Rating:  Summary: The Demon is here. Review: Jimena hears that two of her friends have gone missing. She and the other Daughters go to Heaven's Ballroom where Dancing for Dollars is the practice. There, Vanessa meets Hector, a guy who seems beyond perfection. Vanessa is troubled. She likes HEctor, but she has a boyfriend. Vanessa's best friend, Catty, then comes back from the future to warn Vanessa, but a strange force holds Catty back. Along with her visit, Catty brings a mysterious flame. Vanessa holds the flame for a minute. Overnight, the burn becomes a flowery pattern. This pattern is actually the mark of the devil that the Atrox has summoned to earth. Now Vanessa realizes that there has been comeone posing as Michael. Vanessa must find Jimena's friends, the real Michael, and the demon, before any of these come back to haunt her.
Rating:  Summary: YOU HAVE TO BUY IT Review: like the title says--there's a demon. this one is about Vanessa- how she feels about herself...and Michael. i don't know what her problem is; they belong together...it's totally obvious. the way the book explores the character makes it one of the best in the series. the parts w/ Michael are absolutely adorable. you'll never guess what she wants for her birthday...if you want to know read it yourself!!
Rating:  Summary: This was a book was funny but i didn't like it that much.... Review: Maybe all of you think this book was great but it made we want to laugh way too much. I didn't want to laugh cause it was funny it was just stupid....actually writing this review makes me want to laugh just thinking about the stupidity of this book was funny.you might find this book interesting but not me. It took me three months to finish this book!! I kept on stoping cause either because it was stupid or boring. Venessa is the most stupid,boring,and snobish character in the serise yet they have to write so many freaking books about her.I think they should just kill her off the whole story.In the fifth book i wished Venessa was the one to dissapear not Catty. Then she meets Hector the prick. The guy who can't get a date so he tricks girls into marrying him. Then Hector turns out to be Maggie's old lover. How lame is that? Geeze this book was soo horrible for torture in prison when doing something injustice instead of the electric chair they should make them read this book. Baby-Face Nelson didn't even deserve this torture after robbing all those banks. The worst man in the whole intire world doesn't deserve to read this book!!It's sooo bad. It makes me want to cry and laugh at exactly the same time because this book was soo dumb!! This gives me the inspiration i need to write books. If something as bad as this could get published then if i write a book it's bound to get published too.I was really disapointed in Lynne Ewing ,but i guess this book was developed by writers block and just pure evilness to me.I've decided to give her another chance and buy the eight book, but if it is as bad as this one i'm just going to give up reading period!!ps. This book is as bad as i say it is so i suggest you just skip this book and go straight to book number eight in the serise.
Rating:  Summary: Twists and Turns that Baffle You! Review: Summary: On Vanessa's quest to become more open and wild, she discovers new sides of her and things she never knew existed. Slowly she becomes jealous and angered by her friends seeming to cast her out and Catty, her best bud, no longer spending time with her all because of the new girl, Tianna. Vanessa feels different from her friends and distant from Michael, her bf. Suddenly, Vanessa meets Hector. He's handsome, understanding, and seems to catch her heart. While Vanessa becomes distracted and lonely, a demon lurks the earth, one that is extremely dangerous. Slowly the perplex puzzle reveals itself, the mystery unravelling, with quick twists and turns on the way to the center. Truly puzzling! Comments: It wasn't hard to guess who the demon was, it was really easy actually. But the twists and turns that take you by surprise are what you discover and how foolish or brave Vanessa acts. During the book, you may become very angry or frustrated, maybe even want to cry, but in the end you will be satisfied. I don't like Vanessa too much, but still, you can't help but feel her emotions. Tianna seems to snatch her life away. But don't let Vanessa's thoughts or feelings fool you, sharp turns take you by surprise while you're on this ride.
Rating:  Summary: Too predictable Review: The daughters of the moon series is great. It was in Vanessa's POV (point of view), kinda. The only problem was, with this book, it was so predictable. For instance, Vanessa meets Hector. Hmm... I wonder why this character is around so much? Hm.... I wonder why he likes the design-tatoo thingy on Vanessa's arm. Hmmm.... I wonder why he's so "perfect"? And then the Tianna and Catty scenario. Avioding her, with her birthday coming up? I wonder what they're doing? Also, really, if you were going to warn someone about not touching a fire, why don't you just say "don't touch the fire" But it also tells a lot about the characters and it's a must-read if you're in the middle of the series. I mean, you can't just skip a book, you know? If you really want it to be unpredictable, you should probably tear out the first page, at least then you won't know the most obvious clue.
Rating:  Summary: Why is everyone saying this book is not good? Review: This book is not the best but I still think it's good enough to get 5 stars. In my opinion you should read this book it's a important part in the Daughters of the Moon Series you'll miss out on a lot of information. The book is about how Vanessa is about to turn 16. But her friends don't seem to want to hang out with her anymore. Catty is spending a lot of time with Tianna. And she is trying to get the courage to tell Michael what she really wants for her birthday. But Michael isn't seeming all very Michael then she meets Hector and her problems seem solved.
Rating:  Summary: Coolest Book!! Review: This book is so suspensful.The action,the drama,it's so cool.I was wrong on guessing what Vanessa wanted.I felt stupid.And the figths with the demon,wow!!
Rating:  Summary: MUST READ!! Review: This book is sooooooooooo good! My fave so far. You are kept guessing the whole time. This book is from Vanessa's point of view again. You learn some shocking stuff about Maggie and Vanessa herself. Read it! If you love the series I promise you will love Moon Demon!
Rating:  Summary: Once you think you've figured it out something new happens.. Review: This book was a perfect continuance of the other books in this series. Though Vanessa has never really been a favorite character of mine, in this book you get ot experience a different side of her. While you get to see more of Vanessa's darker side, new things are revealed about Maggie and yes, Stanton makes an appearence. Vanessa struggles between the boyfriend she thought was perfect, and a new guy, Hector who is dangerous and exciting. Who will she choose? Read and find out! Trust me, it's well worth your time!
Rating:  Summary: Moon Demon Review: This book was great, if you like the series you'll love this book! With all 5 daughters of the moon, you know they'll be more trouble and there is!!! This book is fantastic and I know that any person who loves this series will love this book!!!!