Rating:  Summary: Deenie Review: I recommend this book for readers 12 years and older because it is for girls who are starting to take care of themselves and start to develop and change. I think they will understand what has happening to Deenie. I think that the author is trying to say that everyone has problems and you are not the only one." When we left Dr.Kliners office I was wearing the brace with Helen's skirt and shirt crying over it. I was kind of scared that ma would start crying again when she saw me. Instead she said, 'Well that's not bad at all. You can hardly tell you're wearing it, Deenie.' " I also recommend this book is because people can change. At the end of the story Deenie thinks she needs to bring a change of clothes and change out of the brace but she realizes that that she can have a good time with it. "Daddy called for me at eleven - thirty and as I got into the car he asked me what was in the shopping bag. I told him, 'something I thought I might need for the party'that I didn't needed, after all.' " If you are a young girl and you are going through this kind of change, this would be a good book for you.
Rating:  Summary: Brace Alikes Review: Deenie was a book I could really relate to. I'm going to be geting a brace in two days, so it helped to read "Deenie", It really touched me, the way I could relate so much. And during the fitting, I had to do some uncomfortable things too. I would say, that any girl with scoliosis, and has to wear s brace should read this book. It helped me alot.
Rating:  Summary: Lessons in Life Review: I am a student at West Virginia State College taking Children's Literature. As part of our assignment, we were to read a book that was put on a censored list and write our personal review. This book was extremely interesting to me. I have to admit that I was a little shocked at the inclusion of the topic of masturbation. I personally feel that it could have been left out of this story. This book could be used to help other girls that have been diagnosed with scoliosis. It is explained in a way that brought it to reality. The person diagnosed as well as their friends could understand all aspects of what was happening or going to happen. The expression of feelings was real and vivid. Young teenage girls have to face so many changes in their life at that stage, that adding to it with scoliosis only makes it worse. I feel confident in saying that I would use this book as a teaching tool in a similar situation.
Rating:  Summary: Deenie Review: Deenie, a beautifle girl was told to be a model when she grew up by her mother. But the thing was, she didn't want to be a model even though she had a beautiful face. She just wanted to hang out with her friends and join cheerleading squads, clubs and so on. Deenie is only 13 and has to go to different places to be interviewed so she can be a model. But every person that interviewed Deenie said that her back was not strait. Soon after being checked by a few docters, Deenie and her family found out that her spine curved another way instead of growing strait. How was she going to be a model if her back isn't strait? Or does she really want to be a model herself?
Rating:  Summary: The story about a beautiful young girl. Review: The book Deenie by Judy Blume is filled with many hopes and dreams. It's about a girl named Deenie and how her mother has her life worked out to be a model. Along with her mom's help, she hopes she will be able to fulfill that dream. Deenie's mom is always pushing her to be the best she can be and tries to help her succeed in all the aspects of her life. Deenie also loves hanging out with her friends and doing well in school. One day at school she was trying out for cheerleading and her coach noticed that there was something wrong with her back. She called Deenie down to talk to her and told Deenie that she was going to call her parents about her concerns. That night Deenie answered the phone and found out that her coach thought she had some serious back problems. Deenie was worried about what her coach had said to her parents. Deenie's parents immediately set up some appointments to see the doctor to find out what was wrong with their daughter. Eventually, Deenie found out the news that she had scoliosis. Deenie would have to wear a brace for four years to fix the curve of her spine. All of her hopes and dreams of becoming a model were shattered! She has to go through tons of other appointments to fix her spine. After Deenie gets her brace her biggest challenge was trying to explain it to everyone at school. She also had to overcome the challenges of wearing the brace from her hip to her neck. How will she ever face the more difficult times ahead of her? Read Deenie to see what happens to Deenie and if her dreams of becoming a model ever come true. This book was a great book full of love, worries, hope, and adventure. Be sure to read the fiction book Deenie by Judy Blume.
Rating:  Summary: OK Review: If you or someone close to you has scoliosis, this is the book you should buy. Even though back braces are not used nowadays, this book can definitly make a person with scoliosis feel better. For one thing, Deenie is a normal, teenage girl who wants to do normal teenage things. But her strict mother wants her to be a model. She keeps saying, "God gave you a beautiful face. He wouldn't have given it to you if He didn't want you to put it to good use." The mother tells the older daughter the same thing, except about her brain. I must admit, this book gets kind of depressing; the older daughter's boyfriend (who works for her father) is fired from his job b/c the father needs the extra money to pay for Deenie's doctor bills. (Not to mention the father is very quiet; not like the mother.) Overall, if you've been through similar events, this book may make you feel better.
Rating:  Summary: Little old fashioned... Review: ...so if you thought that what's written in the book is what that scoliosis girls have to go throught now- luckily, you're wrong. This book is nice, but I didn't really like it. First, Deenie is overreacting to her Brace (To cut off all your hair? pliz...). Second, none of the characters looks realistic- I found them mostly annoying. I didn't like the writing of the book, which made me so...bored. I don't really recomand this book, but the subject is important- there're a lot of scoliosis girls, and there's allmost no book about it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book but sensitive subject matter Review: I remember this book from when I was young and recommended it to my 10 year old daughter. She came to me later indicating there was some interesting subjects discussed. I re-read the book and was surprised to see the discussion of self stimulation... I didn't object, just thought that my 10 year old was a little young for the subject matter. Just thought you should know.
Rating:  Summary: an okay book Review: This was probably one of the more boring books of Judy Blume. Not really a bad book. I just liked other Blume books better. ...P>This book was very sad and depressing, but it would be a good read for someone with scoliosis. People should keep in mind that this book was written in another decade, so back braces may have looked different back then and the issue was treated a little differently perhaps. To the reviewer who referred to Deenie as having a "deformity"--what? Did Deenie suddenly grow three new legs? Come on! It was sad how mean the mother was. I can't stand it when parents try to tell their kids what they think they should be when they grow up. It wasn't fair to Deenie to try to make her go into modeling. If you are a huge Judy Blume fan, complete your collection with this book, but don't expect it to be up to par with all the other ones. This one is quite different. I thought it was sort of a strange book when I first read it, but it was worth it, though.
Rating:  Summary: A coming- of- age journey! Review: Deenie, a young woman who strives to be a model comes down with scolosis. When I was a young girl this was one of my favorite books. It's so easy to get into the story and read it over and over again. Deenie struggles with becoming a woman. To be a model is one thing in her life she has to do. She has to learn you don't always get want you want right away. And life comes with struggles. I would recommend this book to any girl and I would read it again today!