Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye And The Arm Review: Alaa el-sahfei-It is the year 2194 in Zimbabwe, General Matsika's three children the chidren are looking for some adventure. After years of been locked in the house, they are trying to win some scout medals, they are being enslaved in three different places, from the mile high Mcklwaine to the cheapest places in the world. Their parents call the world's three strangest detectives, the Ear, The Eye and the Arm, the children are always one step away fron the detective's hands. So who will get to the children first, is it the detectives, or is it the gangs? the future gadgets and the old rivals are racing for the children to get to them first
Rating:  Summary: this book isn't very good Review: The rich Matsika kids are bored to death while livig in a household of robots and praise. Soon they set out to get a badge for a scout group. Then they are captured and put to work in a plastic mine. Soon they are sold to the most dangerous people in Africa. Who are those people?Remember, never look behind a mask!
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye, And The Arm Review: Do you like the idea of traveling to Afroca in the year 2194? If you do then follew Kuda, Tendai, and rita in The Ear, The Eye, And The Arm by Nancy Farmer. In this suspenseful science fiction story the three kids are involved in many kidnappings, escapes and other interesting adventures. Kuda, Tendai, and Rita's lives are miserably boring. Nothing instersring ever happends to them until they get kidnapped. That's when life gets instersting for them. One of the kidnappers was the She Elephant she was the boss of the Vlei people, they looked like trash. The She Elephant looks ugly and mean. When Mr. and Mrs. Matsika found out the kids were gone, they called three detectives, Ear, Eye, and Arm to come in and help them find their three kids. The detectives were always behind them. Kuda made a friend when he was at Dead Man's Vlei, they call him Trashman, but his real name is Chedu, they talk baby talk with each other. The three kids got kidnapped four times, two by the She Elephent, one time by the Blue Monkeys owners, and one by the Mellowers mother, her name is Mrs. Horsepool-Worthingham. When they were at Mrs. Horsepool-Worthinghams house some ladies had a tea party and the She Elephant wreked the party and kidnapped the kids to be sold. I think it was a gteat book and you need to read it to find out the ending.
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm Review: This book is a great novel by Nancy farmer. It is very exciting and surprising. One interesting fact is that it takes place in 2194. It also talkes about the enviorment and ways of life in Zimbabwe. I enjoyed this book a lot! If you've read this far, I'm sure you'll enyoy this book. Reason, well... The first paragraph of this paper is like the first few chapters in this novel, The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm. They both don't exactly start with a exciting beggining... This book doesn't have a beggining that will pull you in and make you think,"Read more, Read more!" It haas more of a beggining that will tell you to slap the boring book shut and forget about it! If you think you might do that, think again. Is that the only chance you wll give it? I definetly advise you not to because once you've read past the first few chapters explaining the unuasual seting and the descriptions of the characters, you'l be hooked to this book closer than any fish has on a fishing line!!! Have you ever wanted to go on a trip where you're all alone, no parents, no rules (at least you think so) and no limits??? This is the kind of adventure that Tendai, Rita, and Kuda, children of the powerfull General Matsika had!!! They sneak into the the "outside" and happily got lost. In the beggining of their adventure they think that being free isn't that bad... Already in the the first day do they fall into trouble with a rather large lady and a talking monkey, now thats weird. The three excited children later meet people they can't tell from the floor, (imagine someone being under your feet for days without you knowing, and then suddenly what you think is the groung starts moving...) They also meet some perfectionist that cares for them in a relly mean way. In the mid part of the story they join a "world" of piece and love. (This "world" actually has a lot more to it, no witchcraft, no mordern technology, and lots of beautifull land) Towards the end of the story Tendai, Kuda, and Rita meet loads of new characters in a scary, terrifying and bloody fight of good, good-bad, and bad... To find out more: read the book...
Rating:  Summary: A book review of the Ear,The Eye,The Arm Review: How would you feel if you were alone in a dangerous city? Not very secure, I would think. Can you imagine the dangers you would face? This is what happened to Tendai,Kuda,and Rita. The main characters in the book The Ear,The Eye,The Arm. In this book,those characters escaped from their magnificent mansion into the dangerous center of the city of Harrare,in serch for fun and adventure they had hoped to find turned into a frightening nightmare. The kids were kidnapped several times and deeply missed their home. The three siblings were brave and determined to discover the wonders of the outer world,but in this dangerous adventure,the true face of the world unrevealed itself and was much different than what they had expected, The kid's parents,General Matsika the general of the country and Mrs,Matsika the professor,hired the strangest three detectives in all of Zimbabwe,The Ear,the Eye and the Arm. These detectives put a lot of effort into finding the children,but it seemed as if the children kept out of their reach. As you read this story,the characters personalities seem to change. The characters that seemed evil at the beginning turn out to be kind and gentle. Courage,danger and greed are all themes of this story. A story filled with dangerous,breathtaking adventures, The story ends with a long battle between good and evil which with unbelievable results,which adds suspense to the story, When reading this book,expect the unexpected and no matter what you do,be careful what you wish for.
