Rating:  Summary: the secret circle Review: this book was great from the beginning. I wanted cassie and adam to get together but they first have to leave there own personal relationships behind. Fight black john espesacily cassie who has realiezed that she has changed. i loved this book even though i do wish that there was one more book to finish the loose ends. hope i didn't spoil anything for the people who haven't read it yet bye
Rating:  Summary: A Good closing for a Good series Review: Unfortinatly, this is the last book in "The Secret Circle" series. This book picks up exactly where book 2 ends. In this book, when Cassiee meets her new principle at her grandmothers funeral, she knows right away that its Black John. So, the coven decides to wear crystals under their clothes to protect them, but somehow he finds out. While all this is going on, Cassie and Nick start to go out. At the end of the book, Cassies mother finally wakes up, and Black John is destryed. Cassie finds out that Adam is her soulmate, so Dianna lets Adam go, and Nick lets Cassie go. This was a great book, but it left me wonderin, who would choose Adam over Nick? Not me!
Rating:  Summary: The best in the trilogy? Review: I really can't decide which is my favourite book out of this brilliant trilogy, but I think I'd say this one simply because its the ending, which is always going to be good. I'm glad that Cassie and Adam stayed together-it was clear from the start she was never going to go with Nick. Although I liked Nick's character he wasn't anywhere near as intresting as some of the other 'bad-boy' characters L.J Smith has written about (eg Julian, for anyone who's read The Forbidden Game trilogy) This book brought the Secret Circle trilogy to a great close, although it did still leave some loose ends, which made it more realistic in a way. I liked all the details given about the stones and I loved the candle ceremony the girls did. One more thing-why on earth have some people said they think Diana and Nick will get together?? That would never happen! The Secret Circle trilogy are some of my favourites of L.J Smith's books and I reccommend them to anyone (but make sure you read them in order or it ruins the later ones)
Rating:  Summary: Wow! What A Good Book. Review: I like the book because the writer realy keeps you on your feet and makes you never want to put the book down and if you do put it down you will want to pick it up just to see what is going to happen next. The book is also good because it had a lot of tist like it went from best friends liking the same guy to finding out you have to kill your best friends dad, because he his trying to kill the whole coven. I think that I like it the most because the writer uses stuff that nobody thinks would ever happen to them but he makes you beleave it's all true and that it could happen to you.I also like the book because it has a lot of action and you never know who will be killed next.
Rating:  Summary: Read the entire Series Review: They're all fantastic. I read the Secret Circle Series when I was like twelve (I'm almost seventeen now) and I still can't get the storyline out of my head. I think that LJ Smith is the reason that I adore witches and fantasy so much. The basic plot is that Cassie (heroine) moves to New Salem in New England and finds out she's all part of a "bigger plan". She's supposed to complete the coven of twelve witches even though they're all still in high school, they end up battling forces of evil and whatnot even as Cassie has to deal with Faye, one of the more "intense" witches in the coven who dreams of becoming the leader of the coven by overthrowing Diana, Cassie's best friend. Cassie also has two love interests here which also comes into the plot. To those who have been lucky enough to read this -- am I the only one who wanted Cassie to go for Nick? Anyhow, if you haven't read this, it really is interesting, even if my review doesn't let on and just sounds corny. Like I say, the best plots are ones that you can explain but just have to read. If you're interested, I hope you get your hands on a copy!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome book! Review: Here is the conclusion to the trilogy and it continued where the second left off. Black John now holds a position of power in the town. He uses the people as puppets. Faye is rebelling from the Circle at the most critical time in its history. All members are needed to defeat Black John ... and quickly! A hurricane, that would have down graded to a tropical storm or veered away from land, is being controlled by Black John. If it hits land, millions will die! There is no time to evacuate. Even if there had been, Black John made sure no one could leave the area! The Circle has only three choices: 1. Give in to Black John's power 2. Let millions die 3. Pray for an inspiration to win the ultimate battle between good and evil! Rating:  Summary: Whoa!! Review: This is a wonderful book! It was beautifully written and had many beautiful moments in it. I really liked the indepth information about the herbs and other things the witches used. I also like the bits of mythology used in the story. It was a wonderfully romatic book. It was one of the kinds that you think about even a years after your read it. I've went back to re read this book and get the warm fuzzies that go with it. It's the kind of book that gets in your head and stays in it and goes into your dreams and you dream abou it.
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Battle Review: In the final book of the trilogy, Cassie and Adam are caught in the line of fire. Begging for redemtion, Cassie promises to redeem herself, and forgiven for all, Cassie now faces much more serious problems. With Nick in love with her, Cassie must decide how to handle her relationship with him. Losing her only family help, she comes face to face with something so terrifying, the coven may not survive. Confronting an enemy from the older coven's past, the coven learns the truth about their past. The enemy they face is the cause of all the death's of so many of the Club's parents. Learning that her family is the strongest, and she is not in fact a half witch, Cassie is shamed to learn the truth about her past. With Faye on the enemy's side, the coven is no longer at full strength. One of the remaining members of the coven is secretly working with the enemy, unknowingly betraying the Club. When Portia and her witch hunting brother's return to town, there's even more trouble. When the time comes for battle, and the coven's new leader is on the wrong side, the coven must elect a new leader. If they don't win they will die, because none of them will ever join the enemy's side. And never have I enjoyed any story more than this one!
Rating:  Summary: The Powerful conclusion Review: When I first read this book it was 1997 and I was only 14. Even then it impacted greatly on my life and made me want to read more of L. J. Smith's books. This book relates more to me then any of her other ones. When Cassie was caught in the lie with Faye as her capture it really felt like me at that time (this was in the 2nd book in this trilogy). Now that I am 17 I want to rediscover these books and so I am reading them in a new unit of time. It's incredible how much more I am getting out of them. It feels like I relate more to Cassie than any other Smith character. Stefan Salvatore in the "Vampire Diaries" Series is a character that kind of reminds me of Adam in this trilogy as they both have such a gentleman kind of nature until their girl is attacked, in which all hell breaks loose. When Cassie is being brave she at the same time is feeling so insecure and the normal teenage shyness but doesn't let this stop her determination to prevent her father's evil from being released into the town of New Salem! All in all I really recomend this book to all teenagers who feel a little withdrawn from the world. It gave me the strength, not to be someone as strong as Cassie but, to stand the existence of the social world. A huge thanks to L. J. Smith for writing this book, and all of her others, and I hope this trilogy becomes a series like the "Night World" Series.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent end to an excellent trilogy! Review: This book is jam-packed with action and conflict and emotion. Over the course of the last two books, we've come to love these characters and the worst thing about this book is that it has to end, which is a great compliment to any author. Lisa Jane Smith pulls out all the stops as she sends Cassie and company right to the edge and....
But that would be telling. I'll grant you that the final battle should have been a bit tougher, but be that as it may, this is still a terrific book and a wonderful ending to a great series. As I mentioned in my reviews of the other books--make sure you read these in order. Oh, and do yourself a favor and buy all three books at once. You're going to blaze through them so fast that your head will be spinning like Linda Blair's in the Exorcist. The last thing you want to do is get to the end of one of the books and have to wait several days to get the next one. Trust me on this. When I read these books, I went from one book to the next non-stop. I set one down, grabbed the next and kept reading. You'll do the same and your only regret will be that they had to end.