Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm Review: Do you like to read? Well this book The Ear The Eye, and the Arm is a book for you. It's the year 2194, in the future and it's about this Matsika family who have three kids, the mother works at the univesrity, and the father is the general of security in whole Zimbabwe. They live in Zimbabwe. These three kids are locked up in their home because of dangerous gangs. These kids decide to take the pass card to get out of their house from there father and go outside near the market area. After eating they take a look around and they meet someone in an ally who has a strange experimentil creature. After talking and babeling something bad happens to them. They get kidnapped and have a whole good and hard working adventure by kidnappers and religios people and gangs ofcourse. While their parents hire these three detectives called The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm. These detectives have special abbilities from birth and try to find the tree children. While the children have been gone for weeks. And at the end, well you will have to find that out yourself. Good luck in reading if you do.
Rating:  Summary: The Ear The Eye The Arm Review: General Matasika's theree children went out of their house where they have never went wanting it to be an adventure but instead they where kidnapped. The leader of this kidnapping is a lady called the She Elephant. She want's to sell them to the las gang the general hasn't got. Luclkily they escaped but they go to an even worse place called Resthaven. That place is not part of Zimbabwe. That place is where there are only old religions and people who belive in monsters. All kinds of diseases and sicknesses are there too. but they also escape from that place. After that a lady called Mrs. Horsepool wants to have a reward because the cildren came to her. She keeps the children in the house and has a party and the She Elephant breaks in and kidnaps the children again. Will the children ever get out of this nightmare??????????
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm Review: The Ear, the Eye, and the Eye, is a book for people who likes books with action. It's about three cildren, Tendai at the age of thirteen, Rita eleven, and Kuda is four years old. Their father is the general and the security chief of Zimbabwe, and their mother is a chemestry teacher at a univesity. This is all happening in the year of 2194 at a time where there is more advanced technology than there is now. The three children are into scouts and therefore they want to earn the Eagles badge for going on a trip being independent. Because of the criminal group called the Masks, the kids are not allowe out of the house. It is a rule in the family that the children connot leave the house on their own and that is why they ar all so curious and eager to see what the utside of the walls looks like. One day the children disappear and the two parents contact three detectives called Ear, Eye, and Arm, all thee detectives have special abilities. Ear has exeent ears and can hera very well. Eye has great eyesight. Arm has long arms and can read peoles' minds and feelings. The three children go to Resthaven, a place where people keep old traditions, don't use modern things, and they believe in and worship the old gods of Zimbabwe. The three children come to Resthaven after they have been kidnapped, and escaped the kiddnappers. the book Ear,Eye, and Arm brings you into a world ful of action, new machines and technology. you will also find the book funny, and touchin. I will recomend this book to cildren my age (11-12) because it is an exiing bookthat you want to keep on reading.
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm Review: Into the future we go! The year is 2194, and General Matsika's children are missing! And this is what the father knows: they must've snuck our of the house with the help of the mellower, they were at Mbare Musika but then disappeared, this adventure must be for a BIG reason. The General and his wife, Mrs. Matsika, know that they can't find the children alone and need the help of detectives. Mrs. Matsika calls up the most extroadinary detectives you would ever imagine, the Ear, the Eye, and the Arm. These detectives can do things that you would just FLIP over! When the detectives are just a step away they begin a series of adventures, risking their lives to save the children. Don't you think it would be hard to believe that the General got rid of almost all of the gangs in Zimbabwe? But this is the big bummer; the General just can't get one gang, called the Masks. But now is the big one, the Masks get involved with the disappearing children-will the detectives be their on time to save the children? Or will the Masks just have enough time to slaughter them? The answer is hidden begind the pages of THE EAR, THE EYE, and THE ARM.
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye and the Arm Review: This book takes place in the African country of Zimbabwe in the year 2194. One morning, three children named Tendai, Rita and Kuda sneak out of their home and disappear without a trace.Their father, General Matsika, and his wife hire a very unusual detective agency called, "The Ear, The Eye and the Arm." These detectives have special adilities. Ear can hear an ant climbling up a sugar bowl. He wears earmuffs to muffle the intense sounds he can hear. Eye can spot a flea on a bird. His vision is so strong he wears glssses that reduce his eyesight by 95%. Arm is very skinny and more sensitive to emotions than most people. He has the alilty to know when things will happen, before they do. So begins the amazing adventure of "The Ear, The Eye and the Arm." Can Tendai, Rita and Kuda survive being kidnapped? Can the Ear the Eye and the Arm find and save the children before it's too late? Find out in this awesome book!
