Rating:  Summary: Brain's Winter Is A Great Book Review: I like Brian's Winter a lot it is a great book. My favorite part in Brian's Winter is when he finds the moose and kills it with his killing lance. I dont think this book could have been written any better. Brain's Winter is one of my favorite bookes.
Rating:  Summary: critic on Brians Winter Review: Brian's Winter The title of this book is Brian's Winter. It was written by Gary Paulsen. He is a world wide known author who has written many books. Such as the first part of this book called Hatchet. This books setting takes place in a forest in Canada. Brian who is a thirteen-year-old boy, Brian started off not thinking that winter would be that harsh but when it was all over he knew he made a mistake, by underestimating it. Over this novel Brian made different things that would help him conquer winter. He made many items such as clothes that were all made by animal fur. Some hunting utensils he made were a lance, a bow and arrow, and something he already had his hatchet. He also survived by eating different animals such as a rabbit, fool bird, a dear, and his most famous kill a moose. He did have a couple encounters with wild animals one being with a bear and one with a moose, both were nearly fatal. Well that was the summary of what happened in Brains Winter without giving away the ending. I think the authors purposeriting this book was to acknowledge the fans that wanted a sequel from The Hatchet. Overwhelming amounts of people wanted it so I would agree why he did write it. His message for this book was clear to me; he wanted to show people how hard it really was to survive in the winter. The literary element I like the best was the setting. He really did a good job with the description of even the smallest things. Also he always put a visual picture in my head. The main character of this book was Brian Robeson. He was a thirteen-year-old boy who as stranded in the woods for over 100 days. The way he developed was remarkable he started off as a boy and he left as a man. He learned so many different things and by doing that he survived. I would let him save me because he knows so much and he would be able to. I would rate this book a 5 out of 5. It was a very well written book and it ranks high on my best-read books also. I would tell anyone I see to read this book. It has both suspense and it has a mystery to. I hoped you liked my critic on Brian's Winter.
Rating:  Summary: Brain Winter Review Review: In this essay I will be writing about Brain's Winter. This will include the title of the book, author, and a summary of the novel. I will also write my rating of this book. I will write about the author's purpose of the novel, and about the best literary element that the author uses in this novel. I will also be writing about the main character of this novel Brian Robeson. The title of the novel is Brain's Winter. The novel was written by Gary Paulsen. The purpose of this novel was to inform us and teach us how to survive in the wilderness. I agree with the author's purpose of writing this novel. I think that it is important for us to know how to survive in the wilderness. The literary element that was handled by the author would be the characters. Gary Paulsen gave a good description of the characters like Brian Robeson. He gave me a good image of all the characters in this novel. The main character in this story was Brian Robeson. I think I would like to have Brain help me to survive in the wilderness. I think he learned a lot from his experience in the wilderness and he would be a big help. On a scale of 1 to 5 I would rate this book a 3. The basic reason is because of the great descriptions that the author gave us. In the beginning there wasn't a lot of action and excitement but towards the middle and the end of the novel the excitement picked up with the moose encounter and all the hunting that he did. I thought that the author wrote a great book and the only bad thing was in the beginning of the book. He wasn't as excited as the rest of the book was. In conclusion I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read exciting and adventurous books. This was an overall pretty good book. It was written well.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Few have experienced true struggle through the snow, through hunger, and through survival. In Brian's Winter, true struggle is revealed. Brian is a thirteen year-old kid, when his plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness he has to survive in the woods by himself. Brian must rely on his survival skills to face his deadliest enemy, winter. Brian learns to survive in the wilderness. He survives by learning from his surroundings. He uses tools from the plane to build a tent to protect himself, and to make a fire to keep warm. After a spring in his gun broke, he makes weapons out of what he can find. He hunts birds and rabbits, until winter comes and he has to hunt bigger animals to stalk up on food for the winter. He is very resourceful for using branches to make spears, bow, arrows, and snowshoes. This book was a best seller but I didn't like it. The plot in this book was to simple. After a while nothing new happened. It is was just a survival story on how Brian has to learned how to survive in the wilderness. I think it would have been better if more thinks happened. It also would have been better if it had more characters. In the wilderness all Brian did was learn how to hunt. If you like books about survival, you would like this book.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: I read the book Brian's Winter written by Gary Paulson. I think that Paulsen wrote this book for other kids as well as teens to read this book and learn how to survive in the wild if you were ever in Brian Robeson's situation. Gary Paulsen wrote over one hundred children books and a few adult novels. In the book Brian's Winter, how do you think thirteen-year-old Brian ever survived in the harsh, freezing weather? How did he learn how to hunt and kill wild animals? Well, in the next paragraph I will tell you a little about this action- filled novel. To begin with, Brian was on a plan on the way to see his father in Canada. On the way there the plan crashes in the wilderness leaving Brian stranded for a long amount of time. He was really scared and didn't know what to do. He also began to get homesick. Brian began to think about his parents and pretended to see images of them. This really helped him to feel better. Days later, Brian saw a tip of the planes wing stick out of the water. Brian was able to go under and finds a backpack filled with things to help him survive. It contained, a gun with bullets, food, a knife, matches, and a book on how to survive. Brian hunted a deer and a moose. He used every part of the animal. Brian made a vest and later added sleeves, gloves and snow boots. For being Brian's first time stranded in a wilderness, he was very smart in his actions he made. I rate this novel a three out of five stars. I gave it that rating because the same thing happens over and over again. For example, he wakes up in the morning and goes hunting, the next day he does the same thing. He will gather wood for a fire and will do it again not long after that. In my opinion, the ending is more interesting than the middle of the book. Read the novel Brian's Winter and find out if he is rescued or if he dies.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review Review: Brian's Winter Review Do you enjoy survival books; well if you do I got a book for you. Gary Paulsen's Brian's Winter is a survival book for the survivalist in you. This book involves Brian Robeson who went to go visit his father. But the plane he was on had some troubles and crashed in the lake and Brain was stranded there until... Through the days, weeks, and months Brian learned how to repel the deadly mosquitoes. He also learned how to create fire using the tools he had. Over the summer days Brian learned how to hunt and make hunting tools. Another thing that he learned was how to build a shelter to protect him from the rain. To go in to further detail Brian learned how to hunt rabbits, and also he learned how to hunt fool birds. With the skin Brian got off of the rabbits he made a poncho sweater. Then later on he made sleeves for it and a hood to keep his head warm. Then when the cold winter came Brian then made boots and gloves to keep his feet and hands warm so he doesn't get frostbitten. To rate this book I would give it a 3 out of 5. Do to the fact that you could tell what was going to happen next in the story. Plus it didn't contain that much detail on important events. Also to add Brian didn't use modern tools, which an average backpacker would most likely carry. To conclude this book is a good novel. It involves a main character, somewhat good plot. My opinion is that I would recommend this book to other people interested in to survival book readers. Also I would recommend this book to first time back packers do to the fact that they might learn a thing or to.
