Rating:  Summary: A engaging story about a serious problem Review: Sixteen year old Nick has been given a restraining order for beating up his girlfriend. The judge has ordered him to have no more contact with Caitlin, at school or anywhere else. He also has to keep a journal describing his relationship with Cat from the beginning, and he has to attend a domestic violence therapy group. This seems pretty extreme to Nick who admits only to slapping Cat. He still loves her. And wants her back.Alex Flinn has written a believable narrative of teen domestic violence and what goes on in the head of a young man who would hit a girl. The characters in this engaging story are convincing and timeless. I was a teen in the 1960s, and aside from references to beepers and the titles of popular songs, this story could've taken place when I was in high school. While this book is written for teens, the situations would likely ring true for adult men who beat up their wives or girlfriends. While the subject of the book is unpleasant, it's one that certainly needs to be addressed. There is no gratuitous graphic violence here, the sexual situations are suggestive, but not explicit, and the rough language is kept to a minimum. While some readers may not be comfortable with this content, the overall message here is one of hope, which is why I can recommend this title to guys who have hit--or thought about hitting--their women, to women who have been hit, and to people who want to understand this problem better.
Rating:  Summary: Is abuse love? Review: Alex Flinn has written a fantastic book "Breathing Underwater." The book is about a boy named Nick that is 16 years old, his friend Tom and him find a girl named Caitlin. Nick and Cat start to date and thing start to turn ugly. Nick starts to control Cat because of problems with him at home Nick soon realizes that he might lose her because of a slap, but when, but what will Cat say when he says sorry? You will have to read the book to see. This book is very sarcastic but yet serious. The book is just one that u don't want to out down. If I had read this book before I would have realized what I did wrong in some relationships. I would recommend this book to any young adult. Please read this! If you didn't like to read before you will now! Read "Breathing Underwater"
Rating:  Summary: When he finally came out of the closet Review: I think Breathing Underwater is a great book for mature readers. It starts when Nick Andreas is on trial for abusing his ex-girlfriend. The book quickly takes off when Nick has to write a journal that includes all about his and Cat's relationship; Nick also had to go to anger management classes. Nick loses his friends, his first true love, and everything that his money couldn't buy. His father says that he was a mistake and always degrades Nick and hits him almost daily. Nick is a football player, a hero and a friend, but when the world finds out about his abusive relationship he becomes a nobody and no one cares who he was and they see his real side. I think this book should be read in every tenth grade English class. The book shows what could happen in teenage relationships. The book also shows the signs of abuse and what you shouldn't do while in a abusive relationship. I also think the suspense between journal entries was the best I have seen.
Rating:  Summary: Will Cat ever forgive Nick? Review: --In "Breathing Underwater" Nick starts going out with this girl named Caitlin McCourt. Caitlin McCourt is very innocent and she hangs out with a different crowd of people then nick does and she is the total opposite of Nick. Nick and his father don't have the best relationship. They get into a lot of arguments and Nick still gets beat by his father. Nick has no one to take his anger out on so he keeps all his anger bottled up inside. One night Caitlin and Nick got into a big fight and he hit her. Caitlin was so hurt. She didn't want to be with him anymore. She took Nick to court and placed a restraining order on him. Now he has to go to anger management classes. Everybody finds out what he did at school and he looses all of his friends even his best friend Tom. *****-Will Cat ever forgive Nick? "Breathing Underwater" is a very good book for teens to read. It is a good book for teens to read because some teens can relate to the book and it can help them deal with their situation. I never wanted to put the book down because I like how the book had flashbacks of Nick's life.
Rating:  Summary: Good Relationship Gone Bad Review: This book is about a rich kid from Florida named Nick Andreas that finds a girl he likes named Caitlin. He starts talking to her and they start going out. After going out for a little while Nick started to get controlling toward his girlfriend, Caitlin. Caitlin stays in the relationship although she knows that she doesn't want to because he hits her but he also tells her that he loves her and she says that she loves him too. Nick ends up with no friends and in court because of what he did to Caitlin. He also has to write in a journal for the judge and take anger management classes. Nick and his father are somewhat alike because Nick beats up Caitlin, and his father is very abusive and mean to Nick, so I think Nick gets some of his actions and his attitude from his father. My Opinion I gave this book five stars because this is a very good book for people to read so they know what signs to watch out for when they get a boyfriend/girlfriend, or if they're already in an abusive relationship but they don't realize they have a real problem until they read this book and see how serious it is or how bad it can get. The book also is very good because it keeps you wondering about what is going to happen next. I never wanted to put the book down because it was so suspenseful.
