Rating:  Summary: Critics Corner Review: Critics Corner. In the novel The Hatchet, a boy named Brian learns to survive the Canadian Forest for a whole summer, and many people wondered, what would have happened if Brian had not been rescued? What if he had to survive the winter? And that is how the novel, Brian's Winter came about. Brian's Winter describes how Brian struggles to survive in the Canadian Woods during the Fall and Winter seasons. Brian faces a lot of conflicts that have to deal with food, clothing, and his mentality. Will he manage to overcome them? In this story Brian faces a lot of conflicts, which include food. In order for Brian to survive, he needed to eat. So, he had to overcome some obstacles to be able to eat. One example would be killing a moose! This was very tough for him, and almost killed him, but he managed to kill the moose, which gave him enough meat to last at least two or three months! And another example would be finding the deer that had already been killed. He was very fortunate to find this dear because he was starting to have a scarce amount of meat, this dear lasted him about two weeks. By having deer and a moose, this helped him with his clothing conflict. It was starting to get very cold as Fall passed by, so he started making more clothes such as a rabbit skinned vest, gloves, a jacket with a hood, and also snow shoes! And finally, another conflict would be his mentality. In the beginning of the story Brian was starting to miss his family a lot, and he was also starting to give up hope of getting rescued. But he managed to solve this problem by playing a game called the visiting game. By playing this game he was able to talk to people such as his parents, friends and other family members, which helped overcome his loneliness at least for a little while. This book is an excellent book if you like to read adventure related books. What I liked about this book was the excellent descriptions that Gary Paulsen wrote, for example, when he says "The entire world was white, bright white with new morning sun glaring off and through it and so intense that it made his temples hurt." To me I can really imagine Brian looking outside and seeing almost an all new forest, and everything being bright white it could almost hurt your eyes! I also liked how he put a lot of emotion is his writing, like when he found the dead deer, you could almost feel the sadness that Brian was feeling. But something that I disliked about this book was at some points in the story, it would get a little confusing, almost like he didn't put enough detail into what he was writing. I really enjoyed Brian in this book, I think he was characterized very well
Rating:  Summary: Living Life on the last Strand Review: Since Brian is only a teen with no prior knowledge of surviving in the Canadian Wilderness, do you think he will survive? Brian really has a tough time in the days he is there with getting food to eat so he doesn't starve to death, the below zero temperatures, and trying to make a warm and comfortable shelter. Brian will definitely have to get out of the wilderness if he wants to survive. Brian is probably from reading this book one is of the strongest and toughest people I know about. He had had one of the hardest times trying to live on the very little food he has but after he gets the big kill on the moose he is living life in dream land because now he has tons of food to eat and store. At first Brian really doesn't have much clothing to keep him warm so he is freezing in the below zero temperatures. During a cold winter night he will really need extra clothing because it gets down to 30 or 40 below zero and that could actually kill him if he doesn't stay warm. Now that the moose is dead he is able to have the Moose's hide to make a jacket out of which will be warmer and more comfortable. Brian's chances of staying warm all counts on him finding a warm and protective shelter. Brian actually ends up finding the perfect little shelter which keeps him warm because there is a little hole in the top so if he does have a fire going it will let the smoke out and he won't suffocate. I would think that that is a perfect little place for him to be comfortable and keep him out of the snow and cold weathers.In conclusion I feel that Brian has great capability of staying in the wilderness forever. He was definitely able to hunt with his bow and arrows and get his own food along with surviving in the 30 to 40 freezing temperatures. Most of all he found a great shelter that could keep him safe forever. I think he will survive. My response to this book is about a 9 out of 10 rating because it showed how one teen was able to survive at whatever came at him in the wilderness with no skills at all. I truly liked it because all the hunting that that Brian did with his bow and arrow was just amazing and very creative how he made the sharp tips for the end of the bows. Brian was great at finding his way around the wilderness considering he has never been there before and had no knowledge where to go. That's why Brian is such a great character because he learns everything just from true instinct. Brian is a very true person and you could learn a lot from him. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves the wilderness and loves being in the wild, especially if you are ready for a great adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Survival in the Wilderness Review: Imagine a plane crashed in the middle of the wilderness, no food, no way of communicating with others just you and the wild. Well that's how Brian felt when his plane crashed, he had no food, no phone, no one, and most of all no shelter to keep warm for the all winter that was coming. Brian's Winter is about a teenage boy that needs to figure out how and what he desires to survive the long winter to come. So he teaches himself how to hunt, cook his food, make clothes so he could keep warm, and how to make a shelter so that the warmth says in and the cold air stays out. He watches the animals and learns all about the different kinds, how they live and move around. Brian also learns about how you should never ignore the signs that the wilderness is trying to show you because it may be the most important thing for you to know. He learned that the hard way, if you want to know if it ended out good or bad. You are just going to just have to read the book, Brian's Winter. Many book readers liked this book because Gary Paulsen had a very good writing style by using brilliant detail and imagery. Many enjoy ready books with imagery; it helps you see pictures in your minds as you read the text. Also Gary wrote this book for his fans, he was getting letters asking him questions and that inspired him. Gary kind of what on about one subject, he could have made those parts a little shorter and wrote more about how Brian made his bows and arrows. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy hunting, adventures, and the forest. Also who enjoy going hiking, camping and basically just take pleasure in wilderness. I rated Brian's Winter for its entertainment value. Good.
