Rating:  Summary: Shadow Spinners Review: " Will she come out alive?!" Marjan murmured to herself as she waited outside the sultan's door. Worries about Shahrazad and her story flooded Marjan's mind. She tried to take her mind off her worries but that was impossible! Shahrazad might be dead! The novel "Shadow Spinner" is about Marjan, a teenage girl that has been transferred from her slave life with her Auntie Chava and Uncle Eli to a life in the harem providing stories for the queen, Shahrazad. The sultan asks Shahrazad for a certain story, which she and Marjan don't know. Marjan has to get the story, but the sultan's mother, the Khatan, is watching her. The only person who knows the story is a mysterious blind storyteller who tells stories in the bazaar or marketplace. It is forbidden for women to leave the harem without permission, but how else can Marjan get the story? The story "Shadow Spinner" is a well thought out narrative with challenging vocabulary. Fletcher describes her characters and their problems in such a way that the reader can relate to them. The story has a little bit of exposition and then jumps right into the action. It is quite suspenseful and you won't be able to put it down. It is worth reading again and again. It definitely deserves an awesome five out of five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful for young adult and adult readers Review: Shadow Spinner is the kind of writing children should be exposed to. The story is full and rich with humor, and a heroine who is not perfect. Fletcher does not dumb down the language or the hardships of the charachters to sell a story. This is the kind of work that will capture childrens imaginations and hopefully intrest them in the classics it was built from. Young readers are perfectally capable of reading, or being read, intelligent thoughtfull books. This book is a step in the right direction. It woudl make a wonderful read for young adult and adult readers.
Rating:  Summary: A story as good as Shahrazad's Review: In Arabian Nights, Shahrazad is background, and the implications of her condition are never considered. In Shadow Spinner, Fletcher has done a marvelous job of fleshing out the legendary storyteller and her situation. Shadow Spinner starts 989 days after Shahrazad stopped the Sultan's murder of wife after wife by volunteering to marry him, then telling him stories so gripping, with cliffhangers so huge, that each one buys her another day of life. At this point, Shahrazad has given the sultan three sons and is growing desperate - she's running out of tales to tell, for one thing. Enter Marjan, who comes to the harem with her Aunt Chava, to sell things to the women. Marjan worships Shahrazad, and has collected tales all her life; she knows one that Shahrazad doesn't know, and gets caught up in the intrigue of the sultan's harem as well as Shahrazad's own story. Marjan is a likeable character, and her experiences are great adventure. Still, the true center of the tale is Shahrazad, and the unexpected stength of the book is its villains. Unlike most YA and children's fantasy, the villains of this book are not all bad; Marjan in time comes to understand the reasons behind the actions of the sultan, his mother, and even her own mother, who hurt her badly years before. This is a fun story on the surface, with a lot of food for thought swimming just underneath. It's a good read especially for young girls, and it should also appeal to adult fans of fantasy or children's lit. A winner.
Rating:  Summary: Susan Fletcher is a SHADOW SPINNER herself! Review: This book is woven into a supensful story that you cannot put down! It has a wonderful plot and you will love it! Taking place a long time ago in Arabia, Marjan, the main character is pulled away from all she has ever known to a huge palace, beautiful ladies, a Sultan that kills women, and a fat cruel mother of the Sultan called the Khatun. She was pulled away from her home because Sharazad (the woman who wasn't killed by the Sultan) needs stories for the Sultan. Marjan is now told to go into the bazaar and get a storyteller to tell her a story so Marjan can tell Sharazad. She goes but will she get caught by the Khatun? I won't tell you you have to find out for yourself! HAPPY READING!
Rating:  Summary: A book worm reads a good story!! Review: In this book the author was spinning a very good story! She kept you wanting to read more! I just couldn't keep putting this book down. Marjan is a brave girl who risked her life to help beautiful Sharazad how was risking her life for the women of the city! Read the book and find out for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Shadow Spinner Review: Shodow spinnr is an intriguing novle with lot's of twists and turns by susan Fletcher. susan fletcher has also written the trilogy of dragon's milk,flight of the dragon kyn, and sighn of the dove.if ou like shadow spinner, you'll probably like theese too.the book is about three girls,shaharazad,marjan,anddunyazad.shaharazad is a courageous girl that offers to marry the sultan that has been marrying a knew wife at nite and killing them in the morning.dunyazad,sharazads sister,and marjin try to help her stay alive and get into somthing that they wern't expecting.the novel takes place in an eygyption city that has a palace and a huge bazzar. the area is rough and dry except around the palace it's lush and green.shadow spinner is about a girl named marjin who goes into the palace with he auntie chava to help sell silks and jewles.marjin gets distracted by telling a group of kids stories.the kids are all very interested,esspecilly one named dunyazad.dunyazad is the sister of shaharazad who is married to the sultin and is staying alive by telling storys.after about 1000 nights sharazad is out of storys and dunyazad thinks that marjin can help.so thats what she does.and get's into something that she is not expecting.when i picked up the book i couldn't put it down and i would recomend it to you.
