Rating:  Summary: Third book in the thrilling six book series! Review: "Aenir" the third book in a group of six has Tal and Milla in the dream word of Aenir. They are on a mission to find the Codex, a book that answers all questions that was stolen from the castle. For Tal, the Choosen, his reason for finding it is hopefully the Codex will answer his questions about his missing father and brother. For Milla, the Icecarl, her reason is she wants to find out about the dream world Aenir and tell her Shield Mother about it. However dreams lead to nightmares. Just when Tal and Milla are about to bond Tal utimitaly betrays Milla by selling her shadow making her forever not able to become a Shield Maiden, her ultimate dream. Feeling betrayed Milla goes her seperate ways. However fate finds her and Tal together again as they try to get the Codex. Will she be able to put aside her feelings of betrayal and hatred to achieve their common goal? A great adventure for all. This third book in the six book series is not one to miss!
Rating:  Summary: Third book in the thrilling six book series! Review: "Aenir" the third book in a group of six has Tal and Milla in the dream word of Aenir. They are on a mission to find the Codex, a book that answers all questions that was stolen from the castle. For Tal, the Choosen, his reason for finding it is hopefully the Codex will answer his questions about his missing father and brother. For Milla, the Icecarl, her reason is she wants to find out about the dream world Aenir and tell her Shield Mother about it. However dreams lead to nightmares. Just when Tal and Milla are about to bond Tal utimitaly betrays Milla by selling her shadow making her forever not able to become a Shield Maiden, her ultimate dream. Feeling betrayed Milla goes her seperate ways. However fate finds her and Tal together again as they try to get the Codex. Will she be able to put aside her feelings of betrayal and hatred to achieve their common goal? A great adventure for all. This third book in the six book series is not one to miss!
Rating:  Summary: Some Pretty Boring Points Review: A Review by Colin Tal and Milla are two young teenagers who are in a world called Aenir. They were sent to this world to search for the Codex, which is a strange, magical object that will decide the fate of Tal and Milla's world, and Aenir. Trying to find the Codex on Aenir wasn't going to be very easy for Tal and Milla. Because, on the world Aenir there are many magical creatures tat will prevent them from finding the Codex. The most powerful, and horrifying creature that gave them a lot of trouble was the creature Hazror. To me this story was, at some points pretty boring, but most of the time the author really keeps you into it. The author might some times leave you with a few cliff hangers, which makes you want to find out what happens next. I also feel that the story could have been shortened out, and he could have left out a few things that really made the story boring or unexciting. But if he would have made the story even longer I might have thought about just putting the book down and not read it anymore. One last thing was the language that the author used was quite interesting. I really liked a lot of the names that the author made up in his book; I thought that was what really kept it interesting. I would strongly recommend this book to people who really like fantasy, but I thought overall was a pretty good book.
Rating:  Summary: This Great Series Continues Review: Aenir is the third part of this six volume series by Garth Nix. In this part Tal and Milla journey through the dream world of Aenir to find the Codex, a book that Tal needs to help rescue his father and save his family. As with the previous two books, the author develops the relationship between Tal and Milla, two people that thought they had nothing in common. Here, they realize that, in fact, they are more alike than they are different. The experiences that they have had together have made them both realize that they can never go back to their former way of life, Tal as a Choosen of the castle and Milla as an Ice Carl girl in the dark frozen world outside the castle. Nix's character development is superb. However, the descriptive narrative is limited, I think, in part due to the age group the book is targeted to (9-12). I think he under estimates his audience in this regard. In spite of that, the book is well written and my 10 year old son can not wait for the fourth book to be published. If fact, neither can I.
Rating:  Summary: The Seventh Tower Aenir Review: Aenir wasn't just some science fiction story that was written by some author that everyone already knows. This was a story that had excitement and never got boring. There were all new characters and old ones. There weren't many mistakes in important places. tal and Milla find out alot more about people like Sushin and Milla finds out about Aenir. There are many mistical creatures and many old enemies. This is a great book to read.
Rating:  Summary: You just can't tear this book away from your face! Review: As unpredictable as the cover may seem, this book is magnificent in an extraordinary way. If you have read the first two books in The Seventh Tower series, you may already know that Aenir is a spirit world, for only humans (mostly only Chosen of the castle) can travel there by chanting a spell and being able to make light flash from their Sunstone into a rainbow of colors. In this fascinating tale, Tal, a Chosen, and Milla, an Icecarl warrior, who are bound to a quest together, have traveled into Aenir before the Day of Ascension, which is highly forbidden. As they venture through Aenir, nothing is very inviting. Most creatures don't really care who they eat, stomp, poison, or kill, which is a danger to Tal and Milla. The Chosen and Icecarl pass danger with every step, avoid death with every turn, and find another nuisance in every chapter. Garth Nix adds an exciting part in about every sentence, so you just can't tear the book away from your face. As many books as you might have read, this is an exceptional one from all of them. There is even any smallest detail you can imagine, all the way throughout the book of how Tal tries to bind a Spiritshadow for himself, and find the Codex that is trapped under Cold Stone Mountain.