Rating:  Summary: Lost in the Wild Review: Gary Paulsen lets you experience the story of a thirteen-year-old boy lost in the Canadian Wilderness and tries to survive the struggles of life in the lonely wild. He describes a young boy having to make his greatest change in his life, to be a man, in order to survive what he has waiting for him. Brian faces many challenges in order to survive, from hunting, to staying warm in the deadly cold winter nights. Brian has gone from nothing to being comfortable with a shelter and hunting strategies. He goes through experiences, which allow him to learn from and improve. He learns to stay occupied in activities and chores around his shelter. The story goes from the end of fall to the beginning of winter in which Brian has to gather food and make clothing out of the animals that he hunts. Now he must learn how to adjust to the cold winter nights, deep snow, and the unthinkably deadly cold weather. Will he be able to survive the hardest experience of his life? I feel that the book was very realistic and described the setting very well. It taught you use what is around you to survive. It described how a young boy went into the wild with little knowledge and experienced conflicts to gain more knowledge. You have to use common sense and keep yourself occupied if not Brian would have gone nuts. The book gave us many survival tips such as using a hunted creature all the way. Paulsen also mentioned the better way to cook an animal, boiling it, to get all of the meat's nutrients. The book showed me that anything could happen and tells you to be very calm in bad situations. I really recommend this book for the youth because Brian is young and that gives you the chance to put yourself in his shoes. I would rate this book an eight because of its very good detail and the way it showed the wild. It lets young readers put themselves in the wild with Brian. Gary Paulsen is a great author and he made sure to describe the setting very well.
Rating:  Summary: The Boy Behind the Wild Review: There is a thirteen-year-old boy stranded in the Canadian Wilderness with not many supplies in hand and no connection back to home. Brian has been living in the wilderness for over 54 days. The only equipment that Brian has is a hatchet, parka, and a small bow. Through out Brian's Winter Brian faces a lot of unique challenges. Brian is living in a camp built by him out of fallen pieces of rock with a lake close by. The main problem that Brian faces in the novel is Winter. Brian has been able to survive the Fall but now he needs to be prepared for not only snow but also freezing temperatures. How will Brian be able to face all the extra challenges that the Winter will bring? Brian does realize that his clothing will not be sufficient to keep him warm, so he does make new and improved clothing. Even though Brian has a soft heart for hunting animals he does develop very good hunting skills. But how much more will Brian be strong enough to face, does he really have it in him to defeat the Canadian Wilderness? If you are looking for one of those adventures exciting novels, you are looking for Brian's Winter. I would recommend this novel for younger teens. The author, Gary Paulson, puts a lot of detail into the story to give you that feeling as if you were right there as the character yourself. Brian's Winter has a very original plot to it that most other books don't have. One knock down on the book readers may have is that it rushes into the ending and it isn't as exciting as the rest of the adventure, although the ending is surprising. I would give this novel a rating of 7 out of 10, because I thought it was a very well-written story with great detail and excitement, but the ending needs improvement.
Rating:  Summary: brians winter Review: A boy named Brian was 12 years old when he was in a plane crash and was trapped out in the wilderness, for about a little under a year. Brain was able to survive through the summer, and one day while he was cleaning some grouse meat he realized that winter was coming on fast. When Brain realized winter was coming he made a shelter that sat next to a rock, and used the rock as part of this shelter, and the rest was made of tree braches and three inches of mud. After that, he realized that he needed to make bigger and tougher bow and arrows. In the end of the story brain realizes that winter had pasted and he had made it through it. During the spring he went out to the crashed plane and got the emergency kit, he brought it bake to land were he found a plane receiver. He accidentally leaves it on and a day later he is rescued. I liked this book because it gives realistic information about how a person could survive in the wilderness.
Rating:  Summary: Survivor in the Wilderness Review: Brian, a thirteen-year-old boy is lost in the wilderness for over 94 days and does continue to struggle to survive. Being lost in the wilderness is a big situation in which you need to know how to survive, know what is good and bad, and have a good idea of the area you are in. Brian is once again struggling to survive but this time it is during the winter. During the book Brian gets many warnings from nature for the upcoming season. During the winter Brian struggles to find wood for warmth and meat for food. He comes across a moose, which was a great experience for Brian. He taught himself how to skin the moose and even collided with the moose. The winter season was difficult for Brian but through each day Brian is able to find more food, make more clothing, and even make his own snowshoes. But at the last instant he notices a straight line not made by nature. Could this be his escape who knows? I believe that the story was very well written but still had some flaws. The one main flaw is that even though he hated his mother for cheating on his father and his father for going away, it does not affect his mental way of thinking. To change this I would create more panic reactions to his mood. I believe that the author used his writing style the best. It is so well written that anyone could visualize a good image and get a good idea of what the story is about. One example is the eeriness of the blank stare coming from the deer as he struck it down with his arrow. I believe the author's one main purpose is to teach others how to survive or to let them know how it feels to struggle for survival in the wilderness. But I do not believe that the writer had to do this because the wilderness is only dangerous if your not careful and do not know what you are doing. Overall I rate this book as being good with deep detail and many examples. I would recommend this book to someone only if they enjoyed survival and surprising novels. Much of the novel demonstrates how he survives and how he uses his previous knowledge to obtain new knowledge (observing the trees to find out that they were creating the popping noise). To be honest I would read this book twice because it is a great to read.
