this, the book is amazing for any age even if their parents have to or want to read it to them. No one is too young to read or be read to. This book is amazing it has beauty and power. A mystery to it and a sense that you belong within the story. Most said they loved the first book this author wrote and I myself have never read it and it just doesn't seem something I'd like. Funny how you can like someones book and then not like another of their's. Anyway if you love wolves and you love the battle between good and evil and the magic of something unknown you'll love this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Sight- 1 of my favorite books of all time Review: I haven't read The Firebringer yet and this is my first time reading something of David Clement-Davies and I must say this book was extraordinary. I don't need to tell you all about the book, other reviewers have done that for me. But I MUST tell you this book was captivating. The minute I picked it up I couldn't put it down. Now, I'm just 12 years old but I have read many books in my time and a lot of classics. Among my personal favorites are J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of The Rings trilogy and the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. Now, The Sight has been added to the mix!
Rating:  Summary: An extrodinary piece of work! Review: I read The Sight immdediately after Fire Bringer. The first issue I would like to address is some reviewers saying this book is 'creepy' or graphic in some parts. At the time I read this I was 11, and thought nothing to be remotely...scary. I am fairly mature for age, or so people tell me, and the above statement is simply my humble opinion :) On to the book. Its simply wonderful! It ties a close second on my list, fronted only by Fire Bringer. Sure, some may say the stories are remotely identical, but the characters and chain of events are very different in my view. I was captivated by the wolf's body language description and the battles. I know some may not agree with the evolutionary opinions expressed by the author in The Sight, I found them to undisturbing, as that follows my belief. I agree, David Clement-Davies should maybe have not entwined his beliefs into the novel, but keep in mind, the book is a great one, so do not let this fact deterr you from reading it. All in all, The Sight, was a wonderful book :) You must read it to find how just why I highly praise it!
Rating:  Summary: yech,. Review: I began this book full of expectations, after memorizing every line of poetry written in Fire Bringer, having anticipated it since before I knew what it was called, and then falling in love with the cover when I first saw it on Amazon.com. I'm sure I would have liked it if Fire Bringer had not come first. First off, the plots were boringly similar. Hooray, a prophecy! So many of the same elements from FB are encorporated, like, the author is telling the same tale with wolves in the stead of deer. I did, however, like the aspect that he kept the equality of the age, so that... basically. The characters of FB had a subtle interation with those of TS. You'd know what I mean if you read them. I did not find the author's view as a wolf as convincing as that of from a deer's perspective. I predicted almost all of his revealed secrets, especially about Fell, at least 2 dozen pages in advance. This book was boring. I was hoping for something new; different; exciting. If you haven't read Fire Bringer, you'll probably love this book! But. Whatever. <3
Rating:  Summary: If I could read it, I might really like it! Review: I bought both "The Sight" and was thrilled with it ... until it arrived. The font is so small it is virtually unreadable to anyone who does not have very good, or very correctable vision. A true loss. I donated it to the local library book sale with that disclaimer on a post-it note on the cover. Please ignore this review if you have excellent eyes, never suffer from eyestrain, headaches or migraines. The same font was used in "FireBringer"and "Lorelei", and I will add my two cents there as well. Thank you for taking time to read this, and I do hope they release a far more friendly font for these books. I will have purchased them twice in that circumstance, however, the other reviews lead me to believe it might be worth the trouble and expense. Again, my appreciations, Mare
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Ever Review: You will definatly LOVE this book!!! my mom picked this book out for me and i wasnt sure that i would like it because it was about animals and even though i like animals it seemed like it would be boring or babyish BUT IT ISNT!!! the book grabs you in on the first page and you really dont want to stop reading it!! im not a big reader and i couldnt put it down! it has all of the good qualities of a book! anything you expect to happen doesnt mean it will the book takes sudden turns when you least expect it!! at times it can be really sad and churns your stomach but the books soo good and you get so into it, it doesnt really matter!! the ending is really good and sad! i cried and im usually the one making fun of people because they cry about things!!! i love this book it definatly deserves a higher marking than 5 out of 5 stars!!! i promise anyone who reads this book will love it and if say they dont their lying!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Sight Review Review: I thought The Sight was a GREAT Book!!!!!!!!!! But, it had some evolutionary content that I didn't agree with. Other than that, it was well written, it had great character developement, and you never forgot that the characters were wolves. Also, at the end of each chapter, it held me in suspense. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next! Over all, I would definately recommend this book!!!!!