Rating:  Summary: Squire Review: This is the third book in the Protector of the Small Series. Kel has become a squire to Lord Raoul,who is in charge of the Kings Own. Separated from her friends for the first time since she was a page, Kel must face the Realm's dangers on her own. Lord Raoul teaches her to be a warrior. She finds out who kidnapped Lalasa in Page(Protector of the Small 2) and has to deal with the unfairness that the ofender only has to pay a fine. She falls in love with her friend, Cleon. She also prepares for her Ordeal. In the Chamber of Ordeal, she sees a startling vision, which shows her what she must do after she becomes a knight. I admire Kel not only for her courage and strength, but that fact that she actually learned to controll her anger, even when what the others did seemed unforgivable.
Rating:  Summary: Protector of the Small: Squire Review: Squire is Keladry of Mindelan's last book before she becomes a Lady Knight. She gets sponsored by Lord Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak, and rides with the Own to many different places in Tortall to deal with raiders and robbers. When she left the palace, Kel thought her teasing days were over, but Kel must prove herself once again that she is as good as, if not better than, most boys. Her blossoming relationship with Cleon makes Kel a young woman with more depth to her feelings that just becoming a knight. However, times aren't always easy; now that she must follow the King's Own, she is not always with her lover and misses him avidly. Raiders in Scanra try to defeat the King's Own by bringing in killing machines to help them, and some of the men Kel knew must pay their life as a price for battle. The most troublesome thing, however, must definitely be the thought of Kel's upcoming Ordeal. With two squires that failed the Ordeal last year, Kel is worried that she might never become a Knight.The third book in the quartet is just as good as the last two and will make readers' want to devour the +/- 400 pages all in one day. The biggest surprise in the whole book, however, is definitely the revelation of Kel's anonymous benefactor that has been showering her with gifts' for eight years. Goddess bless!
Rating:  Summary: More Kel Review: For those people who like fantasy, there are two kinds: ultra-serious, "sophisticated" fantasy, and fantasy that is just fun to read. Tamora Pierce has always been a master of fun-to-read YA fantasy. Her talent is in creating and supporting magical places and people while at the same time keeping situations and characters interesting and realistic. In "Squire" Kel -- you guessed it -- is a squire, dealing with love, war, a baby griffin, and her impending knighthood. New friends and rivals add spunk and new situations -- quite different from those in Tamora Pierce's other Tortall quartets -- keep the story of Kel fresh and exciting. Also recommended: The Song of the Lioness quartet, beginning Tamora Pierce's Tortall books.
Rating:  Summary: The Epic Journey of "The Girl" Review: This book shows that we girls can do anything. Kel a average girl to the naked eye is as pasionate as anyone who is going through the changes in her body, heart and soul. She falls in love with (no not Neal) but another secret admirer and is a little troubled with his feelings for her. She gets her sheild and takes you on a journey you could never forget. Peirce follows something I find that Tolkien did, she made this story a historic/fantasy instead a pure fantasy. I read this book in 1 day because I found that I felt that I was a character in the story instead of someone reading it. I hope peirce continues her magical stories and perfect historic adventures with archery and sword fighting where not everything happy ever after. I will continue to read her work and go on the journeys she supplies with her forever imaginative passion. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to go on an adventure of a lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book for pre-tean girls Review: "Squire" is a fast pased, action packed book about a teenaged girl named Kendry of middin. It's a very good book because it has none of the long descriptions In adult books (the wight wale etc.) but it still has a rich plot and adult reading levles. Kel seems like a real girl and as you read about her you learn about yourself.
Rating:  Summary: A fan of Tamora Pierce Review: This book is just AMAZING! i mean this book is the best! on of my many personal favorites. this book is about a fourteen year old Keladry of Mindelan. she is the first known girl knight in ages! she is a squire now as you can probably see from the title of the book. Well in this book many things happen that you never would have thought like she and Cleo are an item. Lord Roul picks her to be his squire, and her all-time rival wants to be friends! this book deserves twenty stars! really! and it kind of make you think hey matbe i should try and be a knight. well really read it and i think you'll really like it!
