Rating:  Summary: If you liked "Walk Two Moons", you'll love "Chasing Redbird" Review: I read Walk Two Moons a year ago and absolutely loved it. I read it about twelve times and my book is practically falling apart. I saw Chasing Redbird in a bookstore and grabbed it off the shelf. I was hooked by the first sentence. This is a book for everyone who's wanted to have something of their very own, and feels surpressed by a big family, but that doesn't really make a difference because I am an only child and I understood everything Zinny Taylor went through and cried for her. She had been forever with her Aunt and Uncle and her cousin Rose, her neighbours, and away from her huge, loud family. When her cousin Rose died from whooping cough that she caught from Zinny herself, Zinny's life was shattered. What made things worse was when her Aunt Jessie ('Redbird') died suddenly. Zinny yearns to get away, to remember whatever she can about her aunt and cousin, and to find her own identity. She discovers an old trail, that stone by stone she digs, all by herself, and as she is digging these stones, she is digging her mind. She finds memories of Rose that had been buried deep in her mind, and she also finds something else: herself. She had always been thought of as a stingy, quiet girl, but she always knew that that wasn't HER, it was just what was thought of her. She was still not very self-confident, though, as she thought that the VERY attentive Jake Boone did not like her, but May, her older sister. He proves her wrong, though. This is a magnificent piece of storytelling that grabs you and doesn't let you go until the very end.
Rating:  Summary: This book is excellent !! A "STAY UP ALL NIGHT" kinda' book! Review: This book is great! It tells of a young girls struggle with having such a big family and everyone thinking of her as "which one are you?," since her family is so big. Zinnia(Zinny) Taylor is the main character and is still coping with her cousin Roses death who died of whopping cough, when she was four (nine years ago,)and she got it from Zinny. It shows her on personal struggles of coping with her own personal issuses, by her visiting "her" trail. Since her Aunt Jessie died, she has been feeling real sad, not to mention her Uncle Nate, who was her husband. He calls her his sweetheart still and calls her Redbird..because of her red hair. He chases her around(even though she's dead), because he can still see her, and so can Zinny's brother Ben! Why can't "she" see Aunt Jessie though?, she wonders, and now that Jake Bonne's back in town, May(her sister), is interested! He's changed alot in his looks...and he's changed from liking the peron he did years ago also. What will become of Zinny? How will she get through these ordeals in her life? I read it in 2 days...and stayed up to 12:00 a.m. reading this book! It's a great book, and I hope that Sharon Creech will continue writing books. She surely is VERY talented!
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Book Review: I thought this was a wonderful book...though at times it can start to drag on. I am not a "nature" person, and the main character spends a long time outsideand on her trail, it can be a bit boring. Despite this, the book is interesting, happy, sad, and hopeful. If you liked Walk Two Moons, you'll like this.
Rating:  Summary: A Journey With Zinny Taylor Review: In Chasing Redbird the main character is Zinnia Taylor. Zinnia, known as Zinny, is thirteen years old and lives with her family in Bybanks, Kentucky. Zinny has seven family members. They include Gretchen,Bonnie,May,Ben and Will. Zinny is going through a hard time. Her best friend Sal Hiddle just moved away with her father and nobody knows Zinny's name. Whenever Zinny goes to the store the clerk, Mrs. Furts asks her which Taylor are you? Zinny always tells her which Taylor she is and leaves quite mad. Her own parents even asks their sons and daughters which one they are once and a while. Summer finally comes and Zinny finds something special. Something that changes her life forever. It's a trail! All Zinny has to do is uncover it. Usually someone wouldn't uncover it because they would thik it was a waste of time but not Zinny! Zinny justs thinks it is a summer projuct with her name written all over it. Zinny uncovers it and finds out many things about herself and her family. Themes that were in this book as well as Walk Two Moons and Absolutely Normal Chaos were love,friendship,family, and death. I recommend this book to anyone who likes Sharon Creech,adventure and a book filled with descriptive writing,good chapters,and suspense. GO to the library or the book store and read this book today!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Chasing Redbird Review: Chasing Redbird is a great book. I like it becuase there are a lot of great characters in it. I also enjoyed how the author goes into so much detail about the trail that Zinny is trying to clear. It is also very interesting becuase Zinny is Sal, from Walk Two Moons, best friend from before she moved away from Bybanks. Where Zinny lives. I think it is cool how Zinny little by little as Zinny clears the trail she remembers more and more about Baby Rose and Aunt Jesse.Chasing Rebird is one of the best books i have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Chasing Your Dreams Review: This is a book review of Chasing Redbird, which is an interesting, funny, and realistic story by Sharon Creech! Zinny, the main character in the book is a 13-year-old girl who feels she's responsible for the deaths of her aunt and Cousin. Having a large family of many brothers and sisters, she is feeling lost without her Aunt Jessie. She discovers a trail in her back yard, and finds out from a museum that leads to the neighboring town. Meanwhile an old friend of the family has moved back to town along with her son, who is a few years older than Zinny. He starts bringing her presents, and Zinny, who is used to boys using her, doesn't think much of it. During summer break Zinny asks her parents if she can start camping on the