Rating:  Summary: Brain's Winter Review: The title of the book is Brain's Winter, and the author is Gary Paulsen. The book starts off when Brian Robenson, who is thirteen years old, is going to see his father in Canada, and he gets into a plane crash. The plane crashes into a lake and it is surrounded by wilderness. Brian has to try to hunt for food but he has never hunted before and does not want to kill any animals. He does not know but winter is coming soon and if he does not get things prepared for the winter he will probably freeze to death. What will happen to Brian when the winter comes? To start off with, Brain was stranded in the wilderness for 94 days and he had done these things to help him survive. Brian made tools, such as a lance to kill big animals, and some arrowheads for his bow and arrow. He also made things like a vest, a hood, gloves, and he made things like a shoes from the rabbit fur so it keeps his feet warm. Brian learned that you could use everything in the animal. The thing he used most was the meat and the fur. One big event was when the moose attacked Brian. The moose knocked him out and when he woke up the moose was on him with the lance in the chest of the moose. When Brian woke up he was in so much pain, but he had to get the moose back to the shelter because other animals could have eaten it and because there was a lot of food to last him for a long time. Those are some of the big events that Brian had did or faced. The rating I would give this book is a three because it was a good book but is was boring in some of the parts. Also it was really exciting in other parts and I wanted to keep reading. The book left me with some suspense at the end of the book. I would recommend this book to people because is was a good novel to read in your spare time. Read the novel Brain's Winter and see if Brian gets rescued or if he has to stay in the wilderness longer.
Rating:  Summary: Brians Winter Review: The title of the book is Brian's Winter it is written by Gary Paulsen. Brian Robeson a 13-year-old boy names Brian Robeson has to survive the cold Canadian winter. In the wilderness Brian faces many challenges like food. In order to hunt Brian makes a bow and arrow, a war bow, and a lance. Another challenge is staying warm. In order to stay worm Brian has to make many things the first thing he does is builds a ventilation system for his cave to make a fire inside without being full of smoke. He also, makes gloves, a hooded vest, snow boots, and snowshoes to walk on top of the deep snow without sinking. I think Gary Paulsen wrote this story to tell about survival and just so the reader can enjoy it. He also wrote this as a follow up on the story Hatchet. I think Gary wrote about the setting the best in the woods during the winter, he described it very well. The character Brian develops to the wilderness though out this story. One of the ways he developed was he learned that boiling the meat is better than just cooking it over the flame. Another example he learned is that he is not an animal and the other animals will not respect his territory what he thought was his. The only thing that the book needs is a better ending. I would recommend this book if you like nature or survival stories. On a scale 1-5 I would give this book a 4 only because the ending could have been better.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: ... I would rate this book three out of five stars. I'm not a survival type of guy and that's one of the reasons why I didn't enjoy this book. Also didn't like how the book always revolved around Brian, I would rather have new characters come in and out so it would make the book a little bit more interesting. I would recommend this book to people who like outdoor or survival type story. This book could be read for fun and it could also be read to learn survival tips.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Brian's Winter Final Exam Essay The novel Brian's Winter written by Gary Paulsen is about a young 13-year-old boy named Brian Robeson who was in an airplane accident and now is stranded in the Canadian Wilderness. He will need to find his own way on getting food, making a shelter, and clothes. Winter started coming and Brian didn't know how to prepare, which left him not ready for the frigid temperature and finding food to eat. What do you think Brian used to help him make his clothes? Do u think Brian will survive in the wilderness? I think Gary Paulsen wrote this novel to teach kids how to survive in the wilderness. I liked the setting of the story because it's in winter and when it snows it makes towns look pretty and the authors choice of words makes it easy for me to picture how pretty it would be in the wilderness when its snowing. Brian has become stronger and smarter after being stranded in the wilderness. He now knows how to survive on his own. I would want Brian to help me to survive in the wilderness because he knows exactly what to do in a position like that. I think Brian is a very brave young man to go threw 94 days in the wilderness all by him self trying to survive (hunted for food, fished, made a shelter, and made his own clothes). He also survived a moose attack. I rate this book a 5 out of 5 because I like the setting and I think the author did an outstanding job on this book. I also liked this book because it's an action type of book and I like books with action in it. I thought it was very interesting. If I was to change anything in this story I'd take out the beginning when it was all nice and beautiful out and then it turns cold and snowy. Id just start the story when he first saw the snow coming down.