Rating:  Summary: My review Review: "Stuck In Neutral" is about a teenager who is paralyzed and is stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. His father left the family because he couldnt stand to see his kid "suffering." He visits every once in a while. Now he thinks his dad is planning to kill him because his dad wants togo onatv show and talk about other parents who have killed their children. I thought the book was all right. It was kind of boring at times though because it just kept going on and on about how hes stuck in his wheelchair and how his brother and sister feed him things that his mom wont feed him when shes not looking. Overall, it was a good book. The ending is ok, it could have been better though.
Rating:  Summary: stuck in neutral Review: The book "stuck in neutral" is a about a kid named Shawn.I think that Terry Trueman did a good job talking about Shawn.Shawn is a kid that is in a wheel chair and can't move a muscle.Shawn has seizures quite a bit.His senses are dead.Shawn's life is in danger.His father doesn't no shawn's feelings.This one of the best books I read.It is a five star book.I recomend it to everybody.
Rating:  Summary: Stuck In Neutral Review: Stuck In Neutral By:Terry Trueman Stuck In Neutral fiction story about a secret life of fourteen-year-old Shawn McDaniel.Shawn has a condition called Cerebral Palsy, which he had very litle controll over his body.But,Shawn has an incredible memory,he can't speak.Since he can't speak, people make a big mistake on believing that he is retarted and say that he is uneducatable. This story tells you what families go through, whena severly,disabled child is born.Shawn's disability afects his father so hard,that he leaves his family and says he wants to"end Shawn's pain."But litle does his father realize that Shawn's pain are his only escape on feeling like a normal person. This Terry Trueman novel is a creative approach to what it could be like living with Cerebral Palsy.I would highly recommend this book because it has something for everyone in it,including the stugling every young person faces,to be"just like everyone else."
Rating:  Summary: Stuck in Neutral By Terry Trueman Review: Stuck in Neutral, a story told through a 14-year-old boy's mind, is full of questions. Some questions are answered clearly, and some you have to answer based on what you believe in. Shawn, the character who tells the story, has the condition of cerebral palsy. He can't control any of his physical actions. The way this story was written made me want to explore the book further. Stuck in Neutral really caused me to reflect on what ohter people feel inside themselves. After reading this book I had a new insight about people with special needs. Now I think carefully of their feelings, thoughts, and values. Shawn enjoys life, likes living, but is worried about one thing. Is his father thinking about killing him?I could see everytyhing that was happening in the story. Shawn's situations were so real to me. I could relate to how Shawn's mind worked and the thought process he went through. Although I could not realte to his condition, I learned what it felt like to be in Shawn's place according to the author, Terry Trueman. Through his writing, Trueman has convinced me that the character of Shawn is real. Mr. McDaniel was realistic to me also. I could see Mr. McDaniel's thought process for and against killing Shawn, however, I don't see eye to eye with him. Trueman's characters were in real life situations, and had real decisions to make. Terry Trueman made all the characters so well developed that they are all factual to me. Shawn wishes he had a normal life, but he did not mind reality either as long as he had his mind and imagination. Shawn might not be able to communicate wiht other people, but he could think and imagine whatever he wanted. He was not in agony, but nobody knew that, and no one ever would. Shawn's dad hated to see Shawn in what he thought he was suffering. Really it was more painful for Mr. McDaniel to see Shawn having a seizure than for Shawn to auctaully to have one. Throughout he book Shawn starts to pick up signs from his dad. Shawn becomes scared because he thinks that his dad wanst to kill him, or put him out his misery. Will Mr. McDaniel auctually kill his own son?
Rating:  Summary: stuck in neutral Review: I thought that this book was a pretty good book, although in some spots it became kind of boring. I think that people who kind of like slow suspense stories shoud read this book. I like the fact that the main character, Shawn, is not able to talk or move at all. This makes it more exciting to know that he can not communicate with any body to tell them that he thinks that his dad is trying to kill him.
Rating:  Summary: Emotions show an awesome book Review: In the book Stuck in Neutral I actually felt feelings towards Shawn. That shows a very well written book and a very talented author. I felt great anger towards Shawn because of the way he took our attempt to help him. He basically thought that we were ignorant to the fact that he is a very smart being inside the paralyzed body, but that's exactly why he should not be mad at us for trying to help. We are naive about his condition and we can't help it. He should be happy that we are trying to do something. A book has to be awesome to make me feel that way. I recommend this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Modest Paced Persuasive Review: Simply said, I heartily enjoyed Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman, a novel marked by full adeptness in three elements: modesty, focus, and pace. But, more than these, this novel is, above all, persuasive -- especially to those, like myself, whose cynicism often precludes appreciation for such works in pre-biased "done deal's -- to echo a phrase from the last chapter's ambiguous ending. The devil's in the details, of course, in this work, as it is in all fiction, and Mr Trueman's rapid-fire catalogues of images and memories, landmarks, and sense impressions, of the banal and the elevated, of the flesh and the spirit, come at us so quickly, smoothly, breathlessly and persuasively that this novel can't fail to please. And it did so me, a cynic. (Nice job, Terry, you've come a long way since last we traded insults and kindnesses.) On the negative side, I thank God Mr Trueman doesn't write poetry, to speak of -- (don't quit your day job, T), and the only thing in the novel that didn't quite ring true was the Pulitzer awarded for such hideous verse. As for the poet, the 'father' of this book, let me say that if I had access to him, (in this or any other fictional dream), this jellied wimp-ass whiner, maybe this novel would've ended on a note all of us admirers of the boy could live with. I would have supplied my own pillow gladly.
Rating:  Summary: Help me! I'm stuck in neutral! Review: I have learned by reading this book "Stuck in Neutral" that Terry Trueman writes a very affective book. This book is loaded with "cliff hangers" that make the book what it is. This book is about a boy Shawn that has Cerebral Palsy. This means he can't controll really anything in his body accept for that he can hear, he is quite helpless. He over hears a conversation that his dad is going to kill him. The book is based on Shawn's difficult life of him crying for help but nobody coming. It has a very interesting ending that I'm leaving for you to find out for yourself. I would recommend this book for anyone who likes a short well written novel.
Rating:  Summary: Power Golf Review: Ben Hogan's book was fascinating; he did a great job breaking down his classical swing. It could be used as a reading book for your spare time, but personally I would use it as a "How To" manual. In Power Golf, Hogan gives you his grips his back swing his footing and other superstars motions, too. Hogan gives tips for experienced golfers as well as novice golfers. Hogan covers all aspects of the game in this book, from putting to hitting the three hundred yard drive. If you want to be serious about golfing this winter at the range or even next summer, Ben Hogan Power Golf is a must read!
Rating:  Summary: Stuck in Neutral Review: How would you feel if you thought your dad was trying to kill you? That's what Shawn McDaniel was feeling. Shawn is a 14 year old who can't move any of his muscles but he could hear and see, but not talk. Shawn lives in Seattle, Washington with his mother, sister and brother. His father could not deal with Shawn's cerebral palsy so he moved to another part of the city. He also had many thoughts about ending Shawn's misery. The seizures were unbearable to watch as many as 6 to 12 per day. Shawn loved his seizures because a spirit would come over him and make him happy. Nobody realized how happy Shawn was to be alive, not even his father. The author Terry Trueman writes somewhat of a true story but more exaggerated about his son who has cerebral palsy also. I recommend you read Stuck in Neutral because it was the kind of book you can't put down. Even though you really don't know how it ends, it is not disappointing