Rating:  Summary: The Seventh Tower Series' Aenir (Book 3) Review: At last ascending to the spirit world of Aenir, Tal and Milla have one task; to find The Codex and bring it back to Castle. Only then can Tal find and rescue his imprisoned younger brother. But fate is working against them, and complications quickly arise... will Tal and Milla escape with their lives? This is an awesome fantasy series, and this one is simply the best yet. Balancing characters and action extremely well, I was once again drawn in and captivated by this remarkable fantasy world. While not a good book to read if you haven't read the others, fans of the series will surely love this one. A word to the wise: buy the whole series at once! The cliffhangers between books are unbearable!
Rating:  Summary: Fun and entertaining romp! Review: At last ascending to the spirit world of Aenir, Tal and Milla have one task; to find The Codex and bring it back to Castle. Only then can Tal find and rescue his imprisoned younger brother. But fate is working against them, and complications quickly arise... will Tal and Milla escape with their lives? This is an awesome fantasy series, and this one is simply the best yet. Balancing characters and action extremely well, I was once again drawn in and captivated by this remarkable fantasy world. While not a good book to read if you haven't read the others, fans of the series will surely love this one. A word to the wise: buy the whole series at once! The cliffhangers between books are unbearable!
Rating:  Summary: Creates a great imaginary reality Review: First I will describe the main characters, then the setting, the theme and finally the plot. I will also say what I liked and didn't like about the book. Tal and Milla are the two main characters in the Seventh Tower series. Tal is a 14 year old Chosen boy. He is tall, with black hair. A Chosen is a person who manipulates the powers of light, and has a different shadow then normal people. These shadows are called Spirit Shadows. They help their master by using magical powers. Milla on the other hand is an Icecarl girl around Tal's age. Icecarls are usually strong and rough, and they do what they think is best for their clan. Milla wants to be a Shield Maiden when she grows up. Shield Maidens are like amazons, very strong women warriors. Some of the other characters include Sushin who is the main villain of this book. Tal's uncle is very weird and eccentric. Tal's mom is extremely sick and a constant worry for Tal. Tal's brother was kidnapped by a Spirit Shadow. And Tal's father mysteriously disappeared a long time ago. Tal main effort is to find his brother and father and help his sick mother. Now I will describe the setting of the book. Aenir is a weird dreamland. In Aenir you're like a spirit, because to get to Aenir you must leave your body behind in the castle of the Chosen. Aenir is like a dreamland, however with one wrong move this dreamland can turn to a nightmare. Death won't be to far away after that. Strange beasts live in Aenir like dragons and Storm Shepherds. You never want to run into evil monsters like the fabled Hazror (Haze roar) or run into to a trap like the Dawn House, which is a place where dawn can burn to death. Both in the castle and Aenir you use crystals called sunstones to get around. The chosen are also ranked by color, red being lowest and violet being the highest. Sunstones are used as weapons, to help with building, and as magic! Only the Chosen know how to use the sunstones as a magic force. The Icecarls only know how to use them as a light. As you can tell by now, Tal and Milla don't live on Earth, but in an imaginary world. So the theme of this book is fantasy and imaginary realities. Although their reality is different from ours, it is one that kids would find even more interesting then the reality we live in. For example wouldn't it be cool if our shadows could be like a friend? The shadows would stop someone from attacking you or blind-siding you, your shadow would protect you. That's just one example, there are many more. I will end this report by giving you a short plot summary. (I won't give away the ending for those people who want to read this book.) The dream world Aenir is a very dangerous place. It is like a game of "Chutes and Ladders," in that if you make a right move, you're one step closer to the Codex of the Chosen. If you make a wrong move, you may have to fight a beast like the blood thirsty Storm Shepherds, perhaps even to the death. Tal and Milla can't leave without the Codex; they've come too far to give up now. After overcoming so many major obstacles and avoiding death many times, it would be very foolish to leave so close to achieving victory! They also must get the Codex to find out where Tal's farther is and where Tal's brother Gref is. But if I say more, I will ruin the ending. Now I will tell you what I liked about the book and what I didn't like about it. What I liked is what I wrote above, especially about shadows. I liked the imaginary world of Tal and Milla in general. But what I disliked about it is that that it did not have more chapters, and it didn't have enough battles with Sushin. If you like books on fantasy and good versus evil, I would recommend it. But if not, you should probably avoid this book. This book was written by Garth Nix who was born in Australia in 1963. He writes at a level that's easy for 6th graders to understand. And I think he has a really great imagination.
Rating:  Summary: outstanding book Review: I am eleven years old and I am in the middle of the fourth seventh tower book. Out of the books i have read, this was probably my favorite. It had new creatures that were unique. My favorite part of the book was when Milla and Tal got Adras and Odris to become their spirit shadows. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys adventures.