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm Review: Imagine a world of the future,where robots do your chores and the pantry makes your meals. Sound fun? Rita, Kuda, and Tendai live here in Zimbabwe, 2194, and are 3 of the main characters in The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm. Their father is General Matsika, Chief of Security of Zimbabwe. They've never left the house, and they don't get to make any choices of their own, except when their parents are out, and even then their choices are limited. Then one day, the children go out on an adventure, -and disappear. General Matsika and his wife contact the Ear, Eye, and Arm Detective Agency. Ear, Eye and Arm follow the children and are also a main part in the story. However, the children stay right out of their reach. The children get kidnapped, enter a place of the past, and encounter many good and evil things. They make decisions that would be hard for anyone to make. They make it through, though. Finally, after the adventure of their lives,they come face to face with the most dangerous thing in their lives,and must come out, alive. In the end, everyone must face take the final test of courage- and failure means death.
Rating:  Summary: Be careful what you wish for Review: Imagine a world where your house was being protected from robotic dobermans with machine guns and electric fences and you were not allowed to leave the house, it would stink would'nt it? You would have to run away or do something about it. In Nancy Farmers The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm that's exactly what the Matiska children do. Tendai, Rita, and Kuda break out of their house on a forbidden adventure and disappear. Their parents call Africa's most odd detectives: Ear, Eye, and Arm. Their mission takes them from Zimbabwe to the most unusual places you would never imagine. The three kids get kidnapped on their adventure and find the most weird places and people on earth.
Rating:  Summary: The Ear, the Eye and the Arm Review: The Ear, the Eye and the Arm, a delightfully entertaining book, is about three children craving for adventure. As they get their wish, and go on a whirlwind episode, you'll find yourself getting more and more caught up in the book. You will find putting it down not even a possibility. The Matiska family seem unreal, with a General (of Zimbabwe) as a father who gives them daily morning inspections, just to make sure they fit the perfect family image. Their mother is a kind and dear lady, but so often caught up in her own world, as she is a professor at a university. The Matiska children include Tendai, the eldest, a soft- hearted boy by the age of thirteen. Rita is the second of the children, a fiery mathematician, but if she would only use her brains before she spoke! Kuda, the youngest, was thought of as a young warrior, as often remarked by people close to the family. Tendai, on his thirteenth birrthday, wishes for an adventure, as they have never been out of the massive Matiska mansion. The reason for this is astonishing rule is because their father is frightened for the safety of his children, as the Masks, a well- known and feared gang, just might be on the lookout for the children! But the Masks don't stand a chance of getting them unless the children manage to get out of the manor. With the help of the family's praise- singer (known as the Mellower) the children do just that! But if they only knew what the world had in store for them! A woman who has a tiny colony of people, searching for plastic! A blue monkey who talks, and is part pit bull, part human, and of course, part monkey! This is only an example of the things they discover on their adventure, as they find things deep inside their heart, for even though they live ina lonely house, full of machines, they find themselves missing it and their parents. They learn responsibilty, and most of all understand that everything isn't always what it seems at first glance, and before you do something, think about it.
Rating:  Summary: THE EAR THE EYE AND THE ARM Review: Take a second and just think. Think about what it would be like if you were living 193 years from now in the year 2194. Imagine a world where robots do almost all of the work. Add in one military type father,one scientific mother,three children in a wide range of of ages who are not allowed to go out side the house walls. Throw in a mellower,Some one who praises you all the time, and some people who would love to do harm to the children. set the whole thing in a place that used to be a third world contry of Zimbabwe and, WALLA! you have THE EAR THE EYE AND THE ARM. this is a story with adventures, diffrent lifestyles from the beginning of time to the setting of the book, charicters comming so fast you forget their names, and last but not laest, an action-packed ending with the maening of be careful for what you wish for.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Lok Behind the Masks Review: "Think about it, would you steal out from a enormous mansion in to a country where there's lots of kidnapping and killing or would you stay in the lonely mansion. This is what the main character of The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm felt like. This world is a futuristic (2194), Zimbawe, there's lots of high skyscarpers and flying taxies. You'll see how this story will end. A boy, Tendai, the General Matsika's son was under lock and key in a mansion He was 13 years old and has one sister, Rita and one brother Kuda. His target was the Boyscout Adventure badge. To earn this he had to take a risk to get out of this huge mansion. The outside of this house roamed the hideous gangs, the Masks. Who were ready to sneak behind and kill you. The Mellower who's the praise singer felt that Tendai and his little siblings, Rita and Kuda, were fitigued in the fatigued mansion. So Mellower hypnothized General Matsika and freed the children from the big mansion to the wild world. The Matsika children wanders around the city then gets cuaght by the evil woman She Elephant. Then they escape from her, but they run in deep trouble like the Oregon Trail making hard choices, but Tendai doesn't make good choices. This is the beginning when the real the perils start. As it goes on, the wife of the general calls the three weird detectives that were born with nuclear waste of the Cow's Guts. These three detectives are called Ear, Eye, and Arm Ear has a super hearing abilities that he can even hear a whisper from the next door. Eye has eyes that is like a frogs' eyes. He only has a pupl in his eyes. He wears green speckled glasses to cover 95% of his eyes. Otherwise he would get confused. Arm has a long arm and he can pick up feelings from people. With this capabitllities, the detective calulates out th mystery fo the disappearance of the children and searches for signs of the peril. I recommend firth and sixth grade to read this book, nd peope that like mysteries. I really liked it because it was adventurous and everything unexpected things happens.