Rating:  Summary: An adventure in Zimbabwe Review: the setting of the book is in the year 2194,Zimbabawe,Harare. The book is structured around two different story lines, which wind around each other.One revolves around the children-Tendai rita and Kuda, and the other revolves around the detectives- The Ear, the eye and the Arm. Both groups have their own abnormalities-the children are kept in a compound like birds in a cage, and the detectives are genetically altered mutants, whose mothers were exposed to nuclear radiation. The story begins in the Matisikas compound,a place with gaurded walls and filled with luxuries like the Bukingham palace. General Matsika, the childrens father was the Head of security in Zimbabwe.He eradicatedall the hostile gangs in the country and had attacked the masks, a vicious band of Godwannan terrorists. He was scared someone would kidnap his kids for revenge or randsom, so he kept his kids inside the house. The children led a lonely isolated life, and were soon bored out of their minds.A praise singer called the Mellower lulled their father into giving them permission to leave on a scout trip. So then they start their journey into the harsh real world. Their jouneystarts fine in the beggining but their luck doesent last and they bang into a blue monkey who hijacks and get kidnapped by two thugs calledd fist and knife. they then are sent to the wasteland of dead mans vlei. The Vlei is where rejected people go, and is a dump of old plastic and toxic waste. Most people would be shunning the sight of it but to the regular inhabitants ,it was home. They also had a queen figure the She Elephantwho kidnapped the children to give to the evil mask families. They also meet a stubborn woman whos fists granny and a freindly idiot called Trashman. For the first time in their lives they learn how to do real work. Also Tendai finds a Nhodora a spiritual necklace made of shell, this one once belonged to King Monomatapa, who gounded the Shona empire. Tendai finds the the Nhodora has supernatyral powers, and call the spirits to help him escape. Once again the children escape to a place called Resthaven which cut off reality, where people livedby their own ancient rules which is something out of 6th century B.C.It is controlled by the headchieftan Garikari whose second wife Chipo is having a baby. The people are terribly backward and believe in witchcraft. They said they caused twins and one of the twins had to die. Then Chipo has twins and Rita protests about killing and gets into a lot of trouble. Myanda Gariyakanis second wife tirns out to be arms mother and helps the children escape and gives Arm the baby twin Sekai. finally the children escape as thought of being withches! Meanwhile in the other part of the story the childrens mother call the detectives in. Each hve teir own special ability- Hearing, sight, touch, and thought.THey then try to invade the Dead mans vlei but the children already left. THen they try Rest Haven but dont find the children. Instead Arm meets his mother and the new baby. Meanwhile the children move from one prison to the other. They land up in the Mellowers hous but are re-caught by the She Elephant for the final showdown with the Masks of Mukafose. Now the story turns from adventure to supernatural, with Tendai becoming a hero and trying to call spirits through the Mhondora. He fights the forces of evil represented by the Prescense. After its all over the detectives are well rewarded. At the end of the book Tendai remembers he had made a wish for adventure. he says to himself was this really worth it? This book is very readableand its weird story line makes it appealing. Nancy Farmer really deserved the Newberry award. On aless serious plane- She hammers out the message be careful what you wish for!
