Rating: Summary: What really happened to the Cheese? Review: I am the cheese, he is the cheese. No, he is Adam Farmer the main character of the book. But, is he really? This story is about a young teenage boy who embarks on a journey into the past, trying to find out who he is. What are his secrets? He is aroused to find out from the moment he finds two birth certificates!This book may appear complicated at first. There are three stories in one: a trip Adam Farmer makes on a bicycle to find his father, mentally.But physically is he really on a trip to Rutterburg Vermont? Then there are the gruelling tape sessions, where a phsychiatrist in a mental assylium tries to help Adam find out about his past, and who he is. All his memories have been blanked out, by fear of what really happened. This book does not house a circus of many characters. However each character is individually wrapped in a mysterious covering. As you open the first page of the book you are a detective, piecing the clues together and slowly unwrapping identities. Though, this book is realistic, and fortunately what happened to Adam Farmer is not a usual event in our lives. I think the main character is brave, and I admire his will to live, alone. If you like reading colourful books, then this one is not for you. The settings are drab, rainy and cold. You can't trust anyone for even a second. Not even sweet Amy Hertz. Adam's girlfriend, for even she could be trying to kill Adams father, and family. Trying to squeeze out the secret, government information out of him. Adam's father has to protect it, and his country. But is it all worth putting your family at risk? This thriller detective story doesn't hand out many clues. It is hard work, stretching your imagination wondering, why, how...Who? Perhaps the plot is a bit exxagerated but it's a mean world, and that's highlighted in this book. Don't worry if you can't catch all of the clues, it's all pieced together in the end. However don't let anything slip your attention - not even a certain nursery rhyme. I thought that this book. "I am the Cheese" was very good. It makes you think about the past, your past, and what it means, without beeing a historical novel. As each page unfolds, a new ghasp shall escape your lips. It is a sad roller coaster ride of surprising twists and turns which ends in tears, and thoughts. I wouldn't recommend this book for the light hearted, but for anyone that enjoys a challenge and an exciting read. Carolyn de Kock
Rating: Summary: What a title! Review: [...]P>A boy Adam Farmer has a father and mother who are both only want the best for him as a child, but he is stuck. The both are trying to protect him from the truth, which could end up in getting him killed, his parents decide to keep it from him. But after the government agents get a message that Adams father is dead and that his mother has been dead for some time it is their chance to question Adam. They send a Dr Brink to the asylum where Adam is and he tries to get the truth about what happened to him and his family in the past. Although Adam does not know whether to trust Dr Brink or not the doctors and nurses have given him medication that makes him speak his mind. But there is still one big problem for Dr Brink. Does Adam really know what happened or is his mind still confused? Has Adam been able to pick up the clues that his parents dropped for him on the way? The book really captured me with its thrilling actions and by the way everything was described and written out. I found this book really unusual that it jumped from scene to scene and in the beginning it lost me. But as I read on I came to understand what was going on. I think that the author’s intentions are serious with the way that he writes the book. He installs fear in your mind when the dog was barking at Adam. I quote “ The dog is ferocious and I am terrified. He is waiting for me …” on page 30. He puts wonder into your mind that there might be a big mystery behind what has happened to your own family in the past. I really enjoyed the book. I was excited to see what would happen next. Would Adam spill it all out to Dr Brink or not?
Rating: Summary: Road to Nowhere Review: This book began in an interesting manner and quickly roped in my interest, but the ending, which is touted as some mind-blowing revelation the likes of which have never been seen was something that could be seen from light years away. Letdown is a bit of an understatement. Not only that, but many things relating to the conspiracy gradually revealed within the book are simply unexplained. The tremendous build-up to nothing simply ruined it for me. It's not becuase the book was confusing, which it wasn't, not because it wasn't stamped out from a cookie cutter, and not because of any dreadfully complex metaphors that I didn't enjoy the book, simply the excitment and eagerness I invested in the book while reading it that were not gratified. Granted, the actual plot of Adam's double life is a bit absurd, butI decided to overlook that. But the ending! I enjoyed the ending of "The Wizard of Oz" when I first saw it, but hey, I was 5. I suppose I've matured since then. Maybe the ending was stupendous when it was orignally published, but after 'Dallas', it's hardly noteworthy anymore.
