Rating:  Summary: Stuck In Neutral Review: This book is called Stuck In Neutral and it's by Terry Trueman. This book is about a family trying to cope with the fact that there son/brother Shawn has the worst type of Cerebral Palsy. He cannot move any body part or muscle. Shawn thinks that his father wants to kill him because he talks about it, he wrote a poem about it and he interviewed a guy who did kill his son that had Cerebral Palsy and Shawn's dad he agrees with him. They both said no one's child should suffer no matter what happens or what you need to do to end it weather you kill them or not. As the book goes on Shawn's sister and brother begin to wonder if their father is planning to kill Shawn. Both brother and sister agreed that their dad had to go threw them before he could kill Shawn. Shawn doesn't know for sure if he is okay with dieing or not. But he knows that if his dad is going to do something it will be soon. If you want to find out about the ending you have to read the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a book that keeps you on the edge of your set. I would also recommended this book to anyone who knows anyone that has Cerebral Palsy.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck In Neutral Review: Stuck in Neutral is a great book and i believe that every teenager should read it well actually everyone should read it. This book is about a disabeled kid who thinks his father is gonna do something drastic to him, the book discribes what is is like to be a disabled kid and probably what he would say if he could talk. This book is great but also it is a bit fictional like when he describes his seisures i dont think that thats the way it happens. All in all it is a good book to read i advise u to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck in Neutral Review: "My name is Shawn McDaniel. I'm 14 years old. I think my father is planning to kill me."With a tagline like that, you can't help but be interested in this book. While it's not about murder per se, "Stuck in Neutral" is still a little disturbing--about a young boy with C.P. (cerebral palsy) who fears his estranged father wants to "end his pain" by euthanizing him. The book was based on Trueman's own experience as a parent to a child like Shawn, which gives the story a more realistic touch, and the reader can't help but wonder if Shawn's father and Terry Trueman share the same opinions about C.P. and euthanasia. While, overall, the book was great--it's a bit of a tear-jerker, but funny and honest as well (some profanity)--I was pretty disappointed by the inconclusive ending. Still, it was a quick read (114 pages), and I was able to read it in one sitting, so I had to give it a "5." Definitely worth reading if you're interested in C.P. or euthanasia.
Rating:  Summary: The review to Stuck in Neutral Review: I thought the book Stuck In Neutral was a OK book. To review on it, it was about boy named shawn who has a disorder that does not let him speak very well. Shawn has a brother named paul,a sister named cindy,and he has a mom. He also has a dad, but he lives somewhere else cause he couldn't take seeing his boy in pain. His dad has his own talk show. His dad wrote a poem about shawn and the whole family that got him award.... So it was kinda a scary ending.
Rating:  Summary: A great book for all teens and adults Review: This book was great! It was very easy to follow and not once did I want to put this book down. This book really makes you think, because, of the things Sean says makes you wonder if all handicap people think like him and are as smart as him. Sean is fourteen years old and is handicap. He can't move or talk but he thinks, he thinks more logical then any other teenager. Sean is afraid that his Dad is planning on killing him. Is he? And if he is will he be able to kill Sean? Find out when you read Stuck In Neutral.
Rating:  Summary: An Interesting Read Review: Stuck In Neutral is a book about a boy, Shawn, who can't control his muscles, so he can't talk, walk, write, ect. The book is written in first person, so you can see everything in Shawn's point of view. Throughout the book, Shawn explains his frustrations about not being able to show his family and everyone else what he is really like, what he feels when he has his seizures, and about his thoughts on what he thinks his father was going to do. The book, is based on some truth, but in several parts it is quite fictitious. Stuck In Neutral is a good book to read to get the feeling of what it's like to live with someone with that kind of disability, but might not be accurate in showing what it's like to have that sort of disability because you would only know if you actually have it, which the author doesn't. I have to admit, I didn't particularly enjoy the book because on many parts I found it a little hard to believe. However, the book did broaden my outlook on disabled people and their abilities. The book wasn't the best, but I still recommend that some people read it because it makes you think more about what disabled people really go through.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck in Neutral Review: The book Stuck In Neutral by Terry Trueman is about a family trying to cope with the fact that there son shawn is mental and can not speak at all to them because he can not control any of his muesules. Shawn thinks his father is going to end his life because of his fathers actions and the things he says to him. In the book Shawns father interviews another man in jail that killed his son beacuse he was like Shawn. They both said no one's child should suffer no matter what happens or what you need to do to end it weather you kill them or not. As the book goes on Shawn's brother and sister begin to wonder if their father was planning on doing that to their brother Shawn. Both said that their father would have to go through them to get to Shawn. Then one night while Shawn is alone with his nanny and his father comes by for a visit and offers to take Shawn of the nanny's hands. She agrees and Shawns father is alone with him. What well hapen next will he kill his son or let him leave read the book to find out. This is a very good book. I recomend it to anyone who thinks the now whats going through the mind of a physically challenged person. Also Terry Trueman is qualified to right this kind of book because he has a son with this disaplity.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck In Neutral Review: In the book Stuck in Neutral a fourteen year old boy named Shawn McDaniel is trapped inside his head. He has cerebral palsy and is not capable of controlling any of his muscles, he can't even communicate. Little does anyone know inside that brain of his shawn is has an extraordinary memory and is very smart. Shawn lives with his mother, brother and sister, his father comes occasionally to see Shawn but left because he couldn't handle Shawn being in pain. I thought Stuck In Neutral brought out many interesting points and helped me realize that even if someone is disabled they are still living people adn deserved to be treated with the same respect I would treat anyone else with. It was interesting how the author made Shawn seem so real and so smart that you didn't really realize he was disabled until he started talking about what he is like. I would recommend Stuck In Neutral because it is very educational and it helped me realize that everyone is a living person and not to take how fortunate I am forgranted.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck in Neutral Review: This book was a very good book to me because i really like reading book about people with disablitys.I like reading theses kinds of books because i like learning new things and learning about how many people have a disablity in our world. I would recomend this book to someone who wants to learn about people with disablity.
Rating:  Summary: Ending? Review: This is a great book. It keeps you thinking the whole time and has amazing details and descriptions. It's not trying to persuade you to have pity on the disabled, but, rather, to think about them, and how they might feel, even if you cant tell. When I finished the book, I thought my book was missing the last chapter. I hated how it didn't tell you what happened at the end. In my opinion, there's no point in spending the time reading a book in which you have to write the ending yourself. When I tried to do so, I couldn't stop switching back and forth. Eventually, I, of course, chose the happy ending. I think books should teach us that real life doesn't always have happy endings. I think Terry Trueman should have told us what happened at the end.