Rating:  Summary: A Sci-Fi Adventure, It is totally tubular man!! ;) Review: General Matska never wanted to let his children out of the house. In Zimbabwee, 2194 there was one gang that brang terror to the city,... The Masks. Now he will never forgive himself for keeping the children so cooped up in the house. Two of the children, Tendai and Rita, are scouts . Kuda, however is still to young. Tendai's hopes of becoming an Eagle Scout died when he heared that he needed the Adventure Badge. Knowing his father would never give perrmision he snuck out of the house, along with Rita and Kuda. Because they have never been on the streets befoe they didn't know what to expect. The Ear, The Eye, and The arm is an exciting adventure novel by Nancy Famer. The author clearly knows how to pull the reader in. The story jumps around between the chilren and the detectives, the Eye, Ear and Arm. If you get pulled in to what is happening to the children you what to get to the next chapter to see what happens. The chlidren wander thoughout Harare and get kidnapped, just as the general suspected. So the general calls on the weirdest detectives in Zimbabwee, the Eye, Ear, and Arm. They are called that because of there special abilties that resulted from some toxic water that their mothers drank. The children are dragged off to diferent places such as the toxic waste dump called Dead Mans Vlei, a dump that well earns it's name. Then they are dragged off to the worst place of all,... The Masks hideout!! The Maks are not like any other gangs because they do not leave any signs of what they do or who they are. They do not steal for money or kill for money, they kill to kill and steal to steal. They just love the feeling that they are the ones who bring terror to the city. The children have no clue what is going one. Finally Tendai hears that they are going to be sacrifices to their gods,and assortment of evil spirits. Will the detectives find the chilren? Will the general get his kids back? What will become of the Masks? Read The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm to find out
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm Review: Imagine a safe beautiful house that has everything inside, would you like to live there? What if you lived there and cannot exit. Would you still want to be there?The General's children who live in that big house run away and were not found. They just hang around in the city, kidnapers take them from here then sell them to thieves there, when they escape from one they get caught by others. The parents hired the best, but strangest ditectives in Africa. General Matsika never caught The Mask's, who are the biggest gang in Zimbabwe, like all the other criminals. They don't want anything from th town, just to kill and steal, it's just how they live. It is up to the detectives to find the children. The spirits of the unknown, and the sophisticated technologhy. Thieves and kidnapers can so stuff beyond your imagenation. Will General Matsika's children come back home safely and unharmed?
Rating:  Summary: The Ear The Eye The Arm Review: Adventures take you in trouble, but trouble brings you adventure. That's what the Matsika's children are having. Three depressed kids of General Matsika escape from their house to have a forbidden adventure in the outside world, which they are ignorant of. They hate to be in a house from were they can never watch the outside world and they want their liberty. Their father ( the head of the family and the military in Zimbabwe) never gives permission to the kids to go out of the house because he is afraid of one gang, the Masks! The masks are very impulsive gangs who have invaded Zimbabwe. They capture who ever they want or like. The associates of the Masks kidnap the kids when they are on their way to an adventure. Mr. Matsika who is jolted fron the news calls the three unusual detectives to help him find the kids. The detectives have speical abilities. Ear has talent in listening, Arm can raed anyone's mind, and Eye has marvelous sight. The kids are taken from one place to another. The kids are in trouble. They visit and leave a place, one-by-one. The detectives, on then other hand, are almost near to the kids but each time they miss them. When the kids are finally in the hands of the Masks, the detectives are trying to find them. Will the detectives find them? Will the kids get their liberty from the Masks? Will anyone get mutilated in any fights? To find out, read The Ear, The Eye,The Arm and you'll find out
Rating:  Summary: The Ear,Eye,and Arm Review: Think of a world in Zimbabwe in the year 2194. You are in an enclosed compound where you are pampered, but forbiden to go out in to the real world. your father in the general of the army. you have everything but freedom. If you had a choise, would you chose wealth over freedom? Choose wisely because both sound very inviting. Well, Tendai, Rita, and kuda didn't choose very wisely. Unfortunately they disobeyed their father. when the parents realized that they were gone, they called on the threesome of unusual detictives. Ear, Eye, and, Arm. They were assigned the mission to find the children. The search keep them only one step behing the children. Do they keep up? Tendai and Rita are in scouts. Kuda their little brother is still too young to join. They have personal trainers and tutors for everything. The were happy. In scouts they can earn badges. One of the badges they wanted to earn was the Explorers badge. Theyhad to go to tertain places in Zimbabwe to earn it. T complicate things they manage to get out of the compound, but thats for you to find out how. So their out there in the real world, they are all happy at first, but later do you think that they will be as happy as when the first arrived in the real world? During their very long and twisted journey they at one time were in the Vlei land. Another time they ended up in Resthaven, where they were accused o f wichcraft. So you wonder, who is one of the many people that they met on their confusing journey? One of them is Trashman, he brought them to Resthaven, where he spent most of he time with Kuda. The kids also appered in one of their close friends mother's house, Mrs. Horse-Pool Worthingham. She, Nice then you have to READ the book. This energy absorbing journey ends at the top of the swaying Mile-High Macllwane Hotel. To keep you pondering, tonight is tendai's birthday. Would they be able to celebrate it as a family? Do the detectives find them? Do they even come home? All these answers lie in the book. Another thing, next time you want something, think before you go and get it, because it might not turn ou the way you expected.