Rating:  Summary: Ode to my favorite author Review: This book is well-plotted, skillfully written, creatively developed, and is uniquely divine. Enter the world of Kel, the first girl to openly go for nighthood in four or five centuries. In this installment, Kel deals with a lot of things-- her first battle, joining a king's progress, jousting, matters of her heart, mind, and body.This book takes place in a medival country called Tortall. There is a lot of interesting politics and hints that there will be war that you easily get wrapped up in. As a plus, there are lot of realistic characters and their relationships and problems with each other are ones you can connect to. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. It is very interesting and will leave you hanging until the very last page.
Rating:  Summary: Tamora Pierce does it again Review: I have been an avid Tamora fan ever since my friends introduced me to her Alanna series (which was also awesome, if you haven't read it I suggest it) in middle school. At first I was skeptical about this series, but the second book forced me to fall in love with Kel. I was in Boston when this book came out. I picked it up in a bookstore, sat on the floor and read the first two chapters in the store. I realized I had to have it, and bought it (I don't ever buy hardbacks, but, I couldn't resist.) In this book Tamora further develops Kel. She comes out of her shell, and as she grows we see a more mature outgoing Kel. I liked all the action and experience she caught with Gary. I was dissappointed with the romance in this book, I had always paired Kel with Neal. Her liking Dom was a little weird and I don't know what to think about it. The whole thing with Cleon bugged me a bit, because I don't find Cleon attractive or compatible with Kel. It also peaked my interest because I look forward to seeing what happens in the fourth book. If you pick up this book look forward to a night in bed with a good book. Because it's longer, it will keep you up later, but it's much more enjoyable. This is my favorite one in the sreies and I highly reccomend it.
Rating:  Summary: An adult fan of preteen fiction...how did this happen??? Review: First I need to defend the fact that I'm 23 and writing this review. I just want to point out that tamora pierce was around when I was a tween and a teen. Her books are so well written, I've just kept buying them. I would first like to commend pierce on writing a much longer book than usual. Her thanks in the authors note go out to JK Rowlings (and if you're unfamiliar with Rowlings I must ask if you've been living in a cave) who wrote and succeeded with a 700+ page book for kids. I have long thought that childrens (well, tween and teen books) were much too short. We need to give kids the credit due them and realize that they can sit down and read these longer books. Squire is the third book in the protector of the small series. Pierces protagonist is Kel (or Keladry) the first non-magic aided girl to want to become a knight of tortall (the only other being Alanna of Treborn--see her 4 book series for more info) and the struggles she faces because of it. Pierce deftly handles Kel's early teen years and honestly and frankly deals with Kel having a crush and then moving into kissing boys. She has Kel have a frank conversation about sex with her mother which I commend Pierce for again. There have been criticisms of the almost triangle in this book. I liked it...Kel is a normal girl. She likes one boy but can't help but notice and have a crush on another...ladies don't you remember being 12-15? I do...and it still occasionally happens...I'm in a relationship, not blind. Pierce writes her characters very well. They are well developed, (although cleon could be more developed and I hope he will be in the next book) and have personalities that are both believable and likable. I have read many adult writers who could not accomplish this, a major reason why I will continue to dart into the young readers section at my local bookstore and buy the new books as they arrive.
Rating:  Summary: squire Review: this was a great book. i knew cleon had a crush on kel from the previous book, but i never thought it would go that far. i wish there had been more romance between the two, and that he had been there at her coronation. i think that would have made this a lot better. still, i couldn't put the book down until i had read it twice! great book, two thumbs up!
Rating:  Summary: A Reader Who is Sorely Disapointed with Her Fellow Editors Review: As I said, I am sorely disapointed with the editors who are slammin' TP latest book. I have heard all the complaints and find them rather pathetic. This is a very good book! And to prove that I am adressing the evil whiners complaints: "But I think Kel and Neal..." A reviewer on amazon made a good point in saying that Neal would just break her heart. Cleon is a very ecellent choice, because he also presents more of a challenge(he is betrothed to an heiress). "Kels acts less, well, she more open." Ecscuse me in saying, but kel IS growing up, she is a teenager for gods sakes! And she is in love, she has a right to show a little emotion. I don't know how many more words I'm aloud so, I say if your worried about buying this book or you have complaints, e-mail me, my adress is Caityrosejordan@hotmail.com~ and I'm not really twelve, e-mail me if you want to know my real age.
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait for the finale... Review: Kel has really grown up. This series while less action and more character development driven, it has incorporated many feelings and issues that make Kel a wonderful character. She's finally found a love interest that respects and admires her just as much as adores her as a woman. Also, she's turning into a fine leader much like her mother. It should be quite a big event in the next book because if I know Tamora, she wouldn't have given Kel such an important quality if it wasn't going to be usefull further in the story plot. So look for an amazing, but enchanting finale to this character driven series.
Rating:  Summary: Tamora Pierce has done it again! Review: i think that this book is a wonderful 3rd to a fabulous series. this book all leads up to the ordel which every squire must take to bcome a knight. although Kel cant be the squire of Alanna she gets the next best thing with Roaul. during her 4 years as a squire Kel takes in a baby griffin, enters jousting turnaments (and wins most of them), falls for Cleon, and faces a new wepon which is garented to show up in Laday Knight. I proudly give this book 5 stars and hope that the next 1 is just as good
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the previous ones. Review: Kel is now a squire. She has finished her four years as a page. To where she's going now some people have died. Kel is still the tough girl she was before, but her emotions and feelings have changed. For instance, Neal has disappeared out of Kel's life and ..Cleon stands in his place. When I rushed into the bookstore to buy this, I expected a much better book. It really bored me.Kel's charm has disappeared. Everything is predictable and boring. Tamora Pierce could have done a MUCH better job.
Rating:  Summary: Protector of the Small #3- Squire Review: I actually thought this book was better then the one before it (Page) which surprised me as usually I find in Tamora Pierce's quartets the first book is the best, then they get slowly a little worse each time. But even though Kel wasn't working aound the palace any more, this book was still really intresting and it was great that it was a lot longer then the first two books. I have one complaint: Cleon. .... Otherwise the book was brilliant. I loved all the bits with jousting and Kel's visions outside the Chamber of the ordeal. I now think I undestand what the Ordeal does; as well as making Kel face her fears inside the chamber, it set her a challenge for the future, as it did Alanna ( Kel's was the metal machines-Alanna's was Duke Roger.) A great addition to this quartet and I'm really looking forward to reading book 4, Lady Knight.
Rating:  Summary: best of the tortall series yet Review: Characters from all three tortall series are all brought together in this book. Wyldon's thoughts about Keladry, Lalasa's kidnapper, Joren's fate, and Kel's quest are all revealed in this funny, yet dramatic book.