Rating:  Summary: The Will to Survive Review: Imagine hearing about a thirteen-year-old boy missing for about three to four months. You would think the boy is dead but what if he wasn't. What if he had survived in a wilderness? Brian Robeson is a thirteen-year-old boy trying to survive through a harsh winter. The change from Fall to Winter hinted at the long road ahead of him. He has many obstacles he has to overcome. Brian's journey began when his plane crashed and he found himself stranded in the wilderness. From there he has to find a way to stay warm and survive this coming season ahead of him. He needs to learn how to hunt so that he can get food. I thought the toughest thing could be hunting because of all the wild animals. The animals change in the winter like the rabbit. The rabbit turns white to blend in with its environment and they also grow bigger feet to walk on top of the snow. He makes fires for warmth and also makes special clothing. Getting the wood isn't that hard since a forest of trees surrounds him. Even with all this he does to survive is it enough to survive through a Canadian winter? This book was really good in my opinion because of its easy understanding and good imagery. It easy understanding helped me see the importance of survival tactics. He used words that were not only adaptable to a teenagers mind but also a adults mind. That's not all, the words did they created imagery in your head. The images were so vivid that you almost thought you were there. I didn't like how his parents were going through the whole separation with him in the middle. They either should've took that out or had Brian a little more affected by it. Other than that I thought this book is great if I had to rate it from one to ten I would rate it a nine. I would rate it that because of the reasons I had given before, the easy understanding and the good imagery.
Rating:  Summary: The Lost Boy Review: A young boy had to learn how to survive on his own. A boy named Brian Robeson had crash-landed in the Canadian Wilderness. The only tool Brian has was a hatchet. Then he noticed the plane had started to come up to the surface of the lake and he had to swim out there and get what ever he could and found a first aid kit with everything he needed. So then it started to get cold and he had to make himself a shelter that could keep him warm when winter comes. So he started to build and made a hut thing with sticks and a bunch of mud to keep it sealed tight. Then he was all set but his clothes he had on wouldn't do munch so he needed some animal skin and started to use rabbit fur but he would have to kill to many. Then he had to start to go for bigger game. And ended up face to face with a moose and he ended up fighting it and killed it. He made a vest and shoes covers kind of like boots. And it had kept him really warm so he was all set for the winter that was coming to him. Then the winter came and lots of it came so after a while he had to make himself some snowshoes. The book Brian's winter is very good. It was very descriptive Gary Paulsen stated where he was coming from in the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes nature books or who would even like to learn how to survive off of Brian. The purpose for Gary writing this book would be that a kid could survive on his own just not parents. If I was to ever be lost in the wilderness I would probably want Brian to be with me cause he was a very smart boy and knew how to build things out of things from the forest. He never ever went crazy from not seeing a human in the longest time he always kept calm and just kept on going with his days making it seem he would be there for his whole life. If I was to rate this book out of 1-10 I would rate this book a 10 because it's the best book I had read in a long and it always had my attention.
Rating:  Summary: All By Himself Review: MISSING, YOUNG BOY IN CANADIAN WILDERNESS. Brian's Winter is a great book, written by a great author, known as Gary Paulsen. A thirteen-year-old boy named Brian Robeson is visiting his dad in Canada for the summer. When he gets on a plane to go there, the pilot had a heart attack and died. That meant that Brian had to take over and try to land the plane in a safe place somewhere in the wilderness. Brian is faced with many different challenges to overcome to survive in the wilderness. Brian is left with nothing, no food, clean water, shelter only a hatchet. Brian wants to survive this crash very badly, so he gets to work thinking about how he can build a shelter and more weapons. Will Brian be able to survive scorching heat and freezing cold weather? Brian's Winter was a very fun and great book to read because of the way the author, Gary Paulsen writes. Gary Paulsen writes with very great detail to make the readers feel like they are Brian. Brian's Winter is filled with many chapters that at the end there is a cliffhanger to make you want to keep reading. Once you begin to read this book, you do not want to put it down because of how interesting it is, and there's no good spot to stop at. After reading this book, I feel that I have learned a little something about what it would be like to be stranded in the wilderness for over 3 months with almost nothing. I also feel that Gary Paulsen wrote this book to explain to readers what it would be like to be in the wilderness and that its not as easy as some people think. Gary Paulsen picked a very good setting for this book because of the different weather changes. Canada has very hot summers and very cold winters with many feet of snow. Brian Robeson is also a very good person to be in this position because he is a very intelligent person. Over all I would rate this book at about a 9 because it's a great book and it gets the reader thinking about what's going on and what's going to happen. I would definitely recommend this book to other people because its very descriptive and it's a very easy book to understand and to read.