Rating:  Summary: She saw the darkness before the light Review: Keisha Montgomery, a senior at Hazelwood High School, has lurked in nothing but darkness since the death of her friend Robby, and boyfriend Andy. It seems like the whole world is crashing down on her and she will be next to be eliminated by the darkness. She can't get over the pain, hurt, and guilt that has subsided her and for a long time she hasn't seen any light, hope, or happiness.
But then, Jonathan Hathaway, a twenty-year-old college student and son of Hazelwood High's principal, enters Keisha's life. Keisha is taken aback by this very handsome, sweet, poetic, and mature man who seems to charm her with every word. At first Keisha pays no mind to this man, thinking he is a mere college student who is too old for her anyway, but John seems truly interested in her. He is unlike the other high school boys-he's mature, writes poetry, and is interested in the same things Keisha is interested in. He looks at her a lot, always stops to speak with her, and is a gentleman to Keisha. Soon she realizes that Jonathan Hathaway is something different, something special, and something she can't afford to waste. Despite her parents' explicit disapproval, Keisha goes out to spend time with Jonathan. Her parents tell her that he is too old, and after the first time it is the last. But Keisha lies to her parents and goes out with him anyway. Keisha's parents truly love her, and she is precious and not quite grown yet although she's eighteen, but Keisha uses her age as an excuse to do whatever she wants. She is blind to what can happen when alone with an older man she doesn't know the truth about.
What adds to the superbness of this book is how Keisha's friends and family all give warning signs about Jonathan. Leon, the boy with the crush on Keisha, doesn't like Jonathan because he's "too nice with younger girls". Jalani, Keisha's newest friend, constantly warns Keisha about Jonathan. Keisha's parents inform her that she's young and vulnerable and Jonathan may not be safe, but Keisha doesn't want to listen to anybody. The constant disapproval by Keisha's peers and family intimates that Jonathan is not what Keisha thinks he is and that soon Keisha will realize her peril.
Once again, Keisha Montgomery plunges into darkness. She falls into a trap and doesn't realize how much danger she's in. She can't believe how stupid she must have been to trust Jonathan Hathaway's seemingly caring personality, which is totally fake and an act to get Keisha into the situations he has placed many young girls. Why does Keisha fall into darkness? Does she ever get out? Does she ever see the light? Find out by reading this exceptional novel, Darkness Before Dawn, by Sharon M. Draper.
Rating:  Summary: this book hepled me alot Review: before i read this book, i didnt have a clue as to what type of things guys can do out there in the world. When Kiesha thought Jonathan was the cure for her problems, i thought she was right. but when i read on, i was obviously wrong. I took advice from this book such as me now listening to my parents and friends thoughts and feelings. a couple of weeks before i read this book, i had ran off with an 18 year old, and im only 12. my mom was hurt when she found out. i felt alful and now i know how keisha's mom and dad felt. when Edna showed up and saved Kiesha after she ran out of Jonathans apartment, i knew that if you helped someone, then they will show up and help you. i loved this book and sharon m. draper. i hope to one day be as good as a writer as her. r.i.p andy
Rating:  Summary: Darkness Before Dawn Review: Darkness Before Dawn was the best book! Everyone should read it. It shows you that you can cope with things no matter how bad they get, and how hard it might seem. It shows you that you should be especially careful who you trust, and that you can always count on a friend and even the kindness of strangers. Keisha couldn't have survived her seinor year if she hadn't had both during her incredibly rough timne at Hazelwood High.
Rating:  Summary: Which path to choose Review: Darkness Before Dawn How would you feel if the one person you truly loved killed themself's? Well if you want to come close to knowing how that feels i think you should read Darkness Before Dawn By: Walter dean Myers. Once you start reading this book you will not want to put it down. This book will leave everyone sad and emotional. This is one of the best books of the decade in my opinion. When 18 year old Keisha Montgomery first found out that her ex-boyfriend Andy had committed suicide she couldn't believe it. Keisha didn't think that she could even go on with her life because the love she had for Andy was so strong. Keisha thinks that she can never get over Andy until she meets Jonathan the good looking son of her school principal. And that is when things start going downhill for keisha. All of the things that she had ever feared will slowly creep up on her. Once you read this book it will leave you wondering who you can and can't trust. Some will find out the easy way and some like Keisha will have to find out the hard way. Even though teens have a hard time listening to what their parents say they should try once i a while because just when you least think it they might have the answers to all the questions you have. Like when Keisha"s parents told her not to go out with Jonathan because he was 5 years older then her she didn't listen. The only thing she got out of it was heartache and misery. Just because you are 18 years old does not mean that you know everything in life. Even if you want to be the kind of person that doesn't want to live by your parents words at least try. Never Keisha thinks just because Jonathan looks nice that he is a gentlemen but all that is about to change when she gets a little closer to him. Keisha's Parents tell her " we don't think that you should be out with someone who is 5 years older then you." Even hey friend tell's her " Girl there is something about that boy that i just cant get." But keisha is very hard headed and doesn't listen. After reading this book I found out that you can never trust someone just because of the way that they look. First you need to get to know them on the inside then you can judge them. I think that listening to your friends and parents once in a while is not so bad. They can save you from a lot of harm. So if you want to know all the things I know now I think you should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Which path to choose Review: Darkness Before Dawn
