Rating:  Summary: I found this book very interesting Review: Scorpions is a great book I would rate it a ten on a scale from one to ten. I found this very interesting to read about liked the way the story formed and did not drag on. I would recommend this book to any one who likes to read about gangs and fighting. The reason I find this book interesting is because gangs are neat and good to learn about so you don't join one some day. The only thing that I do not like about this book is that they place a 12-year-old in a gang. I also like this book because it teaches people about gangs in our world today. If I had the chance to read this book again I would because it shows people reasons why not to join gangs.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book Review: Scorpions is an all around good old book. It has good cooking, cleaning, and awesome fight scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Scxorpions Review: I give this book four stars. This book is very good. In the beginning of the book you meet the characters. Two of the main characters are Jamal and Tito. Jamal is a black boy who is very poor. He is medium sized with coarse black hair. He gets into lots of fights because some kids make fun of him. This makes him feel small inside, and the only way he knows how to fix these problems is to us his fists. He also deals with this by drawing. He felt worried abut his mother who is working all the time who is trying to get money for his brother Randy 's appeal because he held up a convenient store and shot the clerk. Tito is a Puerto Rican boy who is Jamal's best friend. He is quiet and good student and encourages his drawing. He and Jamal also dream of a better life together. When Jamal joins the Scorpions, he joins too because he is a loyal friend. If you want a book that is set in Harlem, New York, this is the book for you. If you want a book that is about good loyal friends this is also the book for you. I would recommend this book to you if you like action loyalty and happiness.
Rating:  Summary: Scorpions, The Book Know by every New Yorker! Review: "I am the leader of the Scorpions". Those were the exact words of the young man, Jamal Hicks, in this realistic fiction story by a well know author Walter Dean Myers. The Scorpions are a gang in New York. The Scorpions force Jamal to join. Now Jamal faces alot of conflicts in school, at home, and even outside while trying to leave the Scorpions! There are several of characters, mostly minor, but they are all well developed. It tells the story of a young man named Jamal and his family going through the trouble of not having a father around and having an older brother, Randy, in jail. It explains his experiences trying to be the man of the house and trying to protect his family through rough times, of having to get a job to support his family. It discusses how a gang that his brother was in helps out the family and how they take Jamal and try to help him. This does not work out when they give him a gun and he hurts the people who he loved the most, like his friend Tito. So if you want to find out what happens to Tito, Jamal, Randy and his family read Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers.
Rating:  Summary: Scorpions, a sad realistic story. Review: Scorpions was one of the books that I had to read for school. At first I didn't want it, but then when I read it I found that I learned alot about discion-making.This is a great book for kids ages 12+ years of age.
Rating:  Summary: Scorpians Review: I read the book Scorpians,by Walter Dean Myers. It is a very touching story of the hardships and life of a boy named Jamal.When Jamal's brother Randy went to jail for shoting someone Jamal is left to be the "man of the house" with his hard working mom and his 8 year old sister Sassy. When Jamal's brother Randy tells him he wants him to be the new leader of the Scorpians (his brother's gang)Jamal isn't so sure what to do. When he meets up with Mac who is his brother's friend and a Scorpian Mac gives him a gun a gun that will change Jamal's life.The other people on the gang dont want Jamal to be the new leader, they think he is to young.So Jamal and his best friend Tito dont know what to do.They are faced with many hard choices to decide on. Everyone should read this book because it explains how life really is for a family with out a lot of money who live in the city. Jamal is faced with many hard things in this book like alot of hard choices to make, alot of violance, alot of drugs and many other things.This book was wonderful and ful of action, suspence, and sadness too, it is soooo real.
Rating:  Summary: Scorpions: An Amazing Book Review: The book, Scorpions, was a great book. Walter Dean Myers wrote the book in such a way that the words grabbed you in a death-lock and would not let you until the very end. It was almost impossible for me to put the book down once I started reading. The main characters were written so well that I could actually picture them in my imagination. The exciting plot kept me on the edge of my seat until the last paragraph. What impressed me the most, though, was the dialogue. Myers wrote it as a person would talk, not as the person was reciting a grammar book. The only thing I would change about the book is the ending. I think Myers could have done a better describing the events that occured. He kind of kept me hanging, so to speak. Other than that mioner detail, I really enjoyed the book. I hope I can read other good books like this in the future.
Rating:  Summary: EXTRA CREDIT Review: The book scorpions is one of the grastest books made. It couldof been a five star if the writer mabe me thing about what was goingto happen next. This is almost the only book I have read the whole thing. This book is a great to read to the class for teachers. I thing there could of been more mistory to it but other wise it was a great book. There was planty of action in the book. I thing this is a good book to read to some one or by your self at any age. ...
Rating:  Summary: REPORT Review: In the book Scorpions, I rate it 4stars because I could tell what some things where going to happen next. If you like books that let you on this would be a great book. I like a book the leaves me thinking what is going the happen next. But this is a great book to read. This is one of the only books I read the whole book. To tell the truth I dislike reading. In the book there are many very interasting parts.... This is a fantastic book for me to read. By Kyle Calam AGE:13
Rating:  Summary: Scorpions Review: This was a very good book. This book deals with things that happen in real life, that's what makes it so good. It takes place in New York and is about a boy named Jamal. He is asked to lead his brother's gang because his brother is in jail. Jamal is not sure if he wants to lead his brothers gang. One of the reasons he is afraid is the fact that no one will listen to him because he is younger. The gang sells drugs on the streets. Jamal will do anything in his power to get his brother out of jail. But should Jamal sell drugs and go the easy way to get the money for his brothers appeal? Or does he do it the hard way and work for it? What will Jamal do? What decisions will he have to face down the road? Read the book and find out like I did.