Rating: Summary: a GrEaT bOoK wiTH a ChiLLiNg eNdiNg Review: Robert Cormier's I AM THE CHEESE is an origanal book with a wonderful plot and a chilling ending. My only complaint with the book is that the first time I read it I was throughly confused with the different time settings, the past tense, presant tense, the narreter speaking, and first person speaking. The second time I read it I understood just HOW to read it, and enjoyed it more. As you near the end of the book everything falls together, the story is revealed, and it comes to a chilling close. After I read this book twice I read Cormier's other book, THE CHOCOLATE WAR. I found nearly no similarities between the two books. I AM THE CHEESE is one of my favorites. The story of a young boy searching to find his past, at the end of the book he realizes everything that has happened to him, and it comes to a creepy ending. I absolutly LOVED this book, and would recomend it to teenagers and adults.
Rating: Summary: Magnificent Review: This book was utterly amazing. It is truly an unexpected masterpiece. As the story begins, the young, naive, shy, Adam Farmer is taking a trip from Massachusetts to Vermont. However, as this boy's story continues we realize that this is not only a trip to Vermont but a trip through his life. He slowly fills in the missing pieces of his puzzling life as the story continues before coming to a shattering climax and end. While the story is carefully written and woven together masterfully, the suspense of the story slowly grows with each sentence. It is a story that you can oddly relate to and yet is nothing like anything that you have ever experienced before. This is an amazing novel that is not only for young adults but for adults as well. I cannot express enough how fantastic and amazing this book is. Words seem to fall short of its ability to draw a reader in until they, like Adam Farmer are enwrapped in all of this chaos and darknesss. The ending leaves you breathless and almost sorry you finished reading it. While I have read many books of every genre that is out there, this is book is like no other and has found a place in my heart always. This book truly is magnificent.
Rating: Summary: BRILLIANT Review: Robert Cormier has written many books, but this one is a rare find. Not often do you ever find a story of such caliber, with a mixture of phsycological suspense, as well as mystery. After time, the picture of a person gets painted, and everything is related to something else. This book is a horror story, sent to the reader with such talent, that only Cormier himself could have pulled off. An awesome find of a book if you ever get the chance to read it. I wouldn't recommend this book if you need an English class to teach you what it means. If you're into suspense, mystery, a book to absorb yourself in, then this book is for you. Many people who read this book, are around 12 and 13 years old, I feel that unless you have an advanced reading level and acute understanding, at that age, you won't catch all the subtle hints that Cormier has to offer. If you found the book hard to understand when reading it in the 7th grade or lower, don't get mad, and don't get discouraged, pick the book up again in about 3 years, and I can almost guarantee that you'll have a newfound understanding. This book is great for young adults as well as for anyone. It is high on my list of recommendations, a classic that will amaze readers for many years to come.
Rating: Summary: I am the Cheese Review: I am the cheese starts out slow, and is kinda confusing. Once you've become part of the book and begin to think like Adam, the book is great. Robert Cormier creates an illusion from what seems to be real. What is real is actually a figment of the imagination. Everyone should read this book!!!! Young and old can enjoy the confusion and discovery this book offers.
Rating: Summary: The Cheese Stands alone. Review: First of all, this book is WACKY! My seventh grade honors class was FORCED to read it. It is very understandable but the plot is a little zany. A boy rides a bike around...This book was also an eyeopener to some people life styles. Cough-Arthur-cough. Now, I know that he was trying to send a message of some sort but I couldn't exactly figure it out. What - their are loony people out their? This book was also the [back side] of MANY jokes. Anyway, I found this book.... interesting.
Rating: Summary: Carly's Review Review: I have mixed emotions about this book. Part of me liked it because it was, in a way, a mystery. Throughout the whole story I was wondering if Amy was actually Adam's friend, or if she was another person tryin to kill he and his family.Each character kept changing along the way and eventually their original name was discovered. Although I enjoyed the mystery of the book, I didn't however, like the way everything came together at the end. The whole story is about Adam trying to find his dad on his bike and in the end he ends up in some sort of hospital. This forced me to put a lot of thought into what I had read and I got confused, confused to the point where I had to read the whole book over. But once I understood the conclusion, it made much more sense. The whole time he was trying to make progress on past information about his family, and at the end, his life came together just a like a puzzle. I like Cormier's style of writing, and I plan on reading another one of his books.
Rating: Summary: My favorite book on earth! Review: I am an avid reader. I have read many many books, and this book is by far my favorite. I love the way things are implied and you can really understand it, I love the concept, and I very highly recommend this book! Anyone will love it!