Rating:  Summary: Trying to make a change Review: This book is about a boy named Nick who gets abused by his father. Then when he starts going out with this young lady named Caitlin, deep into their relationship he starts to verbally and physically abuse her. He does this because he doesn't want anyone to have her so he calls her names and treats her badly. This book was amazing. When my class first started reading "Breathing Underwater", and Nick was in court and he gave and attitude I thought he had no respect for anyone, not even himself. He really thinks that he's so perfect just because his father has money. I think Nick didn't really care that much about Caitlin. Because if he really did care about Caitlin, then he wouldn't call her names and he wouldn't smack her around. I've known some girls who have been in abusive relationships and when they go to leave there boyfriends turn around and say "I love you, don't leave me"! And there stupid and they stay. So in Caitlin's situation she is so insecure that she believes Nick when he says sorry to her when he does something that he shouldn't have done. So if I was in Caitlin's shoes and Nick had hit me for the first time I would have gotten a restraining order against him. And then I'd try and move on and find someone who would treat me like a Queen not like a piece of dirt.
Rating:  Summary: No one said falling in love would be easy Review: This is a story that is based on an abusive relationship. Nick Andreas has experinced so many complications in his life due to his father and has hidden it inside for so long to the point where he can't take it anymore and let's it all out. One day Nick meets a beatiful girl named Caitlin and falls deeply in love with her. When Nick and Caitlin start dating Nick takes immdeiate control over Caitlin's life. When Nick's friends start to realize what he's doing it's already too late because Caitlin has fallen deeply in love with Nick as well. Now will Nick take his anger out on Caitlin or will his friends find a way to get through to him and stop him from doing something that he will regret for the rest of his life. To me, I believe that "Breathing Underwater" is one of the most realistic books I've ever read. I say this beacuse things like what happened in the book happen in real life everyday. I believe that realistic books are good for teens to read because it gives them a little insight on what can happen in a situation like this and if they are going through the same thing it may change their like for the better. "Breathing Underwater" is one of the best books I've ever read, and I recommend everyone to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Breathing Underwater Review: "Breathing Underwater" is an exciting book about a young boy named Nick Andreas who doesn't have the best life at home. The reason has to do with his father. Mr. Andreas hits Nick, and that's why Nick's personality changes quickly. He starts taking the place of his father and does something he is going to regret - hitting his girlfriend, Caitlin McCourt. Now, Nick has to go to court, take anger management classes, and face losing his friends. I gave this book five stars because I thought it was a good book. It kept me off my feet and I just wanted to keep reading it. The novel just got better and better. There was alwasy something good happening, such as when Nick stood up to his dad and when everyone is school was against Nick. In conclusion, I think this is an excellent book for people who like to read.
Rating:  Summary: Breathing Underwater hits top ten book charts Review: This book has its good times and it's bad times. Nick Andreas (the main character) has fallen in love with the girl of his dreams Caitlin McCourt. They had the perfect relation ship, until nick stated to get jealous about Caitlin and thought that she was just his and no bodies else. Nick starts to hit Caitlin and boss her around. Now nick has to deal with all the problems and struggles that come with hitting a girl. I gave this book three stars because in the begging of the book it's exciting because, how the Alex Flinn tells the end first then starts telling the story from the begging. At first you don't know what has happened in the story but when she starts telling the reader the begging you start wondering why? By the middle of the story I think the story gets a little boring because I feel that Alex just keeps on stating the same thing, how Nick has to deal with Caitlin and the he says he's sorry then the jerk just does it again. I personally do not like reading books that just repeat was is happening over an over again. So in conclusion I feel that if a man can hit a women that man should be prosecuted in every way possible.
Rating:  Summary: "Nick's controlling, abusive, crazy behavior" Review: I give this novel ***** (five stars). The book "Breathing Underwater" is about a rich kid from Florida named Nick. He really likes this girl Caitlin. After a while they start talking and end up going out. He had to go to court in the beginning of the book because he hit Caitlin once. He really doesn't think it's a big deal. Then he has to go to counseling and write in a journal with five hundred words or more in it. He decides to write about everything that happened in his life in the past and when he was with Caitlin too. Nick and his father are somewhat alike. They both seem to take their anger out on other people. Nick's father, Mr. Andreas takes everything out on Nick and puts him down all of the time and Nick takes everything out on Caitlin and he is always putting Caitlin down too. No one likes Nick at all after he hit Caitlin. Everyone is on her side. After a while when they started to go out Nick became very controlling. He would pick Caitlin's friends, tell her what she could and could not wear and also tell her what she could and could not do. I think the only reason why Nick acts the way he does is because of the way his father brought him up when he was growing up. Nick's father is always putting him down and yelling at him. Mr. Andreas blames everything that happens wrong or bad on Nick and Nick blames everything bad that happens on Caitlin. I gave this book five stars because it was really interesting. At first I didn't think it was going to be good, but after the second chapter I didn't want to stop reading it. There was always something happening on every page. I think that this book is a good book for teenagers to read. It tells and shows teenagers how bad a relationship can get. This book shows what people should do when they are in this kind of situation. Even if people start to not like this book when they first read it I think that they should just give it a try because in the end it is a very good book.