Rating:  Summary: Missy Review: this book is my second favorite in the whole series. it's about a girl named Keladry/Kel of mindelan. she is the first known girl knight in traing since Alanna the lioness. She was detirmend to be a knight so she let nothing stop her and now that she has gotten to squire she is more on her gaurd. Something very wierd is up when her all-time rival wants to be friends with her. she has also gained a crush, on her best friend! When Kel goes out to the practice courts she has an audience. that is when she get's her knight trainer. check this out, he is a knight and the knight commander af a group called the Kings Own. Kel at first thought she was being aasked out of pity. but since the Yamani princess was coming to Tortall to marry the Tortall prince, and almost every one knew Kel had trained in the Yamani courts for seven years, he was also asking for help. Kel agreed quickly and greatfuly. but then later she found out her best friend had gotten Lady Alanna to be his knight trainer. See how kel gets on and what she descovers in the chamber of ordeal. oh yeah i forgot to tell you that the Chamber of ordeal or whatever it is called is what turns you to a knight. like Kels big brother Andrew i think siad, "the chamber is like a gemstone cutter, it looks for your fawls and hammers at them untill you crack" Well Kel has such an awing expierience in the Chamber, that she has to go back INSIDE and talk to it. but that is a little later in the next book. take note that if you are not worthy to become a knight that you will either die like some in this book, go crazy like some told us, or confess something very bad and not get your shield, like someone in this book. Kel has had many adventures so far but you CAN"T miss the best the last two! hope you like it!
Rating:  Summary: Squire by Tamora Pierce Review: The book Squire, the third book in the series Potector of the Small by Tamora Pierce, is very enchanting. It is about a teenager named Keladry of Mindalen and her journey through Squirehood. She is a young girl competing in a boy's world. She has to be strong, quick, and smart to become a knight and get her shield. At first, no one wanted to take Kel on as their Squire because of her gender and supposed weakness. Finally, Lord Raoul, the Knight Commander of the King's Own, accepts her. Kel grows strong and learns how to be a squire and trains to become a knght. She soon fights in battles against pirates and even immortals. Kel's bravery shows she is as good as any boy and can joust against anyone who wants to challenge her. Kel also stumbles upon love with a young man. The help eachother make it through the years of protecting the King's land. In the end, Kels fights one last, and ferocious battle against the enemy before she returns home to face the Chamber of the Ordeal. The Chamber is the only thing holding her back from becoming a knight. Tamora Pierce is an excellent author. She writes descriptively and shows the characters' emotions and personalities very well. The battle scenes and tactics are well told along with the meals and parties she attends with her Knight. I strongly reccommend this book to anyone who loves adventurous tales about young, brave teenagers.
Rating:  Summary: Alanna: The First Adventure Review: Tamora Pierce wrote a book that puts Harry Potter to shame that keeps you on the edge of your seat. You don't want to put it down, and when you do, it's to pick up the next book in the series. Quick-witted and funny, Alanna and her friends charm you and makes you laugh until tears stream down your face. This book shows a strong female going against the ways of her time to get what she wants. This book is good for school use too. if ever a girl needs to have a heroine to look to, it's alanna. Tamora Pierce's books need to find their way into every teenage girl's room (no matter how messy) and give them an enjoyable experience.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the first two Review: Kelandry of Mindelan made it through all four years of knight training school and now all she has to do is wait for someone to choose her as their squire. She hopes that she will be chosen by Lady Alanna but expects to become a desk squire. She is presently surprised when Lord Raoul chooses her. I didn't like this book as much as the first two but it's still a great book. The beginning was a bit on the boring side but the plot picked up before I was thoroughly bored. I kind of missed the school setting and I really missed a lot of the characters. The book was also more action packed than the others which was a good and a bad thing. I really liked the romance even though Kel's boyfriend was not who I'd have picked for her (I'm not telling who it is) This was a good book but I'm not really as anxious to start the fourth one as I was the third.