Rating:  Summary: Shadow Spinner Review: Sometimes I wonder if stories you tell begin to tug at your life,begin to change it in time,mysterious way.Not just that you learn from stories,though that can happen,too.But even deeper.Could it be that, by choosing certian stories,you draw to you draw to yourself the happenings inside them?So that your life begins to echo your stories?This is one of many stories of life told by marjin to teach you how to tell stories.The problem is how to stop a sulton from killing his new wife every morning?To find out read Shadow Spinner.It tells how a young girl named Shaharazad.She had to tell stories to stop the sulton from killing his wives.There is a lot of adventure and other things that'll keep this book in your hands.You won't be able to put it down!The athur Susan Flecher describes things so well it felt as if I was there.I would recomend this book to people who like adventure.The book will keep you at the edge of your seat.
Rating:  Summary: Shadow Spinner Review: The main characters in the Shadow Spinner are Shahrazad. Shahrazad was the lady who told all the stories to the Sultan so that she would not be killed.Mrjan was another main character. She was Shahrazad's sister she would sneak from the harem and get stories from the story teller and then tell them to her sister Shahrazad so she could tell them to the Sultan.The Sultan was also a main character. The sultan would capture from around where he lived and he would merry them and then kill them the next day. The Sultans palace is where the mainly takes place. The town where the story takes place is poor. The harmen is where the story sultan lives and takes his wives and kills them the next day. but one day he captures this lady who is Shahraad but does not kill her because she tells him stories every night. they are stories that the sultan has never heard before But one day she runs out of stories and does not know what to do. To find out what happens check out shadow Spinner. I guarantee you will love the book. I thought the shadow Spinner was a really good story. At first I had trouble understanding the story but as I got further into the story i started understanding it better. This book was hard for me to put down because it was so good and also ecause I was so excited to see what was going to happen next. This story had lots of excitement. My favorite part in the story was when Marjan sneaks out of the palace into the city to get some knew stories to save her sister Shahrazad.
Rating:  Summary: Shadow Spinner Review: Shahrazed is the main charatacter of Shadow Spinner the Sultan is the king and the other charatacters are Aunt Chava, Marjan, and Dunyazad. The story takes place in the palace where Sharazed is telling the Sultan a story every night and the Sultan let her live another day. The Sultan gets married and in the morning he kills his new wife no matter how beautiful she is and how smart she is. Shahrazed Changes this by telling stories to the Sultan each night. The Sultan grows very fond of Shahrazed and her stories, will she escape from the Palace and live Read the book Shadow Spinner and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Shadow Spinner Review: Shahrazad tells a story every night tho her husband the Sultan woh has been killing his wives every night he gets married ot them, but Shahrazad has saved the whole city by telling the Sultan stories every night. These stories keep him so facinated that he lets her live anouther night so that she can finish the story. She keeps telling other stories and the Sultan keeps telling her the same thing. This has been going on for 1000 nights and she is running out of tales and finds one through a young girl named Marjan who is crippled in one of her feet and no one will merry her even though she is as any normal girl. Shahrazad is Marjan's hero and she wants to be just like her and will do any thing to help her. But the sultan wants to know a part of the story that Marjan doesn't know. Can Marjan get the story in time? Shahradad's life and the life of every young girls life depends on it. This story has to be one of the best stories I have ever read! u would give it ***** stars if I were a critic! It was suspensfull and creative. U would defenentally recomend it! The story takes place in India, in a worn down city, and a beautiful palace where the sultan's heram resides, where Shahrazad meets Marjan. Marjan, Shahradad, and Dunyzad were the three main charecters. Marjan is a street girl who would do any thing to save Shahrazad, Dunyzad is a brave and inteligent girl who always has an idea to get out of any situation, and Shahrazad the sultan's queen and mother of 3to the sultan and who has to tell the sultan a story every night to keep herself alive. Some of the other books the author has written are; Stuttgart Nanny Mafia, and the series with Dragon's Milk, Flight Of The Dragon't Kin, and Sign Of the Dove which none of them i have read but I am sure they are really good. What the author did to keep me hooked is in the book she made it reallysuspensful, and gripping and there wasn't really a point in the story where it was boring. Marjon was always in and out of trouble, and Shahrazad was risking both their lives. it was a very good book and it made me keep reading.