How would you feel if the one person you truly loved killed themself's? Well if you want to come close to knowing how that feels i think you should read Darkness Before Dawn By: Walter dean Myers. Once you start reading this book you will not want to put it down. This book will leave everyone sad and emotional. This is one of the best books of the decade in my opinion. When 18 year old Keisha Montgomery first found out that her ex-boyfriend Andy had committed suicide she couldn't believe it. Keisha didn't think that she could even go on with her life because the love she had for Andy was so strong. Keisha thinks that she can never get over Andy until she meets Jonathan the good looking son of her school principal. And that is when things start going downhill for keisha. All of the things that she had ever feared will slowly creep up on her. Once you read this book it will leave you wondering who you can and can't trust. Some will find out the easy way and some like Keisha will have to find out the hard way. Even though teens have a hard time listening to what their parents say they should try once i a while because just when you least think it they might have the answers to all the questions you have. Like when Keisha"s parents told her not to go out with Jonathan because he was 5 years older then her she didn't listen. The only thing she got out of it was heartache and misery. Just because you are 18 years old does not mean that you know everything in life. Even if you want to be the kind of person that doesn't want to live by your parents words at least try. Never Keisha thinks just because Jonathan looks nice that he is a gentlemen but all that is about to change when she gets a little closer to him. Keisha's Parents tell her " we don't think that you should be out with someone who is 5 years older then you." Even hey friend tell's her " Girl there is something about that boy that i just cant get." But keisha is very hard headed and doesn't listen. After reading this book I found out that you can never trust someone just because of the way that they look. First you need to get to know them on the inside then you can judge them. I think that listening to your friends and parents once in a while is not so bad. They can save you from a lot of harm. So if you want to know all the things I know now I think you should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Reality...nuh uh Review: I had heard about this book and thought it would be a good idea to buy it. I could relate to a lot of issues in the book, and when I read the jacket cover and learned what it was about, I thought I would be able to relate. Keisha deals with suicide in the book, and I lost my sister four months ago to self-inflicted gun wounds. Keisha also dates a 23 year old man, while she is only 17. Last summer, I had an extremely serious relationship with a 22 year old man when I was 16. When I read the book, I thought the characters were too underdevolped and the plot was too heavy. I thought it was terribly unrealistic and didn't have very much emotion in it. It had a good idea, and a good story to tell, but I felt there were so many different teen-issues in the book, and it was too much to deal with such as suicide, dating an older man, anorexia, etc. This is the kind of book I exected to read in one sitting and be entertained by it, not something I would read in a lit. class. I wasn't expecting it to be really emotional, but it was hardly entertaining. I am not picky..I typically like everything.
Rating:  Summary: A Great BooK! Review: I have read Forged By Fire and Tears of a Tiger and this book is the best out that series.... It goes more in dept about Andy's girlfriend Keisha Montgomery... She is trying to cope with Andy's death (After he killed himself). This left her life in complete horror. This led her to look for love in the worng places when it right in here face. I think all high school girls that may be in this situation should read this book. It is very good and I think that many people can relate to it.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly unrealisitc Review: I read Draper's first 2 books, Tears of a Tiger and Forged by Fire, and they were awesome. I was really happy to see that she had a new book out. But this book disappointed me. The characters seemed so unrealistic. Just the way they would speak made me think that Draper had had no experience with teenagers--even though she is a high school teacher. I also thought that the author tried to cram too many "issues" into one book. The plot was weak, too. I couldn't identify with any of the characters and I thought that they weren't developed enough. I was truly surprised and disappointed with this book.
Rating:  Summary: Love Review: I really enjoyed this book i would actually read it over and over. I think that what happen to Keisha can happen to a female everyday i feel that forJonthan to be so sweet how could he be so cruel I think that he acts the way he acts because he has a mental problem or he's suffering from something that occured in his childhood. He really didn't learn his leason about Keisha or his past victum because he went out and prayed on another female. I think he should be looked away and they should through away the key. I don't know how anybody could commite such a crime. I pray that all men like him get looked up forever, they should have to suffer mentally and physically let all those women did.
Rating:  Summary: Tracaria Perry Bak msoa prd2 Review: I think darkness beforedawn was a very good book. Every page was a cliff hanging page and left my mind boggling inside and and supicious of what is gonna happen next . The part that had me running around the house screaming is when Johnathan Hathaway went crazy and tried ti rape Keisha. That really blew me away you would have never thought that the "lemon drop wrapped in licorice" Keisha quotes would ever be a sick person like that. All in all what made the story twisted and a story to talk aboutis when Keisha found out that that was not Johnathan's first time dis-respecting a girl but he has gotten out of control once two many times. Due to all the nights i cried for Keisha and clapped for her i learned that you have to watch out who you put your trust in even though the description of Johnathan sounded real i would not have gave my self up to him that easily. Darkness before dawn was a great book.