trail so she can finish clearing it by the time school starts, and they actually let her. While up there she discovers someone very special, and gets help from someone unexpected, while accomplishing her dreams and her goals. The author uses great humor, and realistic events to capture your attention throughout the book. The most important character in this book is Zinny, or formally known as Zinnia. She is brave but sometimes lonely. Even though she has a handful of brothers and sister, they sometimes dis-clude her. During this story she deals with the death of her aunt and cousin, her uncle who misses his wife, finishing uncovering the trail, and achieving her goals, and reaching her dreams. My favorite character in this book is Zinny. She has a lot of stuff going on in her life and deals with all of the bad things. Always leaving time for the trail, she makes a goal to finish it by the end of summer vacation. Zinny is a courageous character throughout this book, she doesn't stop for anything until she reaches her dreams, and catches her goals. From this book I learned to follow your heart. If you don't know what path to take in a situation do what your heart feels is right. You might ask yourself what you are doing and why you're doing it, but in the end you know that the decision you chose was best for you. "Life is like a bowl of spaghetti once in a while you get a meatball." This is my favorite saying in the book because it explains exactly how life is. Sometimes, while your life is okay or on the downside, something great happens. While I read this story I felt happy when Zinny accomplished her goals, and discovered the trail. Sad, was what I felt during the times of death in her family. I found myself laughing at some things that her younger brothers say, and when her uncle would stomp on a hose thinking it was a snake. Overall this book made me feel good, and helped me overcome situations in my own life! All the characters in this story are realistic and can probably relate to one of your friends or somebody in your life. They all have interesting personalities and are great to read about. To make the book more personal the author used first person writing to not only share the main characters experiences in more detail but also to share thoughts and feelings only the main character would know about. Most of this story is interesting, and kept you on the edge of your seat at some parts. Some parts of the book aren't as thrilling as others though the plot and setting fit the moral or message. Whether you live an interesting and exciting life, or you think its normal and average, this book will show you how to take any life, add a goal and make something great happen.
Rating:  Summary: The best book I have ever read! Review: This book was the best book I have ever read! It is filled with so much details and excitment. My favorite character in this book is Zinny. I like how she is so determined to finish her trail that she goes and sleeps over night on so she can start right in the morning. I also could picture all of the settings in my mind because the author described them so well. This book is very well-written, and its a very fun book to read. I recommend this to anyone that is 12 or older because Zinny is about that age and usually when I read a book, I like to relate to the main character in the book. I loved it so much!
Rating:  Summary: A great coming of age story Review: Sharon Creech in Chasing Redbird captured perfectly a coming of age story of a thirteen year-old girl. Zinny Taylor, one of seven children always feels lost in the jumble of her family and wants peaceful solitude. Always asked by others which Taylor she is, she wants to become an individual and known as Zinny Taylor. Her chance comes when she comes upon a mysterious trail that begins near her family's house. She then decides that she will uncover the whole trail, 20 miles, alone so she can spend time away from all the chaos of her house and find herself. Not only does she find herself, but she uncovers secrets about her family including the death of her cousin, Rose, and her Aunt Jessie. Zinny also discovers love and that she is just as lovable as others. At the end Zinny discovers much about her life as she chases the Redbird.
Rating:  Summary: A very good story about kids. Review: I really enjoyed the book. It was a fabulous story.It made me feel happy. The main character Aunt Jessie lived in Bybanks, Kentucky.Their lives seem fun because they lived on a farm.The setting takes place on a farm. All this happened a few years ago. The characters are AuntJessie,Zinny Taylor,UncleNate,Ben,Will,Sam allof them have interesting lives.One of my favorite character is Aunt Jessie shes a person who cares for all her family.She's my favorite character because shes a compassionate ,and very restponsible person. I recomend this book to people from ages 10-13 that like to read about stories that are going to make you smile all the time.
Rating:  Summary: My Most Favorite Book Review: Chasing Redbird, by Sharon Creech is one of my most favorite books of all time. It gives young girls like me the message that you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. In Chasing Redbird a girl named Zinny does just that. See, Zinny is one of the children of a very large family. Because of that, Zinny does not get that much attention from her mom and dad, so she has taught herself to become very quiet so that she won't cause any problems for her already frustrated parents. Not only does Zinny not get any attention from her parents, but all the guys she ever likes have always wanted to go out with her sister May. Zinny decides because of this that she will never find a boyfriend, and they will always want to go out with May. When Zinny gets tired of sharing things and guys with her brothers and sisters, she finds this trail that leads her to question her life, like will I ever be known as me, or will I just be another one of my mother's children. I love this book because it has a lot of mysteries, but it is also sort of a teen romance.